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Teen fatally shot after brandishing gun at legally armed man.

More States Loosening Gun Restrictions, Empowering Citizens to Defend Themselves

As more and more ​states across the country loosen restrictions on the carrying of handguns, more and more would-be victims are defending themselves.

Amid a nationwide rise in violent and property crimes, constitutional carry laws in places such as Florida,⁢ Nebraska, and Mississippi ​are turning people into their own first responders. In years past, those people might have found themselves defenseless while in grave danger.

That was ​not the case in Greenwood, Mississippi, on Sunday, when a⁤ man was almost the‌ victim⁣ of ⁣an armed robbery, police said.

According to reports, a man whose identity has been withheld was walking down a street in the city when⁢ he was ‍approached by Kyler Matthews,‍ 18.

The Leflore County Sheriff’s Department said​ Matthews‌ pulled ​a gun on the man and demanded money, The Greenwood Commonwealth reported Monday.

The man happened to be “lawfully armed” and on ⁢the way home from a trip to a convenience store⁤ just after 4 p.m., authorities said.

Bill Staten, a detective with the sheriff’s department, explained⁢ what happened to Breitbart News.

“Matthews ⁢confronted him, asked him for a smoke or a ⁢cigarette lighter, ​and the man ‌said he didn’t have one,” Staten said.

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“Matthews then turned away and turned back around suddenly‌ and shoved a gun ‍in the‌ guy’s chest,” ​he said.

“The ‍guy immediately reacted by pushing Matthews’ gun away,” the detective ⁢said.

Staten said the quick-thinking ⁤and law-abiding citizen then fired ​one shot ⁣at the 18-year-old that struck⁢ him in⁢ the shoulder.

Matthews was taken to a local hospital, but he died there.

Three years ago,​ The Greenwood Commonwealth ‌reported that a 15-year-old Kyler Matthews⁣ had been charged with “conspiracy to ⁣commit murder‍ enhanced by‍ street ‍gang association” and other offenses.‍ It’s unknown whether he​ was convicted.

The death of any young⁣ person is ⁢a tragedy, ‌but it ‌is unknown how far the alleged robbery attempt ⁢Sunday might have gone.

A man⁣ on his way home from a store could have ended up the person dead or injured.

Criminals strike day and night, and they tend to choose victims they believe to be‌ vulnerable.

Those who live outside the law seek targets ​they believe are not​ likely to be armed, physically strong, or aware of their surroundings.

Sadly, in many cases, women‌ are victimized, as are seniors.

In this⁣ case, authorities say, a robbery attempt turned deadly — but for the perpetrator. A man made a decision to lawfully purchase a firearm, learned to⁤ use it, and did not hesitate to act​ when ⁤another person’s decisions put him in the position to defend himself.

Stories of ordinary people‍ standing up to criminals are becoming more⁣ prevalent.

They can all thank the country’s Founders for enshrining their right to defend themselves in the Constitution.

The post Teen ​Winds Up Shot Dead After Pulling Gun on ‘Lawfully Armed’ Man appeared first on The Western Journal.

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