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Tennessee GOP Rep Sponsors Bill To Strip Qatar Of Ally Status Unless They Kick Out Hamas Leaders

Tennessee Congressman Takes Stand Against Qatar’s‍ Support for Hamas

In a bold move, a ​Tennessee GOP congressman is co-sponsoring a bill that aims to‌ strip Qatar of‌ its special status as⁢ a prime ally of the United States. The⁢ reason? Qatar’s continued support for the leaders of the terrorist group⁢ Hamas, who⁣ have been living lavish ⁤lifestyles in the country while ⁤the people of Gaza suffer in poverty.

According to a report from the Foundation⁤ for the⁣ Defense of ⁤Democracies (FDD), Hamas⁣ leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Khaled Mashal, ⁣and Abu ⁢Marzuk have amassed fortunes‍ worth billions​ of dollars while ‌residing in ​Qatar.‌ The country provides Hamas with⁢ significant financial⁤ support, ranging from $120 million to $480 million⁢ annually.

Congressman Ogles, who co-sponsored the bill, expressed his concerns‌ about Qatar’s support for Hamas, ⁢stating, “As Hamas terrorists continue to wreak havoc on the lives of innocent Israeli civilians, the United​ States must ⁢ensure there is ⁣no ally supporting them. Sadly, the State of Qatar is ⁢still⁤ funding and supporting‍ Hamas as​ its‍ leadership enjoys political refuge in ⁣Doha.”

Call ⁤for Action

In response to the ​recent ​Hamas​ massacre ⁣of 1,400 Israelis, Congressman Ogles outlined three crucial steps for Qatar:

  1. Unequivocally condemn Hamas
  2. Extradite Hamas leaders from Doha
  3. Never let‌ Iranians‌ see ‌that ⁢$6 billion

Joined by Arizona GOP Rep. Andy Biggs, Ogles sent a‍ letter ‌to⁤ the Qatari Ambassador to the United States, emphasizing the⁢ need ⁢for⁢ Qatar ⁤to stand with the United States⁢ and denounce the violence perpetrated by Hamas.

We write to you‍ with ⁤grave concern regarding ⁢Hamas’s unprovoked and criminal assault against the State of Israel. This conflict, which has led to the murder of more than a ​thousand Israelis, ‍has strengthened ⁢the resolve of the⁤ United States to​ stand resolutely ⁤in support of our ‍allies in Jerusalem. Neither Hamas nor any state ⁢or non-state actor contributing to these attacks against the people‌ of Israel will be successful in their endeavor;‍ they will⁢ meet the ⁤fate ⁤they deserve.

As a‌ partner in the Middle East, we‌ look to Qatar to demonstrate its resolve with ‌the United​ States and to the cause of peace. Murder is always wrong, and‌ we must be unequivocal when confronted with the ⁤kind⁢ of moral depravity demonstrated by Hamas. Look no further than the⁢ decapitated bodies ⁤of infant children to assess the intrinsically evil‍ character of those attacking ⁤Israel today.

The whole world has seen‌ how Hamas leader Ismail ‍Haniyeh​ was ‍able to celebrate his group’s “victory” from⁢ his⁣ office in Doha⁢ — rightfully‍ raising questions‌ among ⁣the‌ American people regarding the​ extent of the relationship between Qatar and Hamas.

The significance‌ of Qatar’s relationship with Hamas is further highlighted by the fact that the ‌U.S. ⁢Central Command’s ⁢forward base in the​ Middle East is located at the Al ‍Udeid air base in‍ Qatar.

Additionally, the United ​Nations Relief⁣ and Works ​Agency (UNRWA)⁢ has provided Hamas with $380 million since 2021. The Biden administration has also⁤ contributed nearly‌ $1⁤ billion ‌to ⁢UNRWA during the same period. The Foundation for⁣ the​ Defense of Democracies‌ (FDD) raised ⁢concerns about taxpayer dollars potentially ending up⁣ in the hands of Hamas, as‍ UNRWA lacks a political screen on⁣ its aid.

FDD ‍noted that the Trump administration had⁤ cut funds ​for UNRWA⁤ due to its ties to Hamas, further emphasizing the need for accountability and⁢ transparency in ‍aid distribution.

What‌ impact does Qatar’s financial aid to Hamas have on the efforts of the international⁤ community to achieve⁤ a ‍lasting peace between Israel and Palestine?

Of innocent ⁢civilians and the destruction of homes and⁤ infrastructure, cannot be tolerated. As a prime ally‍ of the United​ States,​ it ‍is imperative that Qatar takes a strong stance​ against Hamas​ and ends its financial support for the terrorist group.

The letter also⁤ highlights the hypocrisy of Qatar’s support for Hamas, given its ​close ties with the United States.​ Qatar hosts the ​Al Udeid Air ​Base, the largest ‍U.S. military‌ installation in the Middle East, which ⁣plays a crucial role in the ⁤fight against terrorism. However, by continuing⁢ to support Hamas, Qatar undermines its own credibility and ​jeopardizes ⁣its relationship with the United States.

Qatar’s support for Hamas not only contradicts its claims of promoting peace and stability in the ‌region but also hampers ​the⁣ efforts of the international community to achieve a ‍lasting peace between Israel and​ Palestine. Hamas has been responsible for countless acts of violence against Israeli civilians and has rejected​ previous‌ peace agreements.⁣ By providing financial aid ‍to Hamas, Qatar perpetuates the cycle of ⁤violence and hinders any progress towards a peaceful⁤ resolution.

Furthermore, the lavish lifestyles enjoyed by Hamas leaders ⁤in ⁢Qatar while the people of ‌Gaza⁢ continue to suffer in poverty are a stark reminder ​of ‍Qatar’s misplaced priorities. Instead of​ using ⁢its ⁤resources to improve the lives of ⁤the Palestinian people‍ and​ support humanitarian efforts, Qatar chooses ‌to finance terrorism⁣ and protect its own interests.

It is time ‍for the international community to hold Qatar accountable for its support of ​Hamas. ​The bill co-sponsored by Congressman⁣ Ogles sends a strong message that ‌the United States ⁢will not tolerate the⁢ financial backing⁤ of terrorist organizations.​ It also calls on‍ Qatar to take⁤ concrete actions to condemn⁢ Hamas, ⁤extradite its leaders, and cut off their funding.

As the⁣ world faces increasing threats from terrorism, it is crucial that nations work together to combat this global menace. Any country that harbors or supports ​terrorist organizations should be held accountable for its actions. Qatar, as a valued ally of the United ‍States, must⁤ choose between supporting terrorism or standing with the international community in the pursuit of peace and security.

The United States stands firmly with ⁢Israel and will continue to‌ support its right to defend itself against terrorist attacks. It ‍is time for Qatar ‌and ⁤other nations to join us in ‌this fight against terrorism,⁣ rather than contributing to its funding and ⁢perpetuation.

It is our ‌hope that Qatar⁤ heeds the call for ‍action and takes swift measures to disconnect ​itself from terrorist organizations like Hamas. Only ‌then can true progress be made towards⁢ peace and stability in the Middle East.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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