Terrorists Massacre 50+ Christians In ‘Vile And Satanic’ Attack On Nigerian Church

Terrorists massacred dozens of Christian chapel goers in Nigeria upon Sunday prompting a top innovator in the country to promise that each resource at the country’s fingertips would be used to track down these responsible and bring them in order to justice.

The particular terrorists rode up on motorbikes and began shooting people who showed up for mass with St Francis Catholic Chapel in the town of Owo. Explosives were also apparently used.

“A doctor at a hospital within Owo told Reuters that will at least 50 bodies have been brought in to two private hospitals in the town from the assault, ” Reuters reported . “The doctor, who declined to become named because he is not certified to speak to the press, furthermore said there was a requirement for blood donations to treat the particular injured. ”

Guns are strictly controlled in Nigeria as people have “no legal right in order to gun ownership” and “civilians are banned from buying handguns, military rifles or even machine guns, ” AFP documented . “Licenses can be obtained in the police for double-barrel shotguns and hunting guns, yet permission for this has been hanging because of the security situation. ”

CNN noted that such episodes are rare in the area yet are more common in north part of country where Islamic terrorists who belong to Boko Haram carry out such episodes. Knife-wielding Islamic terrorists owned by ISIS executed twenty Christians in Nigeria final month.

“I am deeply saddened with the unprovoked attack and eliminating of innocent people associated with Owo, worshiping at the St Francis Catholic Church, These days, ” Arakunrin Akeredolu, that is the governor of Ondo State in Nigeria, published on Twitter. “The nauseating & satanic attack is really a calculated assault on the peace-loving people of Owo Empire who have enjoyed relative serenity over the years. ”

I am seriously saddened by the unprovoked assault and killing of blameless people of Owo, worshiping at the St . Francis Catholic Church, Today.

The vile and satanic attack is a computed assault on the peace-loving individuals of Owo Kingdom who may have enjoyed relative peace through the years. picture. twitter. com/30fMbfnOxc

— Arakunrin Akeredolu (@RotimiAkeredolu) June 5, 2022

“It is a black Sunday within Owo. Our hearts are usually heavy, ” he continuing. “Our peace and peace have been attacked by the opponents of the people. This is an individual loss, an attack on our beloved state. ”

Akeredolu said that he has voiced with the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ondo, Many Reverend Jude Arogundade, which the church official has been on his way to the picture along with Akeredolu, who needed to cut short a function trip to return to the area.

“This is an unforeseen development. I am shocked to put it lightly. Nevertheless, We shall devote every available resource in order to hunt down these assailants plus make them pay. We will never bow to the machinations of heartless elements within our resolves to rid our own state of criminals, ” he continued. “I desire our people to remain relaxed and vigilant. Do not get laws into your hands. I use spoken to the heads from the security agencies. I have similarly been assured that protection operatives would be deployed in order to and restore normalcy in order to Owo kingdom. ”

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