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Tesla owner sleeps in their electric vehicle almost every night during a 19-day road trip.

Tesla Owner Sleeps in EV Almost Every Night on 19-Day Road Trip

A Tesla‌ owner is sharing an incredible story of how he turned his 19-day road trip into a unique ‍camping​ adventure.

According to Insider,‍ 71-year-old David Craig from⁣ southern California embarked on a 8,500-mile journey in his 2020 Tesla Model S. ⁣Instead of booking motels or⁤ hotels, Craig⁤ utilized the EV’s “Camp Mode” to sleep comfortably in his vehicle each⁢ night.

Craig’s decision ​to camp in his ⁣Tesla was driven by a desire to avoid the stress⁢ of finding accommodations and the potential risks associated with staying ‌in unfamiliar places. “I always know what ‌I’m getting into when I camp in my Tesla,” Craig⁤ explained. ​”Motels can be risky, and ⁢I’ve ⁢had some bad experiences in the past.”

Using Camp Mode, Craig simply reclined the seat, grabbed a pillow and ‌blanket, and settled in for a good night’s⁢ sleep. This ⁤mode regulated the car’s temperature and⁣ allowed him to enjoy music, television,⁢ and lights while conserving‍ energy from the battery.

One⁣ major‍ benefit of‍ this strategy was⁢ that‍ it helped Craig overcome the constant worry of⁤ “range anxiety” – the fear of ‍running out of ⁤battery power. With limited charging stations in certain⁢ areas, this can be a significant concern for electric ⁢vehicle owners.‌ Fortunately, Craig’s Tesla Model S has an impressive range of about 405 miles, according to Tesla.

During his ‍road trip, Craig typically drove for six to 10-and-a-half hours a day, making 20 to 30-minute stops ​to charge his car at lunchtime​ and before‍ going to sleep. He felt safe parking ⁤and sleeping at Tesla Supercharging stations‌ due to the⁢ constant ‍activity and presence‌ of other Tesla owners.

Interestingly, the charging stations were often located near truck stops, providing Craig with convenient access to showers and laundry facilities.

Craig’s experience highlights one creative solution to the challenges faced⁢ by EV owners on long⁣ road trips. While it may not be suitable for everyone, it offers a cost-effective and adventurous alternative to traditional accommodations.

Considerations and ⁢Limitations

It’s​ important to note that sleeping ⁢in a car for an extended period may not be comfortable ‍for everyone. While Craig, at 71 years⁣ old, found it manageable, others may experience discomfort or soreness. Additionally, this approach ⁣may not be suitable for families ‍or multiple travelers, ⁣especially with children, who require more space and comfort.

Furthermore, showering and doing laundry at ⁤truck stops may not appeal to everyone, as it‍ involves sharing facilities with strangers.

While​ this experience may not be exclusive to electric vehicles, the range ​anxiety associated with EVs makes it a⁢ more common consideration. With proper planning, road trips ‌can be⁤ made more enjoyable ⁤and ⁢comfortable for⁢ all ‍travelers.

Source: ​ The Western Journal

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