Texas AG Paxton open to 2020 election audit

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton makes comments during a news conference in Dallas (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:50 AM PT – Saturday, July 24, 2021

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has endorsed an audit of the 2020 election results in his state. During a recent interview, Paxton said voter fraud occurred everywhere and an audit in Texas would reassure voters and help officials correct any existing mistakes.

“I don’t know why we wouldn’t want to give people confidence in our elections and give them the chance to know for sure that they’ve had an audit and things are good or they are bad,” he expressed. “It give us an opportunity to figure out how we want to correct things.”

Paxton’s comments come after Texas lawmakers introduced a bill to conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election results in 13 of the state’s most populous counties. The bill, introduced by Rep. Steve Toth (R) and 15 other Republican lawmakers, would require Texas representatives to submit an outline of the issues in question for the balloting and counting processes within the year.

Meanwhile, Paxton’s office has reported 510 active cases of alleged voter or election fraud within the state, which have occurred over various elections.

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