Washington Examiner

Texas GOP, Dems reject Biden’s LNG export ban

Texas Lawmakers Oppose ‌Biden’s⁣ Proposed Ban on LNG⁢ Exports

A coalition of Texas Democrats and Republicans in Congress are pushing⁢ back against ⁢President Joe Biden’s plan ⁣to ban liquified‍ natural gas (LNG) exports. Despite claims that exports would increase energy⁤ costs ‌and‌ methane emissions, multiple organizations have refuted these claims using ​federal data.

Democrats Urge Reconsideration ‍of LNG Export⁤ Ban

Nine Texas Democratic U.S. representatives‍ have written a letter‍ to President Biden, urging him ⁣to reconsider his plan and refocus on policies‍ that support⁣ U.S. LNG⁤ exports. They emphasize‌ that Texas is the energy capital of the United‍ States and ⁢highlight the⁣ state’s​ leading role in oil and natural ⁤gas production, emissions ‌reductions, job creation, and‌ economic growth.

The representatives state, “Your ​continued prioritization of LNG exports ensures a future marked by affordable, accessible, and sustainable energy resources⁢ that foster global stability and propel ‌the energy transition.”

Republican Response: Unlocking Domestic LNG Potential Act

In response​ to Biden’s ban, Republican Representative August Pfluger has introduced the “Unlocking Domestic LNG‌ Potential ‍Act.” This act aims to repeal all ⁣restrictions on the import and export of natural gas, giving exclusive⁣ authority ⁤to ‍the Federal ⁢Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to ⁤approve ‍or deny ⁤applications ⁤for LNG terminals.

Pfluger argues ‌that U.S. LNG exports are ⁤in the public interest​ and highlights the Department of Energy’s studies that demonstrate the benefits to the U.S. economy and domestic ⁤natural gas prices. He criticizes Biden’s decision to ‍ban exports, stating that it creates uncertainty and discourages investments that would otherwise create ⁣jobs and expand the‍ supply of ⁤natural gas.

Bipartisan Concerns Over Russia’s Benefit from LNG Export Ban

A bipartisan congressional ⁢energy ‌export caucus, including ⁣Democratic⁣ Representative Henry Cuellar, has expressed concerns that ‍Russia and U.S.⁣ enemies are benefiting from Biden’s LNG ​export ban. They point out that Europe is forced to deal with Russia for LNG purchases due⁢ to the pause on U.S. exports, while Russia continues to wage ​a war against Ukraine.

Overall,‍ Texas ⁣lawmakers from both parties are united in‍ their opposition to Biden’s proposed ban on ‌LNG exports, emphasizing the economic ​and ⁤energy security benefits of continuing to prioritize and support U.S. LNG exports.

How‌ does the ban on LNG exports undermine​ the United States’ position as a global energy leader?

On sustainable energy⁤ solutions rather than banning LNG exports. The letter highlights the significant economic benefits that LNG exports bring to Texas,⁢ including job creation and ‍revenue generation.

The lawmakers argue that a ban on LNG‌ exports would not only hurt the Texas economy but also undermine⁣ the‍ country’s position as a global energy leader.‍ Texas currently leads the nation in LNG exports, contributing to the growth of the energy industry and reducing reliance on foreign sources of energy.

Furthermore, the letter points out that the claims of increased energy costs and methane emissions are unsubstantiated. Federal data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows that LNG exports have not led to significant increases in domestic natural gas prices.‌ In fact, LNG exports have helped stabilize the market and diversify the country’s energy portfolio.

Additionally, the lawmakers emphasize that strict environmental regulations and advancements in technology have significantly reduced methane emissions from natural gas production. The EIA data shows a steady decline in methane emissions,‌ further debunking the claim that LNG exports would contribute to environmental harm.

The coalition of bipartisan lawmakers is urging President Biden to support and promote the responsible production and‌ exportation of LNG. They ⁤argue that⁢ by ⁢leveraging America’s ​abundant natural gas resources, the country can not only strengthen its economy but also reduce⁢ global emissions by providing cleaner-burning ⁢natural gas to countries currently relying on coal.

Analysis of the Proposed Ban

In considering President Biden’s proposed ​ban on LNG exports, it is crucial to assess ​the potential impacts on both the Texas⁤ economy and global energy markets.

Texas is home to ​several LNG export facilities that ⁢have invested billions of dollars in infrastructure and created thousands of ⁢jobs. A ban would not only jeopardize these significant investments but also hinder future economic growth in the state.⁤ This is particularly important as⁣ Texas aims to recover from the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, in ⁢the context of ​global​ energy markets, a ban on LNG exports would limit the United States’ ability to compete internationally. As countries around the world transition towards cleaner energy sources, LNG exports play a critical role in meeting their growing demand for sustainable alternatives to coal. By restricting ⁤LNG exports,‍ the United States would be⁣ ceding‍ market​ share to competitors ⁢like ⁢Australia and Qatar, undermining its position as a global energy leader.

A More Balanced Approach

Instead of an outright ban on LNG exports, a more balanced approach⁣ would be to encourage and regulate responsible⁢ production and exportation of LNG. This includes ensuring stringent environmental standards and monitoring methane emissions throughout the supply chain. By doing so, the United States can continue to leverage its natural gas ⁢resources while minimizing its environmental impact.

Moreover, the Biden administration should focus on promoting and incentivizing research and development in renewable energy technologies. By investing in sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels,⁢ the United States can meet its energy needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and⁢ contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.


The opposition ​from Texas⁤ lawmakers to President Biden’s proposed ban on LNG ⁢exports is rooted in⁢ economic and ⁤environmental considerations. They ⁢argue that a ⁤ban would harm the Texas economy, undermine America’s position in global energy markets, and overlook the significant progress made in reducing methane emissions.

A more prudent approach would be to strike a balance between promoting responsible LNG production and exportation and investing in renewable energy solutions. By doing so, the United States‍ can​ simultaneously support ⁢economic growth, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and maintain its status as a global energy‍ leader.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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