Texas Gov. Abbott Says South African Travel Ban Is ‘Hypocritical’ As Illegal Immigrants Continue to Cross Open Southern Border

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott blasted President Joe Biden’s ban on travel from South Africa as “hypocritical,” arguing his open border policies have “opened the floodgates” to illegal immigrants.

“Over 50 illegal immigrants from South Africa and other South African countries under the Biden travel ban have been apprehended by CBP this year, with 18 being apprehended this month alone,” Abbott tweeted on Monday.

“Biden’s open border policies must end,” he added.

Over 50 illegal immigrants from South Africa and other South African countries under the Biden travel ban have been apprehended by CBP this year, with 18 being apprehended this month alone.

Biden’s open border policies must end. pic.twitter.com/bGnhHRK0ui

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) November 29, 2021

The governor also issued a statement from his office on Twitter criticizing Biden’s open border policies.

“President Biden’s hypocritical handling of legal travel and border policies has shown the world that the United States is open—as long as you enter illegally. Coming from over 150 countries around the world, including countries covered under the Biden travel ban, President Biden’s hands-off approach to our southern border has opened the floodgates to a 61-year record-high number of illegal immigrants surging into our state,” the statement read.

“Over 50 illegal immigrants from South Africa and other South African countries under the Biden travel ban have been apprehended by CBP this year, with 18 being apprehended in November alone,” the statement added.

Abbott’s statement also emphasized his state’s efforts to respond to Biden’s open border policies through Operation Lone Star.

“Until President Biden stops the hypocrisy and does his job, Texas will continue stepping up to secure the border and protect Texans. Since Governor Abbott launched Operation Lone Star in March, the National Guard and DPS have apprehended over 80,000 migrants and arrested 9,700 who committed a state or federal crime, including smugglers and human traffickers, to crack down on illegal crossings of migrants,” the statement said.

Here’s another look “Behind the Steel Curtain” — this is a view of efforts along the Texas-Mexico Border. To date, since March 2021, when @GovAbbott @GregAbbott_TX launched #OperationLoneStar, the @TXMilitary Dept. has detected, referred, and turned-back more than 90,000 people. pic.twitter.com/xq4qs9anZ1

— MG Tracy Norris (@MGTracyNorris) November 29, 2021

The statement followed Abbott’s first post on Saturday regarding the South Africa travel ban over the recently discovered Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

“Biden banned travel from South Africa because of the new Covid variant,” Abbott tweeted. “Immigrants have recently been apprehended crossing our border illegally from South Africa.”

Abbott referred to the move as “pure politics.”

“Biden is doing nothing to stop immigrants from South Africa entering illegally,” the governor added. “Pure politics and hypocrisy.”

Biden banned travel from South Africa because of the new Covid variant.

Immigrants have recently been apprehended crossing our border illegally from South Africa.

Biden is doing nothing to stop immigrants from South Africa entering illegally.

Pure politics and hypocrisy.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) November 28, 2021

Abbott also renewed the state’s border security disaster declaration on Saturday. The proclamation noted “conditions continue to exist and pose an ongoing and imminent threat of disaster as set forth in the prior proclamations.”

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