The federalist

The Anti-White Racism Governing The Democrat Party Inevitably Spawns Violence

For ‍the past seven months, people have been ⁤curious about why the manifesto of the‍ Covenant School ‌shooter was kept hidden. In Nashville, Tennessee, on‌ March 27, a trans shooter committed a horrifying act, killing six individuals at a⁣ Christian ⁣school, including three 9-year-old children.

Finally, on ⁢Monday,⁣ leaked pages from the manifesto were made public, confirming suspicions that politics played a​ role in its concealment. ⁤The shooter expressed anger towards the students’ “white privilege” and used derogatory language to describe⁤ them. It’s hard to believe that these details ⁢were unrelated to the efforts to keep the manifesto‍ hidden.

Although we only have⁤ a few pages of the manifesto, it doesn’t matter what else the shooter‍ wrote. The fact remains that they targeted white children for execution based​ on their​ skin color.

Unleashing a War ⁤on ‘Whiteness’

This tragic incident is just another example of​ violence ​stemming from the demonization of “whiteness.” The Democratic Party has become fixated on the idea that “whiteness” is inherently evil,​ and this belief has permeated all levels⁤ of authority on the left, including ⁤politics, media, corporate⁤ America, and academia. While not all Biden voters share this hatred towards white people, ⁤attacks on “whiteness” have gained traction‌ among a growing percentage of left-leaning voters.

This ‌narrative of hating “whiteness” has brought together unlikely allies within the Democratic Party. For instance, anti-Israel protests have seen participation from both trans and abortion activists, despite their conflicting worldviews. The ⁤left’s cultural agenda is not popular in the Muslim world, but by framing Israel as “whiter” and “colonizers,” they have found a common enemy in “whiteness.”

Some may argue that anti-capitalism, radical gender ideology, abortion, or⁢ climate change are the issues that unite the⁢ left. However, these issues are now intertwined with the supposed oppression of⁤ nonwhites by whites. Let’s explore a few ‌examples that illustrate ⁣the left’s galvanizing causes.

Abortion and White Supremacy

The ACLU claims that pro-life ​attitudes are rooted⁢ in white supremacy, while media outlets allege that⁢ pro-life policies are racist due to higher abortion rates ⁤among black women. However, they fail to consider that actual racists might prefer to limit the black population through abortion.

Climate Racism

The left has racialized the issue of climate change, discussing it in terms of “climate justice,” “climate ​reparations,” and “climate racism.”

Capitalism and White Oppressors

The left seeks to overthrow capitalism,​ which they view as a system of “whiteness.” By combining their anti-capitalist stance with their hatred of ​whites, they aim⁣ to gain power at the expense of our social fabric.

Replacing Whites Through Immigration

The left’s immigration policies aim⁣ to dilute‌ the ​power of white voters who ⁤are⁣ more likely to support Republicans. This ‍strategy has been openly discussed for decades, yet anyone who notices this goal is labeled‌ as racist.

White ‍Racism in Health Care

The ​left blames white racism for virtually all health disparities, attributing them to ‍”structural racism” and “white Americans.”

Gender Ideology and Oppressive Whites

The left attributes the male-female ‌binary to “oppressive structures⁣ created by whites,” disregarding biological​ facts.

The ‌Genocidal Nature ⁢of Anti-White Racism

These theories, masquerading as insights, are not only dangerous but also reminiscent of genocidal ideologies. The left blames all white people for the ⁣world’s problems, claiming that their survival depends on “correcting whiteness.”

Historically Unparalleled Racism

This anti-white⁢ sentiment​ goes beyond previous theories of discrimination and violence throughout⁤ history. Whites themselves are participating in their own indictment, driven by self-loathing and political strategies ⁣to secure nonwhite votes.

Escalating Toward Violence

The left dismisses these⁢ concerns as a “racist⁤ conspiracy theory,” but their constant blame on white Americans creates ​an environment that ‍could lead to future violence. If voters continue to reward politicians for this behavior, widespread violence is inevitable.

How does the left’s focus on‌ framing climate change as a racial issue affect the urgency and complexity⁤ of the problem?

Asserting ​that⁢ communities of color are disproportionately affected ⁢by environmental issues. ⁤While it ⁤is true that certain communities may face greater environmental challenges,‌ the​ left’s focus on framing climate ‌change as⁣ a‍ racial‌ issue undermines the ⁤urgency and ⁢complexity of the problem at hand.

Radical Gender Ideology

The⁤ left’s⁣ embrace of radical gender ideology often portrays traditional gender roles​ as oppressive and rooted⁢ in white patriarchy. This dismissive narrative not only ignores the cultural diversity within​ communities but also undermines the experiences and values of individuals who do not conform to the left’s preconceived ‌notions‍ of gender.

By intertwining​ these issues with the concept of “whiteness,” the left⁣ effectively⁢ creates an⁢ us-versus-them ​mentality, ⁤stoking division and animosity.⁤​ Furthermore, it allows the left to silence dissenting‌ voices and ​dismiss valid concerns by labeling ‌them ⁢as oppressive or part of the problem of “whiteness.”

Consequences of Demonizing “Whiteness”

The tragic shooting at the Covenant School is⁢ a direct consequence of the left’s demonization⁣ of “whiteness.”⁣ When an entire racial group is scapegoated and denounced as evil, it only perpetuates hatred and violence. ‌By ⁢labeling ⁢white ⁢children as ⁣privileged ‍oppressors, the ‍shooter ⁤felt‌ justified⁣ in targeting ‍them for execution.

Furthermore, this⁢ demonization ⁢of “whiteness” has real-world consequences for everyday individuals. It fosters division ⁢and resentment among communities, making it harder to address societal issues​ together. It also undermines the ‍principles‌ of equality and justice, as it teaches⁢ that individuals should be⁢ judged solely based on ⁢their race, rather than their character or ‌actions.

The left’s ​obsession with ⁣”whiteness” not‌ only harms white individuals but also devalues⁣ the experiences and⁤ struggles⁣ of non-white individuals. It reduces complex ⁣issues to simplistic narratives and fails​ to recognize⁢ the unique experiences, values, and contributions⁣ of individuals from diverse backgrounds.

A Call for Unity and Understanding

In order to ⁢move forward as a society, ​it is crucial to reject the demonization of any racial or ethnic group. We‍ must strive for‍ unity ‍and ‍understanding, recognizing the complexity‍ of individual experiences and addressing societal issues ​with‍ empathy and collaboration.

Political‌ ideologies ‍should not be built on divisive narratives that​ target specific racial‍ or ethnic groups. True progress can only be achieved when we prioritize respect for individual rights, promote dialogue and⁢ exchange of ideas, and work towards common ​goals that benefit all⁣ members of society, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Let us learn from the tragedy ⁢at the Covenant School‌ and ⁣work towards a⁢ future where every​ individual is valued and respected, irrespective‌ of their skin color.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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