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Biden Admin’s bid to halt anti-Israel boycotts in Lebanon flops

The Biden Administration’s Failed Efforts to Stop Lebanon’s Economic Boycotts of Israel

The Biden‍ administration made a strong push to convince the Lebanese government to halt its economic boycotts ‍of Israel, but unfortunately, these diplomatic efforts did not yield any results. According to a non-public State Department report⁤ to Congress, U.S. diplomats stationed ⁢in Beirut consistently urged senior Lebanese officials to ​reconsider their Israel boycott legislation‌ throughout 2022 ‍and 2023.

In addition ⁤to these‌ efforts, ⁢the embassy also raised concerns ‍about Lebanon’s corrosive Boycott, Divestment, and⁤ Sanctions⁤ (BDS) policies during diplomatic engagements ‍surrounding an Israel-Lebanon maritime agreement brokered in ⁤October 2022. However, despite ⁣these attempts, the report does not indicate any success in changing ‌Lebanon’s‍ stance.

Experts in ‌the region, as well as a senior congressional source familiar with ⁣the ⁣State Department’s diplomacy in Lebanon, have revealed ‍that⁤ the Biden administration’s overtures were effectively rebuffed by the⁣ Lebanese government. This failure suggests that Hezbollah, an Iran-backed‍ terror group, continues to exert influence in ‌Beirut,⁤ preventing ⁢the normalization of‌ relations with Israel.

Lebanon’s Struggle with Pro-Israel Policies

“Lebanon is​ a failed state run by an⁣ Iranian proxy, Hezbollah,” said Jonathan Schanzer, a regional analyst‍ and vice president for research at the Foundation⁢ for Defense of Democracies think tank. “The notion‍ that State Department ⁣officials could convince this government to pursue anything resembling a⁣ sane policy toward Israel, or much else for that matter, strikes‍ me ‌as purely wishful thinking.”

The⁣ State Department’s objective in pushing Lebanon closer to its Arab allies, such ‌as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, was to align the country ⁣with the⁢ trend of normalization and ease its economic crisis. These Arab nations have already opened up diplomatic relations with Israel and softened their economic boycotts since⁢ the signing of​ the ‍2020 Abraham Accords ⁣peace ⁢deal.

While​ the State Department did not comment on the report, a spokesperson ​emphasized the United States’ firm‍ rejection⁣ of the BDS movement​ and‍ its commitment to countering efforts to delegitimize Israel. ‍The Biden administration​ remains ‌dedicated to supporting Israel’s integration⁤ into the international community.

During​ the negotiations for the Israel-Lebanon maritime deal in October⁤ 2022,‍ as ⁢well as in​ July of the⁢ same ‌year when‌ a ‌top religious official was arrested for attempting to ⁢import ⁢cash and medicine from Israel, the Biden administration diplomats raised the issue of Lebanon’s BDS‌ policies.

Lebanon and⁢ Syria‌ are the leading Arab countries that continue to enforce full economic boycotts on Israel, aiming to delegitimize the nation and hinder its ‍economic prosperity in the ​region. Despite the State Department’s diplomatic‌ offensive, ⁢Lebanon ⁤has shown no signs of changing ⁣its policies.

Lebanon’s⁣ Disregard for U.S. Influence

One senior⁤ GOP congressional official with ‍knowledge of the State Department’s diplomacy in Lebanon expressed frustration, stating that Lebanon’s refusal to address the issue demonstrates a lack of seriousness⁢ towards⁤ the U.S. ‌government. This sentiment persists despite the significant economic aid that America provides ​to the nation. ⁣”It’s just so incredibly pathetic,” the source said. “Lebanon is a failed state controlled by Hezbollah. The Biden administration pretends [Lebanon] ⁤has a real independent government so they can keep sending⁣ them billions of American taxpayer dollars, but whenever they ask that pretend government to do‍ the most basic things in America’s interest, they get told to fuck off.”

How ⁤have the economic boycotts of Israel by Lebanon ⁣affected Lebanon’s potential for economic⁢ growth and opportunities for​ diplomatic relations?

Ends of the Abraham Accords, which normalized⁤ relations ‌between Israel and several Arab countries. However, with the failed‍ efforts to halt Lebanon’s ‍economic boycotts of Israel, it is clear​ that the Biden⁣ administration’s initiative has not been successful.

The economic boycotts ‍of Israel by Lebanon have been a long-standing issue.⁢ These boycotts restrict any⁣ trade or economic⁤ activities between Lebanon and Israel.​ This not⁣ only hampers Lebanon’s potential economic ⁤growth but⁣ also limits ⁢opportunities for diplomatic relations⁣ and regional cooperation.

The Biden administration recognized the ⁣importance of addressing⁢ this issue and worked diligently to convince the​ Lebanese government to reconsider their boycott legislation. U.S. diplomats stationed in Beirut consistently raised this concern with senior⁢ Lebanese ⁤officials ⁣throughout 2022 and‌ 2023. The goal was to encourage Lebanon to abandon its boycott policies and open up avenues for economic collaboration with Israel.

Furthermore, during diplomatic engagements surrounding an Israel-Lebanon maritime agreement brokered in October 2022, the U.S. embassy in Beirut highlighted the negative impact of Lebanon’s​ boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) policies. These policies further isolate Lebanon and⁣ hinder its potential for economic growth and development.

However, despite these efforts,‌ the State Department’s report to ⁣Congress ​does not indicate any⁢ success in changing⁣ Lebanon’s ⁢stance. This failure signals the continued influence of Hezbollah, an Iran-backed⁣ terrorist group,‌ in Lebanese⁢ politics and their determination to prevent any ​normalization of relations with Israel.

Analysts and experts‍ in the region have ⁤also criticized the Biden administration’s⁣ approach. Jonathan Schanzer, a regional analyst‍ and vice president for research at the ⁤Foundation for Defense⁣ of Democracies think⁣ tank,‍ stated that Lebanon, being a failed state controlled by Hezbollah, is ‍unlikely to pursue ⁤any reasonable​ policy towards Israel. He believes that the notion of convincing the Lebanese government to change its stance​ is wishful ‍thinking.

The Biden​ administration had hoped that‍ by pushing Lebanon closer ‍to its‌ Arab allies, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, it could align the country with the trend of regional normalization with Israel seen ‍in the Abraham Accords. Unfortunately, the failed efforts in addressing Lebanon’s economic boycotts of Israel highlight the obstacles and influence of Hezbollah that prevent the country from joining this ‍positive development.

In conclusion, the⁣ Biden administration’s⁤ strong diplomatic efforts to convince Lebanon to halt its ‍economic boycotts of ​Israel have failed. Despite consistent pressure from U.S. diplomats and highlighting ‌the negative consequences of these boycotts, the Lebanese government remains steadfast⁤ in its stance. This failure demonstrates​ the⁤ continued influence of ‌Hezbollah in Lebanese politics‌ and their opposition to any normalization of relations with⁢ Israel. Going forward, it is ​crucial for the international community to address these challenges and work towards finding a ⁣solution that promotes economic⁤ growth, regional stability, and diplomatic ties between Lebanon and Israel.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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