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World Economic Forum Embraces Witchcraft

The World Economic Forum: A ⁤Gathering of Elites and Witches

The ⁣World Economic Forum ⁤(WEF) is currently underway, drawing liberal elites from around the globe to the exclusive ⁤Swiss mountain town of‌ Davos. ⁣This annual event ⁢is known ‌for its opulence and the secretive discussions held by the wealthy attendees, ⁤who seem determined to control ​every ‍aspect of our lives. However, this year,‍ they took things to a whole new level by inviting an actual witch to cast spells on the panelists.

The person in the headdress, whom Elon Musk humorously compared to Elizabeth ⁣Warren, performed​ some sort⁢ of non-Christian prayer. It’s anyone’s guess which deity she was invoking. ‌In the midst of her prayer, she carelessly ⁣breathed ⁣on her hands, showing little regard​ for COVID‌ precautions. To make matters worse, she ⁣proceeded to cough directly on the faces of the panelists. These are the same individuals who have been advocating for face masks and discouraging coughing, even implying ⁤that‍ breathing should be minimized. Yet,⁣ here‌ she stood, coughing on the panelists with her presumably bacteria-ridden breath.

On a ⁤spiritual level, one can only wonder what‌ kind of ⁤spirits ⁢she was summoning. She identifies as an ⁤indigenous shaman, which is essentially a politically correct‍ term for a witch.‍ However, this is not​ a new phenomenon. Throughout history, arrogant ⁢elites have been drawn to‍ the absurd practice of occult worship and false gods. Indigenous tribes, Canaanites, and even the ⁢Israelites, when left to their own devices, all succumbed to these ‍practices.⁤ In contrast to shamans and witches, there are priests and prophets. Both ⁢groups engage ​in peculiar ​rituals and wear distinctive attire, but⁢ the difference lies in their‌ purpose. While shamans consort⁢ with demons, prophets speak the truth and often appear to predict the future. However, as a wise priest once observed, their predictions are merely warnings about the consequences of denying the truth.

We are well aware of the lies spread by the liberal elites ‌of the WEF. Now, they are openly associating with witches. It⁣ doesn’t take a prophet from the Old Testament to anticipate that the‍ consequences will not be favorable.

A Refreshing Voice Amidst the Elites

Fortunately, amidst ⁣this insufferable gathering of liberal⁣ elites, crony corporate leaders, and apparently, witches, there is some good news. The newly elected leader ‌of Argentina, Javier Milei, made an appearance that caught many people’s attention. Concerns arose that he would conform to the typical Davos script, given ⁢his populist libertarian stance. However, Milei defied expectations.

Instead, Milei warned the attendees about the peril facing the Western world. He emphasized that those who should be defending Western values have been co-opted by a vision ‍that inevitably leads to socialism⁢ and, consequently, poverty. He further explained that collectivist experiments are never the solution to global issues; rather, they are the ‍root cause.

While I⁢ may not agree with⁣ Milei on every aspect, particularly‍ his libertarian views on material goods and freedom, I appreciate his willingness to challenge the flawed ideologies prevalent at the World Economic ⁣Forum. The attendees of this event ⁤promote socialism, idolize China as a model, ⁢and some even embrace communism. They oppose both the distorted ‌libertarian notion of freedom and the true⁢ classical understanding of freedom. Witnessing a world leader ⁢confront them and point out their errors, even if he doesn’t possess⁢ the perfect solution, is truly remarkable in this bizarre and occult-like gathering.

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⁢In what ways can individuals‍ resist the temptation to follow in ⁣the footsteps of elites who ​engage⁤ in deceptive practices​ and instead find true leaders and voices of reason

Ites of the world. They claim to have the best interests of the people at heart, ⁤yet their actions speak ​otherwise. The invitation of ​a witch to the World Economic Forum is just another​ example of⁤ their ⁤true intentions. By embracing‌ occult practices and false gods, they are treading down a dangerous path that will only lead to darkness ⁣and destruction.

It ⁤is deeply troubling to see these wealthy and influential individuals coming together to not only discuss economic matters but also to engage in secretive rituals and prayers.⁣ What are they‍ praying for? What kind ​of power are they seeking? And ⁣most importantly, who are they seeking it from? These are questions that demand answers.

The ​presence of this witch at ‌the‍ forum raises concerns not only about the spiritual implications but‌ also about the blatant disregard for public health. In a time when the world is grappling​ with a global ‌pandemic, ‍it is irresponsible and hypocritical for these elites to‌ allow someone to cough directly on them and ignore basic precautions. It is as if they believe they are ⁣immune to the consequences of their actions, that they are above the rules that they themselves impose​ on the rest of society.

This is not ‌the first ‍time that elites​ have dabbled in occult practices. Throughout history, ⁤we have seen ‌powerful individuals‌ turn to ‌dark forces in their​ quest ‍for power‌ and control. ⁤From‍ ancient tribes to ​modern-day cults, the allure of the supernatural has always held a certain appeal for those who seek to manipulate and ⁢dominate others.

But we ⁢must not be fooled by their allure. We must resist the temptation to ‍follow in⁣ their footsteps and instead look ⁣to ‍true leaders and‌ voices of ⁣reason. Priests and prophets, guided ⁢by ‍a higher power, ​offer a ‍path towards truth⁢ and enlightenment.⁤ They do not ⁤seek to manipulate or deceive but rather to guide and inspire.

Let us not⁢ be⁣ swayed by the‍ false promises and deceptive practices of the liberal elites. Let us ‍instead seek out the voices of truth and wisdom, those who will lead us towards‌ a brighter future. The World ⁢Economic ⁣Forum may gather a ‍collection of ​elites, but their actions and ⁤affiliations reveal a ⁣darker side that we must not ignore.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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