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Portland’s Child Soldiers

The Radical Left’s ‍Influence in Portland

The ‌following excerpt is taken from ⁤the new book, “America’s Cultural Revolution: How​ The Radical Left Conquered Everything,” by Christopher F. Rufo, ‌(July 2023, Broadside Books, Harper Collins)

Portland: A‍ Hotbed ​of Radicalism

There are few places on earth where political radicals and their children ritualistically burn the ‍American flag and chant “Death to America” — Tehran, Baghdad, Beirut, Kabul, Ramallah, and Portland, Oregon.

The‌ city of Portland, a grim and cloud-covered metro on the south bank of⁣ the Columbia River, has developed a reputation for the colorful⁢ sloganeering of its political protestors. Anarchists, communists, eco-fascists, and a variety ​of other agitators regularly denounce the police, politicians of both parties, and the American⁤ state itself;​ flag-burning has become part ​of the regular syntax of the protest movement.

During the summer riots in 2020, teenagers⁤ associated ⁢with the Youth Liberation Front escalated⁤ the rhetoric with chants of “Death to America” and months of violence ‍to avenge the death of George‍ Floyd. Children as young as three or four years old marched with the crowd ⁤to the federal courthouse, raising the Black Power fist and chanting ⁢“F*** the Police! F*** the Police!”

The irony isn’t difficult to identify: Portland is⁤ famously the “whitest city ​in America,” and yet it has become the ‍headquarters ​of race radicalism ⁣in the ⁣United ‍States. The ‍city has elevated white guilt⁤ into a civic religion. Its ⁤citizens ​have developed an elaborate set of ‌rituals, devotions,⁢ and self-criticisms to fight the chimeras⁣ of “systemic racism” and “white supremacy.” The ultimate expression of this orthodoxy is violence: street militias, ⁤calling themselves “anti-racists” and “anti-fascists,” are quick to ‌smash the windows of their enemies⁣ and burn ‍down the property of anyone ‍who transgresses the new moral law.

The Radicalization of Portland’s​ Schools

It might ⁢be easy‌ to dismiss this as the work of a few harmless radicals who are “keeping Portland weird” ‍and, for the⁢ most part, represent a minority coalition of the malcontent and the ​mentally deranged — a quick glimpse through the Antifa ⁣mugshots released by the Portland Police Department will confirm​ this impression. But in recent years, the underlying ideology of Portland’s radicals has become institutionalized.⁤ The city government has adopted a ​series of Five-Year Plans for “equity and inclusion,” shopkeepers have posted political ‌slogans in their windows as a​ form ⁤of protection, and local ‌schools have designed a‍ program of⁤ political education⁤ for their students that resembles propaganda.

The schools ⁣of Portland have self-consciously adopted Paulo Freire’s “pedagogy of the oppressed”⁣ as their theoretical orientation, activated it through a curriculum saturated in ⁢critical theory, and⁤ enforced ‌it through the appointment of de facto political officers within individual⁤ schools‌ under the cover of “equity and social justice.” The internal documents from three local ⁣districts —⁣ Tigard-Tualatin​ School District, Beaverton School District,‌ and Portland Public Schools⁢ —⁣ reveal this revolutionary shift. Administrators⁤ and teachers have combined ⁢theory, praxis, and power in service of Left-wing political activism.

The results ⁢are ​predictable. By ‌perpetuating ⁤the narrative that America is ⁢fundamentally ⁣evil, steeping children in the doctrine of critical pedagogy and lionizing the rioters‍ in the streets, the schools have ⁢consciously pushed ​students in the direction of revolution.⁤ In the language ⁢of ​the Left, ‍the political education program‍ in Portland-area school districts ‌could be described as⁣ a “school-to-radicalism ‌pipeline” ‌—⁢ or, more ⁢provocatively, as⁢ a training ground for child soldiers.

The Tigard-Tualatin School District’s Radical‌ Agenda

Tigard,‌ Oregon, is a placid suburban city‌ southwest of Portland. The city’s historic main street ‍is a pastiche of coffeehouses,‌ boutiques, repair shops, and small-town restaurants. Historically, the ⁣city’s political squabbles⁢ have been focused on zoning and land use issues,⁤ with developers fighting the ⁤city, preservationists fighting developers, and neighbors fighting one‍ another — in other words, the typical political patterns of an​ affluent, predominantly white American suburb.

Nevertheless, the educators at the Tigard-Tualatin School District ​have gone all in on radical pedagogy and the social justice trinity of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

In 2020, at the height of‌ the George Floyd riots,‌ Tigard-Tualatin superintendent Sue Rieke-Smith ​and board chair Maureen Wolf signed a proclamation “condemning racism and⁢ committing to being an anti-racist school‍ district.” The preamble to the⁤ document recited the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor,⁣ and‌ Ahmaud Arbery, which has become a penitential rite in‌ social justice circles, then confessed that the district’s “students of ⁤color, and Black students in particular, still regularly⁤ experience racism in [their] ⁤ schools.” To rectify this situation, the superintendent pledged to become “actively anti-racist,” “dismantle ‍systemic racism,” implement a “collective equity framework,” establish “pillars for equity,” deploy “Equity Teams” within schools, create racially segregated “Student Affinity Groups,” and use “an​ equity lens for all future curriculum adoptions.”

The following month, the district announced‌ the creation⁢ of a new Department of Equity and Inclusion and​ installed left-wing‌ activist and critical pedagogist Zinnia Un as its ⁣director. Un quickly ‍created a blueprint for overhauling the curriculum at Tigard-Tualatin schools. The document ​explicitly ​called for adopting Freire’s “pedagogy⁤ of the oppressed.” Following Freire’s categorizations, Un argued that the Tigard-Tualatin School District must move from a state of “reading the world” to the phase of “denunciation”⁢ against the revolution’s enemies and, eventually,⁤ to‌ the ⁢state ‌of “annunciation” of the liberated masses,⁣ who will begin “rewriting the world.”

What is the solution ‍to pathological ​whiteness? ‌According to⁤ Un ⁤and the ‌Tigard-Tualatin School ⁢District,​ the answer lies with a new form of⁤ “white identity ‍development.” In a series of​ “antiracist resources” provided to teachers, the Department of Equity and‍ Inclusion circulated a handout⁢ of strategies for “white identity​ development,” which were designed to “facilitate growth for white folks to become allies, and⁣ eventually accomplices, for anti-racist work.”

This is an explicitly political project: at the⁢ early stages, the district encourages students to ⁤participate in activities such⁣ as “attending a training, joining an allies group, ⁤participating in a protest.” Later, white students are told⁤ to analyze their “covert white supremacy,” host “difficult‌ conversations ⁢with white friends and family about​ racism,” and⁣ use their “privilege to support anti-racist‍ work.” At the final stage, the trainers plumb the⁤ depths of the students’ individual ⁤psychology to ensure⁣ that pathological “whiteness” has been banished from their psyches.‌ Students must answer a ‌series of⁢ questions to demonstrate their final commitment: “Does your solidarity make you lose sleep at night? Does‍ your solidarity‍ put you in danger? Does your solidarity cost you relationships? Does your solidarity make you​ suspicious of predominantly ⁣white institutions? Does your solidarity​ have room for ⁢Black rage?”

WATCH: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s interview with Christopher Rufo

Tigard, Oregon, is a‍ placid suburban city southwest of Portland. The city’s⁣ historic main street is a pastiche of coffeehouses, boutiques, repair shops, and small-town restaurants. ⁢Historically, the city’s political squabbles have been​ focused on zoning and land use issues, with developers fighting⁤ the city, preservationists ​fighting​ developers, ‍and neighbors fighting one another — in other ⁢words, the typical political patterns of an affluent, predominantly white American suburb.

Nevertheless, the educators at the Tigard-Tualatin School District have gone all in on radical pedagogy and the social justice trinity of “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

In ‍2020, at the ⁤height⁤ of the George Floyd riots, Tigard-Tualatin superintendent Sue Rieke-Smith and board chair Maureen Wolf signed a‍ proclamation “condemning racism and committing to being an anti-racist ⁢school district.” The preamble⁢ to the document recited the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, which has become a penitential rite in social justice circles, ⁢then confessed ‌that the district’s “students of color, and Black⁢ students in particular, ‌still regularly experience racism in [their] schools.” To rectify this situation, the superintendent pledged to become “actively anti-racist,” “dismantle systemic racism,” implement a “collective equity framework,” establish “pillars for equity,” deploy “Equity Teams” within‌ schools, create racially segregated “Student Affinity Groups,” ‌and use “an equity lens for all future curriculum adoptions.”

The following ⁢month, the ‌district announced the creation of a new ⁤Department of Equity and Inclusion and⁤ installed left-wing activist and critical pedagogist Zinnia Un‍ as its⁤ director. Un quickly created a⁣ blueprint for ​overhauling the curriculum at⁣ Tigard-Tualatin schools. The document ‍explicitly called for adopting ⁤Freire’s “pedagogy of the oppressed.” Following Freire’s categorizations, Un argued that the ​Tigard-Tualatin⁤ School District must move from a state of “reading the world” to the phase of “denunciation”‌ against the revolution’s enemies and, eventually, to the state of “annunciation” of the liberated masses, who will begin “rewriting the world.”

What is the solution to pathological whiteness? According to Un and the Tigard-Tualatin School District, the answer‌ lies with a new form ‍of “white identity development.” In a series of “antiracist resources”⁣ provided to teachers, the‌ Department of Equity and Inclusion circulated a handout of strategies for “white identity development,” which were designed to “facilitate growth for white folks to become allies, and eventually accomplices, for anti-racist ‌work.”

This is an explicitly political project: at ⁣the early stages, the district encourages students to participate in⁣ activities such as “attending a ​training, joining an allies group, participating in a protest.” Later, white students⁣ are told to analyze their “covert white supremacy,” host “difficult conversations with white friends and family about racism,” and use their “privilege to support anti-racist work.”‍ At the final stage, the trainers ⁤plumb the depths of the students’⁤ individual psychology to ensure that ⁢pathological⁣ “whiteness” has ​been banished from their psyches. Students must answer‍ a series of questions⁤ to demonstrate their final commitment: “Does your solidarity ⁤make you lose⁢ sleep at night? Does your solidarity put⁤ you⁣ in danger? Does your solidarity cost you relationships? Does your solidarity make you suspicious ‌of predominantly white institutions? Does your solidarity have room for Black rage?”

This is not a pedagogy of education; it is a pedagogy of revolution.


Christopher F. Rufo is a writer, filmmaker, ‍and activist. He has directed four documentaries for PBS, including America Lost, which tells the‌ story​ of three forgotten American cities. He is a senior fellow of the Manhattan Institute⁢ and a contributing edi­tor of the public policy magazine⁢ City Journal. His reporting and activism ⁤have inspired a presidential order, a ‌national​ grassroots movement,⁣ and legislation in twenty-two states. Christopher holds a BSFS ​from Georgetown‌ University and an ALM from Harvard University. He lives ⁤in the Pacific Northwest with‍ his wife and three​ sons.

Reprint by permission from HarperCollins and‍ Broadside ‍Books.

This chapter excerpt is taken from America’s Cultural⁣ Revolution: How The Radical ⁢Left ‍Conquered Everything, by Christopher​ F. Rufo, (July 2023, Broadside Books, Harper Collins)

Read More From Original Article Here: The Child Soldiers Of Portland

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