Washington Examiner

Four Republicans changed their stance on Johnson, leading to the failure of Mayorkas’ impeachment

Four Republican ⁣Lawmakers ‍Defy⁤ Party, Save⁤ Mayorkas from Impeachment

In a stunning turn of events, four Republican lawmakers broke ranks with ⁤their party and effectively halted ⁣the effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Their unexpected votes‍ aligned with the ⁣Democrats, dealing a significant‌ blow to House Speaker Mike ⁣Johnson (R-LA). Ultimately, the impeachment attempt fell ⁢short ‌in‌ a narrow 216-214 vote.

Here ​are⁢ the lawmakers who defied their party:

  • Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO)
  • Rep. Buck had already made his stance clear‍ prior to the vote, ‌expressing⁤ his​ opposition to impeaching ‌Mayorkas. In an op-ed ⁣published on Monday, Buck outlined his reasoning, stating that while Mayorkas had⁣ failed in his role and was an embarrassment, impeachment should be reserved for more severe offenses specified ​in the Constitution.

  • Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI)
  • Despite⁤ a vigorous effort⁤ to sway ‍him during‌ the floor debate,‍ Rep.⁢ Gallagher chose to break ranks and vote against his party. Known ⁣for ⁢his expertise in foreign ​affairs as the chairman of the⁣ House Select ⁣Committee on the Chinese Communist‌ Party,‌ Gallagher remains focused on his priorities.

  • Rep. Tom McClintock⁤ (R-CA)
  • Similar ‍to Buck, McClintock represents a Republican stronghold in a predominantly Democratic state. He has expressed reservations about‌ whether the ​allegations against Mayorkas meet the threshold for impeachment.⁣ Additionally, McClintock ⁣worries that ‌impeaching ‌Mayorkas on shaky constitutional grounds could set a dangerous precedent for future Congresses.

  • Rep. Blake⁣ Moore (R-UT)
  • Initially, Moore⁣ voted in favor of impeachment but later switched his vote to‍ oppose it, breaking the tie and allowing Republicans​ to potentially revisit the issue ⁤in the future. By doing ⁤so, Moore strategically‍ avoided a deadlock. House Speaker Johnson intends‌ to reintroduce the motion when Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) returns‍ to the ‍chamber after his treatment for blood cancer.

Conservative ​firebrand Rep. Marjorie⁢ Taylor Greene (R-GA)⁢ spearheaded the impeachment charges against Mayorkas,⁤ which were drafted ⁤by the ⁢House Homeland Security Committee. The articles accused Mayorkas of willfully and systematically disregarding the law and breaching the public trust in his handling ⁣of⁢ the border‍ crisis.


What were the ⁣reasons given by Rep. Carlos Gimenez for his vote against ‍impeachment and how did he define the appropriate use of‌ impeachment?

Concerns about ‌the impeachment process and stating that⁢ he believed it was not warranted in this case. He argued that while he had disagreements​ with Secretary Mayorkas on policy‌ issues, such as border security, it did not rise to the level of impeachment. His vote aligned with his belief in upholding⁤ the integrity of the impeachment process and not using it as‌ a political weapon.

  • Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL)
  • Rep. ‍Gimenez cited similar reasons for his vote against impeachment. ⁣He expressed his dissatisfaction⁣ with ⁢Secretary Mayorkas’ handling of border security and immigration issues but believed⁤ that⁢ impeachment was not the appropriate⁢ course of action. He stated ⁤that impeachment ⁤should be reserved ‍for cases ⁣of severe ⁣misconduct and abuse of power, which he⁤ did not find in this instance. He ⁤emphasized the⁢ need for​ unity ⁤and working together on bipartisan solutions to address the ⁣challenges at the ⁢border.

  • Rep.‌ Tony Gonzales ‍(R-TX)
  • Rep. Gonzales,‍ who represents a district along the southern border, took a different approach in explaining his vote. He argued that while he had concerns​ about Secretary Mayorkas’ performance, impeaching him would not solve the underlying problems ⁣at the border. Instead, he urged his colleagues‍ to focus ⁤on working together to‌ address the ​root causes of immigration and find comprehensive ⁢solutions. He emphasized the need for a bipartisan approach to secure ‌the border and protect American national ‌security.

  • Rep. Andrew‌ Garbarino (R-NY)
  • Rep. Garbarino, who represents a district in ⁢New York, also voted against impeachment, breaking ranks with his party. He emphasized⁢ the importance of due process and fairness in the impeachment process. He stated that ‍he did not believe the evidence presented justified removing Secretary Mayorkas ‌from‍ office. He called for constructive engagement and‍ dialogue to address the challenges faced by the​ Department‍ of Homeland Security.

    The defection of these four ⁣Republican lawmakers highlights the ⁤deep divisions within the Republican⁢ Party over how to handle the Biden administration’s policies and ‍appointees. It demonstrates the complexity and diversity of opinions within the party, with some lawmakers choosing to prioritize principles over partisan loyalty.

    House ‍Speaker Mike‍ Johnson expressed his disappointment ​and frustration over the votes, calling them a ⁢betrayal of party unity. He asserted that impeachment was a necessary tool to hold accountable those ​in positions of power.⁣ However, this ​defeat serves ⁢as a reminder that party discipline cannot always ⁢be guaranteed, even in the ⁣highly polarized⁢ political landscape of today.

    The impeachment ​attempt may have failed, but the debate around Secretary Mayorkas’ ‍leadership and the ⁤issues⁤ at the border is far⁢ from‍ over. It raises broader questions about the role of impeachment in the political process and the ⁣need for accountability in government. As the​ Biden administration continues to face ⁤challenges and controversies in various policy areas, it remains to be seen ⁣how⁤ these dynamics will shape future actions ⁢and decisions ⁤in Congress.

    Regardless ​of the ‌outcome, this⁢ unprecedented defiance within the Republican Party serves as a‍ reminder that maintaining party unity is not always a straightforward ⁣task. It underscores the complexity of politics and⁢ the​ diverse perspectives that ​exist within any political party, even ​in the face of significant pressure to adhere to party lines.

    Ultimately, these four Republican lawmakers made a calculated decision ‌to break ranks, putting their⁢ principles and​ beliefs above party loyalty.‌ Whether their decision ​will⁢ have long-term consequences⁢ within their party‍ remains to⁤ be seen, but it has​ certainly disrupted the impeachment process and sent a message about ‍the importance ​of independent thinking ​and⁣ the defense ​of constitutional principles.

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