The Jew Hatred Of Ilhan Omar

Many of us already know that Ilhan Omar is not a fan of Jews. 

After all, who can forget her infamous tweet in 2012, in which she accused Israel of “evil doings” and that the Jewish state had “hypnotized the world?” And what about Omar’s claim that American support for Israel is motivated solely by Jewish money, tweetingIt’s all about the Benjamins baby?”

However, Omar’s reaction to the unrest and violence occurring in Israel proves — once and for all — that her unapologetic hatred of Jews knows no bounds, and is certainly not impeded by inconvenient details such as “facts.”

After terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired rockets into Jewish civilian areas, the Israeli military carried out targeted air strikes against terrorist launch sites. By any objective metric, such actions by Israel are basic acts of military self-defense.

Not for Omar. The Minnesota Congresswoman defined Jewish self-defense against terrorism as “terrorism,” arguing that such a response by Israel is unwarranted because Palestinians don’t have protective systems in place.

“Israeli air strikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism,” tweeted Omar. “Palestinians deserve protection.”

“Unlike Israel, missile defense programs, such as Iron Dome, don’t exist to protect Palestinian civilians,” she continued. “It’s unconscionable to not condemn these attacks on the week of Eid.”

The argument Omar is making is fundamentally anti-Semitic, and presumes that the attempted murder of Jewish civilians is morally equivalent to the undeniably tragic — if true — death of Palestinian civilians following attacks, when Hamas intentionally launches rockets from within civilian areas.

Not only that, Omar argues that the attempted murder of Jews does not justify a response because Israel has decided to use its resources in a defensive manner, while the Palestinian leadership has not.

By Omar’s logic, the world should simply shrug when terrorists fire rockets at Jewish civilians. “What’s the big deal? Only a few people were hurt. Most of the rockets were intercepted!”

This is the moral equivalent of arguing that law enforcement should not respond to an attempted murder because the victim was able to defend themselves. Moreover, that the victim’s decision to defend themselves was morally wrong because they were — by some arbitrary metric — “stronger” than their attacker.

This is simply anti-Semitic nonsense. Ilhan Omar can quite literally watch acts of terrorism and shrug because Jews are the targeted victims, and justify her appalling level of apathy because Jews spent their money on the Iron Dome while the hundreds of millions of dollars in aid given to the Palestinians in recent decades has been directed “elsewhere.” 

Perhaps Omar should be forced to answer why Israel needs an Iron Dome in the first place?

Ian Haworth is an Editor and Writer for The Daily Wire. Follow him on Twitter at @ighaworth.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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