The bongino report

The Left Is Bizarrely Upset That COVID Probably Came From a Lab Leak

The Left is trying to get around the absurd notion that COVID originated from a pure zoonotic source.

I think the idea is ridiculous despite numerous Intelligence agencies and many others “experts” maintaining that the virus jumped species at a wet market in China because…it really is laughable. The virus has not been identified in any animal and there is no evidence that it exists. “bat soup” at the market, and the Wuhan Insitute of Virology–a few blocks away–did research on bat viruses and even gain-of-function research that was funded by the EcoHealth Alliance, using NIAID money.

We all know China has been hiding the truth since the outbreak of the pandemic. It would be an incredible coincidence if this wasn’t a laboratory leak.

Occam’s razor states that the virus escaped from the lab almost certainly by accident. Because China has paid a tremendous price for Zero COVID, I don’t believe the intentional release scenario. Although I doubt that it was biological warfare research I may be wrong. It was probably arrogant scientists playing God, I believe.

The recent change in the Department of Energy’s position regarding the origins of COVID–and I expect that over the coming years, the rest of the Establishment will similarly admit the obvious–is driving the Left nuts.

This is a clear explanation if they really care about facts. Even if they disagree with our analysis, which is not supported by concrete data, the source of the virus is a matter factual and not an ideology. Right?

Well, no. The question of masking is not a science issue, but one of commitment. When the Left speaks of The Science™ they are actually asserting the importance of authority. Science is about discovering the truth, authority is about obeying the powerful.

To the powers that are, it is the latter that matters.

The Left has chosen their attack on Energy’s analysis. They believe they are not competent enough to make a judgement. This is not based upon any actual knowledge regarding why Energy was asked to make a judgment–after all, they didn’t have a BS session and decide to issue a press release. They were asked to make an analysis of the matter as they are experts in it.

The FBI also believes in biological expertise, just as the FBI. The FBI believes that COVID’s source was a lab leak. The FBI believes that COVID was caused by a lab leak. This is a fact that the DoE analysis has been praised for.

Nighttime comedians make an interesting case. They simultaneously attack the DoE’s credentials and ridicule their ability to make a decision, while trusting their audience to accept them. Why should Colbert trust the DoE to make such a judgment? Is this the task that the government gave them?

As a blogger, I’m a little more skeptical about credentials than nighttime comics. After watching the government in action for over 40 years and participating in many discussions, I can attest to my knowledge. “experts,” My skepticism has been earned. Rarely have the outcomes of policy decisions made by experts turned out to be anything like what I predicted.

They are usually wrong. You can check my predictions if you are unsure.

Experts are not devoid of expertise–you can learn a lot from them. Experts rarely have a coherent view of situations. Their knowledge is often fragmented and therefore can be very misleading. Most importantly, they have no idea of human behavior. They are able to analyze the math of a situation with great precision and often come up with the most absurd conclusions based upon their certainty that they understand the whole.

This isn’t rocket science because rocket science is very simple. The human behavior, biological processes and everything related to it are all different things. People are not pinballs.

The Left finds the lab leak theory so offensive because it undermines other people’s faith in experts who are dependent upon their policies and power. Except when experts support their ideologies, the Left is not interested in the actual assertions made by experts.

Hence, they continue to assert that the CDC is correct about masks despite obvious evidence.

In 2020, the possibility of a leaky lab had to be disproved. Donald Trump was the one who promoted it and he couldn’t be wrong. The world was divided between The Science™ and The Orange, and we know who the Left needed to win that battle, at all costs.

Trump’s statements must be laughed at. The MSM would ridicule Trump’s claim that water is wet if he made it up.

Some Leftists are admitting the possibility that they got it wrong–after all, it is the Biden Administration’s DoE that concluded that the lab leak theory is more likely true than not–so they claim their rejection of the idea is…Donald Trump’s fault.

It seems that Trump could have stated the contrary. They would have chosen the “right” This is the side.

This is another way of saying they are motivated by power. Truth can be malleable or even irrelevant.

This is, of necessity, what I have been arguing since decades about the Left’s relation to the truth.

The Left views “truth” They are the source of their power. It is a premise that all things are possible. “critical theory” Truth claims are power claims.

You should not take people at their word when they make such an argument. You can assume they are lying by admitting that they will lie. They use speech to gain power and not to communicate with you.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are always right, but it does indicate that they are completely indifferent to truth.

We are here.

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