The federalist

Climate radicals’ lifestyle speaks volumes about their sincerity.

A panel of‍ scientists recently claimed ‍that humans’ effect on ‍the planet is so significant it should ‍be memorialized ⁣through the creation of‍ a new geological epoch⁣ that⁢ began sometime‍ in the middle ‍of the 20th century. As we speak, ​climate activists ⁢are preparing to do what‌ any ‍well-adjusted, functioning adult would do on the heels​ of such ⁢news: glue⁣ themselves to ⁣a‌ building or​ throw tomato soup at ⁣great⁢ works of art. 

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The Hypocrisy of Climate‌ Alarmists

The latest​ breaking climate ‌story⁢ always⁣ provides new opportunities for ‌the ‌left to sermonize, identify heretics, and ⁣reassert their moral and intellectual​ superiority​ while making no ⁣changes to their own lifestyles‍ that ⁤would demonstrate even a ‍modicum‍ of sincerity. The oft-discussed hypocrisy ⁤of⁤ elites who charter private jets to attend climate summits is no ⁤secret, but less discussed is the day-to-day hypocrisy of the rank-and-file voters who ⁢comprise the⁣ broader Democratic ⁣Party.  

Democrats describe ‍global warming​ as an existential threat with​ only‍ X number of years to act before the planet is on⁢ an irreversible ⁤course to ⁤becoming⁣ uninhabitable.‍ It stands ‍to reason that anyone who ‌genuinely⁣ believes this would take⁣ dramatic steps to prevent our imminent annihilation. These‌ measures⁤ would include self-imposed lifestyle ‌changes far ⁣beyond driving an⁤ electric vehicle, ‍yet when ​it⁣ comes to ‍climate alarmists, so often⁣ we ⁣cannot pick ⁢their lifestyle out of a⁢ lineup. 

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The lifestyle ​of voters who believe humans are destroying the planet is often indistinguishable from that ⁣of those ⁢who believe manmade⁢ climate change is a⁣ hoax. This suggests one of two things: ​Either⁢ climate alarmists don’t actually believe the planet is doomed (or ⁢at the very⁤ least they aren’t nearly as confident in⁤ that belief ⁣as they claim to be), or they ‍truly⁤ believe the planet is doomed but aren’t willing to inconvenience themselves in any meaningful way. 

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Neither explanation presents climate hysterics in a ‍positive light.‍ Living in a manner consistent with one’s proclamations‍ requires ​sacrifice, and ‌who needs‌ that when⁤ you ​can sport ‌beliefs like⁢ fashion accessories ‌and enjoy the ⁤perks‍ of trendy moralism without the ⁢hefty price tag? This window-dressing ‌approach to morality offers Gucci fashion at Goodwill prices.  

Activists will⁢ suggest that voting for the⁢ Democratic‍ party is more than enough​ to demonstrate a genuine⁣ belief in the claim ‌that we⁢ are​ on the brink ‌of permanently‌ destroying human civilization, but this fails to stand⁣ up to⁢ scrutiny. Anyone⁤ convinced that‌ our extinction is imminent would certainly take it‍ upon himself⁤ to enact radical change in his⁣ own life, even in the ‍absence of laws ⁣requiring ‌him to do ⁢so. Abdicating⁢ one’s duty ⁢by​ virtue of voting for⁣ politicians who claim ​to care⁤ about ‍the ⁣planet is ‌not an ⁢acceptable‌ stand-in‍ for personal responsibility — not ⁢when the stakes are‌ that ⁢high.

Similarly, activists ‍supposedly⁣ on a mission ‌to thwart the​ destruction of ‌the⁢ planet ‌would not spend​ their time ‍gluing themselves to ⁤artwork ‍but instead⁤ would launch aggressive​ sabotage campaigns ​up to and ‌including domestic terrorism. Unfortunately, given​ the increasingly violent‌ nature⁢ of ‌the ⁣left’s activism and‌ their ‍tendency ⁣to ⁣use just about‌ anything as an‌ excuse⁢ to tear ⁤down ‌the society ⁢they despise, this​ is ​one area where ⁢their actions might eventually match ⁢their hysteria.

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At this ‌stage, it​ would be beneficial⁣ to⁣ properly characterize the left’s ⁣position on climate⁣ change, which is like⁣ a Jenga ⁣tower. It starts off​ relatively stable, ​but as things progress it begins to teeter: 

  • The earth‌ is⁢ warming.
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  • Humans are contributing to this‍ warming effect. 
  • Humans are‍ significantly contributing to this warming effect. 
  • Humans are the ⁤primary cause of‌ this warming effect.  
  • The data and modeling used to ⁢arrive⁢ at this conclusion are ​immune ⁢to human error and bias. 
  • ⁤ ⁤

  • This‌ warming effect⁢ is mostly‌ preventable. 
  • ​ ‍

  • It is‍ preventable only by implementing a ⁣centrally planned economy
  • ​ ⁤

  • Other ⁤countries will ‍join our efforts, including our enemies, even though it⁤ would benefit them not ‍to do ​so.  
  • There⁤ will be no unintended consequences⁢ to‌ our plan.  
  • ‌‌ ‍

  • Anyone ⁤unwilling ​to accept ⁣this list from⁤ top to bottom ‌is a ⁣“climate denier.” 
  • ‍ ⁤ ‌

      It is⁣ not difficult to ‌understand ‍why Republicans are skeptical. ⁢Democrats ⁣present their argument with the credibility​ and trustworthiness of a ​flea market fortune teller, not only because their palm reading has​ proven to be wildly⁣ inaccurate‍ in the ‌past, but because ‌their solutions‍ have a striking resemblance ‍to the agenda​ they’ve been trying to ‍implement ​long before climate⁤ change was a thing.⁣ As if incrementally destroying the economy by transforming‍ it⁢ into a centrally planned bureaucratic hellscape is not ⁤enough,⁣ the left has ⁤managed to work race into this​ issue — because of ⁤course​ they have.‍    

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      Regular⁣ Americans are mocked for⁢ offering opinions on ⁣climate⁣ change because​ they are not‌ experts, but one need not be⁤ a climate scientist to ‍understand the fatal‌ flaw in⁣ the left’s strategy. If we ⁣are to collectively address any⁢ problem, whatever the‌ cause might be, solutions‍ and ‌teamwork⁤ become impossible when ⁣the left’s approach is nothing more than‍ the shoddy work of rigid‌ ideologues. Republicans have suggested that perhaps there ⁢are‍ ways to ⁣address ⁣the effects of⁤ a changing climate ‍without​ destroying the U.S. economy ⁢and compromising national security, ⁣but because their ideas do not ​exponentially grow the federal government and usher ‌in a ⁤socialist‍ utopia, they are ignored by ⁢the Democratic Party.

      It‌ would be disingenuous​ to claim⁣ there are zero climate alarmists living a lifestyle consistent with their ⁢beliefs. They ‌do exist, I’m quite ​certain. I’ve ⁣just ​never ​met one. There is another explanation — perhaps every climate ‌alarmist I’ve met‍ has cleverly disguised himself ⁤as a “climate denier” to gain⁤ access⁢ to the seedy world of⁣ repugnant moral lepers who drive SUVs ⁢and eat meat — a secret ‌mission to convert heretics from ⁤the inside.⁤ That ‍must be it. 

      The⁣ parties will ⁤probably never agree‌ on an approach,‍ but I eagerly await⁢ the ⁣day when every ⁢climate alarmist ‍practices what ⁣he preaches.⁤ If the leftists next‌ door have one of those yard signs proudly ‌staked on their front lawn that ‌lists a‌ variety of hollow political slogans including “we believe science ‌is real,” at the⁤ very least ​they should downsize,⁢ get‌ rid ⁢of⁢ their ‍air conditioning, and use ​valuable lawn ⁣space⁢ not ‍for bragging ⁤about the supposed⁣ moral ‌character of their household, but for growing all their own food.

      ⁢ ⁢

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