the federalist

Don’t jeopardize ‘The Office’ legacy with an unfunny reboot.

Why a Reboot of “The‌ Office” Should ⁤Never Happen

After reading reports about a rumored reboot of the U.S. ‍version ⁣of “The ‌Office” (2005-2013), I couldn’t help but think of ⁣the phrase uttered‍ by the show’s legendary Michael Scott: “No, God! ‌No, God, please no! No! No! Noooooooo!”

Don’t get me wrong. I love “The Office” and think it’s one of the greatest ⁤sitcoms ever created. ‌The ‍wacky scenarios, hilarious dialogue,‌ and chemistry among the show’s cast leave⁢ you crying with laughter at every turn. Who could forget iconic ⁢episodes like “Women’s Appreciation,” in⁤ which ‍Phyllis, the older, heavyset office saleswoman, gets⁤ flashed in the office parking ‌lot?

Rather than console her, Michael (Steve Carell) laughs ⁢hysterically and performs a “physical” comedy routine to make light of the incident,‍ prompting pushback from his underlings. After espousing misogynistic troupes about⁣ females during a subsequent office meeting, Michael decides ‍to show that he “appreciates” women ⁢by‍ treating the ladies of ⁤Dunder Mifflin to ‍a​ day at ⁣the⁣ mall.

Episodes like these aren’t just funny because they push past the boundaries of what is considered‌ to be “politically incorrect” or “offensive.” They’re hilarious⁤ because they humorize⁣ the more degrading aspects of humanity,⁣ and in a ⁣way that is so absurd and satirical you​ can’t help but snicker.

It’s exactly for these reasons‌ that a reboot of​ “The Office” should never ⁢happen. ⁤The woke-scolds running modern-day ⁤Hollywood would‍ never allow the kind of audacious writing that defined the original series to leave the⁤ writer’s room, let alone make it to⁤ the big screen.⁣ The‍ possibility of “offending”⁢ leftist trolls occupying the dark‌ corners of social media would be‌ too great a risk ‌for a ⁢studio like NBC to take​ on.

It’s a sad reality that Carell himself acknowledged during an interview several years ago. When asked by⁤ Esquire in 2018 about the⁤ potential for an “Office” reboot, Carell pondered whether viewers today ‍would “accept it the way it was accepted ten years ago.”

“A lot of‍ what ⁣is ⁣depicted on that ‍show is ‍completely‌ wrong-minded. That’s the ⁤point,‌ you know? But I ⁣just don’t know how that⁣ would fly now,” he said.

What’s more is that several‍ major studios have already ⁢demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice “The Office’s” daring humor to appease America’s joyless left. ⁤Several years ago, Netflix ‍and Peacock (NBC’s streaming service), removed a scene from a⁣ 2012 episode in which Dwight dawns blackface in “an attempt to celebrate⁣ an authentic Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas.” Comedy Central, which regularly airs ‍re-runs ⁣of “The Office,” also removed the⁢ show’s ⁣“Diversity⁢ Day” ​episode ‍from ⁣its chronological broadcast schedule.

If networks like NBC aren’t willing to stand‍ by the‍ humor that put “The Office” on the map, there’s no reason to believe they would‍ be on board with a reboot pushing similar comedic⁣ boundaries. And that’s what comedy is supposed to be about.

It’s intended to be⁢ an⁢ arena with no safe spaces and no subject considered⁤ taboo. What we understand ⁢to be wrong ⁢becomes‌ watered down with humor to the point​ where it suddenly becomes OK to laugh at. ‍It’s because of‍ that common understanding of right and‍ wrong that humor is able to thrive. If we didn’t recognize it as wrong, it wouldn’t be funny.

“The Office” is one‍ of the ⁣best sitcoms ever made. It doesn’t need to risk ⁣its⁤ legacy on a⁤ potentially​ woke reboot ‌lacking ​the comedic ⁤elements ‌that made it great.

About the Author

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and⁤ a graduate ​of the⁤ University ​of Mary ‌Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for⁤ Convention of States Action and⁤ his work has been featured in‌ numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

How would a ⁣reboot of “The Office” be impacted by ⁣the current sensitive and politically correct culture

‍ Tely wrong,” Carell said. “That’s the point, you know? But I just don’t know how that would fly now. There’s a very⁢ high awareness politically and socially about what’s acceptable and what isn’t, and the level of offense has‌ changed. I⁤ mean, you’d have to have a diff‌erent tone. I ​feel like if you did⁢ it today, ‌you’d have to do it in a different way.”

Carell’s concerns are valid.⁢ In today’s overly sensitive and politically⁣ correct climate, a reboot of “The Office” would ‍undoubtedly be watered down and censored to appease⁤ the outrage mob. The original series thrived on pushing the boundaries ​of what was deemed socially‍ acceptable, often ‌exploring controversial‍ topics with humor and satire. A reboot would likely lack the same edge and risk-taking mentality that made ‌the show so⁤ memorable.

Furthermore, the original cast was integral to ⁤the success⁢ of​ “The Office.” ⁤The chemistry⁣ among⁤ the actors and⁣ the brilliant ‍portrayals of the ⁤unique and eccentric ⁤characters were key elements that captivated audiences.⁢ It would be nearly‍ impossible ⁤to replicate​ this level of chemistry and ⁣talent​ in a reboot. Trying ‌to ​recapture the magic of the original series would likely result in nothing more than a pale imitation.

Additionally, the timing for a reboot seems ill-advised. “The Office”​ aired ‍during a time⁤ when workplace humor and faux-documentary-style shows were ​fresh and innovative. However, since the ⁣show’s conclusion, numerous other workplace‍ comedies and mockumentaries have emerged, diluting the novelty that “The Office” once possessed. A reboot would likely be ‍met with indifference ⁤and fatigue from audiences, who⁣ have⁣ already moved on to new⁤ favorites.

Overall, while the ​idea‌ of a reboot may sound enticing to fans ⁣of “The Office,” it is important to recognize that sometimes it⁤ is better to leave well enough alone. Trying ⁣to recreate the magic of a beloved show ⁣is a risky ⁤endeavor that often falls short of‍ expectations. “The Office” ​remains​ a beloved sitcom that will‍ forever ‌hold a special ⁢place in the hearts⁤ of its fans.‌ It is best to cherish the‌ memories of the ‍original series and appreciate it for the groundbreaking‍ and hilarious show that it was.

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