The One Thing That Explains Everything Democrats Do

Would-be pundits and political commentators occasionally think they have devastated their Democratic opponents by pointing out contradictory or “hypocritical” aspects of their policies. “How can Democrats say they favor gay rights but back the Arab Spring, which brought Islamic fundamentalists to power? How can the liberals say they’re fighting for the American worker when they advocate open borders policies that would lower wages?” they often ask.

But there is no hypocrisy in the Democratic Party’s policies, even when they seem to contradict. A simple key can explain how every liberal policy fits into place, even — and especially — when none of them seem to. One fact can allow American citizens to pierce through the political fig leaves and see the naked, partisan truth motivating every Democratic politician, pundit, and spokesperson. One simple reality lets voters look at liberal gaslighting like an optical illusion which, once someone exposes you the trick, is never again a mystery.

The fact is the Democrats organize every single position, plank, and talking point around one unifying principle: Every policy Democrats pursue expands their power. Every position benefits the constituent groups they have identified as their core supporters, increases Democrats’ share of the vote, and tightens the Left’s grasp on power.

Here are just a few examples:

Increasing welfare dependency

President Joe Biden’s top legislative priority is the $1.75 trillion “Build Back Better” act, a “transformative” expansion of government health care, taxpayer-funded daycare, and public housing, among other social welfare programs. Studies for decades have shown these programs harm the very people they’re purportedly intended to help … or do they? What if the point is not to help people get out of poverty but to create a stable voting army for the Democratic Party?

That is precisely what social welfare spending does. In a 2019 study published in PLoS One, researchers from Indiana University found that increasing government health care coverage correlated with an increase in the Democrats’ share of the vote in the 2008, 2012, and 2016 presidential elections — even in states that did not participate in Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion:

We find that a one-percentage-point increase in county health insurance coverage was associated with a 0.25-percentage-point increase in the vote share for the Democratic presidential candidate. We further find that these gains on the part of the Democratic candidate came almost fully at the expense of the Republican (as opposed to third-party) presidential candidates. We also estimate models separately for

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