The federalist

The Pro-Hamas Left Prepares for Actual Violence

Talk about bad timing. On Wednesday, the White House⁣ announced a “National Strategy to Counter‌ Islamophobia,”⁢ the necessity of which, according to awkwardly scripted remarks by Vice President Kamala Harris,⁣ is that Muslims endure a disproportionate number of “hate-fueled attacks and other discriminatory incidents.”

Leave⁤ it to the Biden White House to pick a moment when a ​wave of antisemitism is surging across America to announce this. Set aside the dearth of evidence that Muslims‌ face persecution or discrimination in mainstream American ‍society. Last⁤ year⁣ set a record for anti-Jewish hate crimes, breaking the previous record that was set the⁤ year before. Since the Oct. ⁢7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, antisemitism has erupted‍ in our cities⁤ and on campuses, this time with the imprimatur ⁢and cooperation of the identitarian ‍left. ​The idea that now is the time ⁢to address Islamophobia is so out of touch with the reality of the moment, only‍ the ‍Biden-Harris administration‌ could possibly have come up with it.

But the announcement ⁢inadvertently serves to highlight a rather disturbing development in our ‌civic life. At this point, ‍some three weeks removed from the Hamas slaughter ⁢of 1,400 Israelis,‌ it’s hard to deny that we have a⁤ domestic constituency for Hamas in this country. Generally speaking, it’s comprised of ‌a broad swath of the woke left⁤ together with a broad swath of Muslim-Americans, united in what amounts ⁣to an​ unstable Red-Green alliance.

It’s⁤ also easy to see ‍that this Hamas constituency is warming ‌up for a⁤ season of real violence.

We’ve all seen the recent videos of self-righteous Hamas sympathizers tearing down posters of missing ⁢or kidnapped Israeli children. In ‍almost every ‍case, their actions are accompanied by either a⁢ defiant callousness or a dead-eyed nonchalance. Pleading with them or interrogating them is pointless, as every person who has tried to do so on camera ⁣has quickly discovered. These ⁢people are antisemites, and it’s not possible to shame them out of their antisemitism. They own it gladly.

But⁣ this week, a different sort of video appeared on social⁣ media. A group of Jews in Manhattan’s Upper East Side physically protected a bunch of posters of Israeli child hostages from an antisemite who was trying to tear them down. The man, who of⁤ course covered his face with a keffiyeh, tried to force his way through ​and a​ scuffle ensued. Eventually, a cop pulled up and appeared to arrest the man ⁣as a crowd gathered.

The incident illustrates the violence lurking just beneath the surface of the antisemitic, pro-Hamas sentiment now manifesting all across the country. ⁢The kind⁢ of ⁤people who are willing to casually rip down posters of children taken hostage by terrorists are not those who⁤ have any kind of principled ⁤commitment ‌to nonviolence. They might or might not individually be cowards, but they clearly have no problem with violence as such — see, for example, the BLM posters ‍celebrating Hamas paragliders who slaughtered more​ than 250 Israeli concertgoers ​on Oct. 7.

This is especially ‍true on our nation’s ⁢college campuses. This week ​at Harvard, whose students ​have​ staged some of‌ the most blatant and vile pro-Hamas demonstrations, including straightforward calls for the ethnic cleansing⁢ of Jews, a group of keffiyeh-waving students surrounded and then assaulted a Jewish student who was simply trying to get away from them.

Some of these assailants have been identified,​ like Ibrahim Bharmal, a student at Harvard Law School and an editor at the Harvard ‍Law Review, as well as Elom Tettey-Tamaklo, a student of Harvard Divinity School. That a Harvard law student feels free to ‌harass and‍ assault Jews⁣ on campus — the opposite of⁤ what we should⁤ expect from a student of the law — suggests not only that antisemitism on campus is ‍a real threat to Jewish students but‌ that the pro-Hamas woke ⁣left is growing in boldness, and is reasonably confident it can target individual Jews on campus with impunity.

Jon Levine called the Harvard assault a LARP pogrom, which is exactly what it​ was. And‍ as we know⁤ from 2020, ‌left-wing riot and assault LARPers eventually get around to the real thing. Indeed, all the elements are falling into place for a⁣ season of civic violence of the kind we saw during the summer of 2020.⁣ The White House’s ham-fisted ⁢campaign against Islamophobia is all the confirmation you need that Jewish Americans, not Muslims, are the ones in⁣ real danger right now.

This is something of a pattern on the left. When a dangerous or unstable element in ⁣its coalition is revealed as such, the official ‌narrative is to pretend that element is under unique threat‌ from the American mainstream. Look at the media and Democrat reaction to⁣ the mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville back in ‍March. The shooter was Audrey Hale, a ‍28-year-old woman⁢ who identified as a man. She killed three children and three‌ adults before police ⁢took‌ her out. Hale was mentally unwell and left behind‍ a​ kind of ⁢trans shooter manifesto, which was suspiciously never ​released to the public.

In the wake of the shooting, all we ‌heard from the corporate press and Democratic⁤ leaders was that transgender ⁢Americans were under threat. Not a word about how transgender ideology attracts mentally unstable, unwell people‌ who need help,‌ not affirmation.⁣ That was not‍ the conversation they wanted to have, even after the slaughter of six innocent people.

Likewise, we’re⁤ going to hear a ⁤lot more about how Muslims and left-wing Hamas apologists are the real victims, even as Jewish students suffer escalating attacks, harassment, and threats. Make no mistake, ⁣the violent rhetoric you hear at these ⁣pro-Hamas⁤ rallies, the revolting practice of tearing down posters ⁣of Israeli children taken hostage, the targeting of individual Jewish students on⁢ campus — it’s all leading somewhere very ⁤bad.


How does the timing of the White House’s announcement to counter Islamophobia raise questions about the Biden administration’s understanding of ⁤the current climate?

Talk about bad timing. On Wednesday, the White House announced ‍a “National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia,” highlighting the perceived need ‌to address hate-fueled⁢ attacks and discrimination against Muslims. However, this announcement comes at a time when anti-Semitic incidents are surging⁣ across America, ⁢raising questions about the priorities and timing of the Biden ⁤administration.

While the intent behind addressing Islamophobia is commendable, it is important to consider the larger context. Last year, the United States witnessed a record number of ⁣anti-Jewish hate crimes, surpassing the previous year’s record. ‌In the aftermath of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, instances of anti-Semitism have erupted ‌in cities and ‌on campuses, often with the support of the identitarian left.⁣ Against this backdrop, the decision to focus on Islamophobia seems out of touch with the‌ reality of ⁢the moment.

Furthermore, the announcement inadvertently exposes a concerning development ​in our civic life. It is becoming increasingly evident that there is a⁣ domestic constituency ⁤for Hamas in ⁤the United States. This constituency consists of‌ a broad coalition between the woke left and a significant portion of the Muslim-American population. This⁤ Red-Green alliance, as it may be‍ referred to, ‌raises concerns about the potential for ⁢real violence in the near future.

Recent videos have surfaced of self-righteous Hamas sympathizers tearing down posters ⁣of missing or kidnapped Israeli ⁤children. These actions are often accompanied by a defiant callousness⁤ or a dead-eyed nonchalance, making it clear that⁣ engaging in dialogue or reasoning‌ with these individuals is futile. They are unabashed antisemites who proudly embrace their hatred.

However, a different⁢ kind of video emerged this week, showcasing a group of Jews in Manhattan’s Upper East Side physically protecting posters of Israeli‌ child hostages from an antisemite attempting to tear them down. Despite the provocations, the Jewish individuals stood their ground, and a ⁢scuffle‍ ensued until the⁢ police arrived to make an arrest. This incident, along with the rising instances of​ anti-Semitism, ‍calls for a reevaluation of⁣ priorities in addressing discrimination and hate ⁢crimes.

In conclusion, the timing ⁢of the ‍White House’s announcement to ​counter Islamophobia raises questions about⁢ the administration’s understanding of the current climate. While it is essential to address discrimination against all communities, the surge in anti-Semitic incidents, especially in the aftermath of‍ attacks on Israel by Hamas, demands immediate attention. It is crucial to reassess priorities and ensure that the fight against hate includes ⁢all affected communities, including the Jewish population facing an alarming rise in anti-Semitism.

Read More From Original Article Here: The Pro-Hamas Left Is Warming Up For Real Violence

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