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What’s really behind the childhood ‘mental health crisis’?

The Transformation of Schools: ⁢From Education to Medical ‍Care

Around a century ago, the Spanish Flu claimed the lives of 700,000 people in this country. It was deadlier than both World Wars, Vietnam, and Korea combined. The pandemic caused the average life expectancy to drop by 12 years overnight, with many young people among the casualties.

Surprisingly, life returned to normal within a couple of years ⁣after the pandemic⁢ subsided. Society​ didn’t​ undergo any permanent ​changes, and there were no lasting alterations to election laws or the adoption of mail-in​ voting. Unlike today, people moved on and progressed.

Fast forward to⁣ the post-COVID era, and ‌the opposite has occurred. Elected officials have ⁣chosen to extend⁣ COVID policies indefinitely, wherever possible. Some of these⁤ efforts are‌ evident, but others have received little ​media coverage despite their potential impact on children.

One significant development is the ongoing effort to transform schools into mini-hospitals, benefiting startups funded by Silicon ⁤Valley. The focus of schools has shifted from⁤ providing education to turning students into patients,‍ all to enrich investors in California. Schools are now expected⁣ to cater to children’s educational, medical, and psychiatric‌ needs.

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Prior to COVID, Telehealth appointments for mental health and substance-related issues were virtually nonexistent. However, since March 2021, Telehealth technology has exploded in popularity, with over one-third of all outpatient visits for these symptoms being conducted through Telehealth. This shift⁢ has particularly ‍affected students⁤ in grades K through 12.

According to the Associated Press, at least 16 of⁣ the 20 largest U.S. public school districts now offer online therapy sessions, with contracts worth ​over $70 million. One prominent Telehealth provider in ⁤schools is “Hazel Health,” active in more than 150 school districts across 15 states. They recently ⁤signed a $24 million contract with Los Angeles County ​to provide “tele-therapy” to over a⁣ million students.

However, the larger issue is that schools‌ should not be responsible for providing medical care. This represents a significant example of “mission creep.” Schools are not hospitals or mental health facilities, and their role should be limited ⁣to minor injuries that can be handled by school nurses. Schools should not be promoting mental health treatments online.

So why are schools spending millions on ​therapy for kids? In the past, school guidance counselors had a narrow role, acting as HR representatives for students. Now, schools are referring children to anonymous doctors for talk ‌therapy via Zoom, often without parental knowledge of ⁢the session’s‍ content. This practice raises concerns about the quality of care and the potential for misdiagnosis or affirming gender delusions.

Time Magazine⁤ investigated this issue and found that ‍mental health professionals working for telepsych or substance-treatment startups had complaints about short appointments,‌ overworked clinicians, ‍and lax policies for prescribing drugs ⁤and treating‍ complex‍ cases.

Telehealth Startups Under Investigation for Prescription Practices

TIME also reported that federal investigators are looking into prescription practices at Done and Cerebral, two popular startups offering virtual therapy and medication ⁣management for various ⁤mental health disorders.​ Former employees‌ have claimed that these startups overprescribe stimulants for ADHD. Major pharmacies like CVS and Walmart have ‌already stopped filling controlled-substance prescriptions from clinicians‌ at Cerebral and Done.

Concerns about Misdiagnosis in ⁢Telehealth

Furthermore, research conducted by the Mayo Clinic revealed that misdiagnosis is ‌a significant issue in telehealth. Out of 2,400 patients who underwent a video⁤ consultation followed by an in-person visit, ⁤13‍ percent received a different diagnosis. This means ​that over 300 individuals were misdiagnosed, highlighting a major problem in the system.

Rising Mental Distress⁣ Among Children and Young Adults

The sudden emergence and funding of these telehealth‌ startups can⁣ be attributed to the ‌alarming levels of mental distress experienced by children and young adults. More than 60 percent of teenage girls reported persistent feelings ⁢of sadness or hopelessness this year alone.⁣ The CDC’s school health division director, Kathleen Ethier, stated that the current findings on depression among young ⁢people are unprecedented and devastating.

According to CDC data, 42⁤ percent of high school students​ in 2021 experienced⁤ such⁣ intense⁢ sadness‍ or hopelessness that they ⁢stopped engaging in their usual activities for at least ‍two consecutive weeks. This percentage has⁢ significantly increased⁤ from ​26 percent in 2009.

Questionable Efficacy of Talk Therapy

Despite the mental‌ health crisis, the effectiveness of talk therapy, whether in-person or⁤ via telehealth, remains uncertain. Recent studies have shown that more than ⁤half of patients receiving therapy for depression experienced little ‌to no benefit. ⁢The positive impact of therapy and medication has also‍ been deemed limited after decades⁤ of research and investment.

This raises concerns about the experimental nature of‌ providing therapy to children, especially through telehealth platforms. ⁣The lack of evidence‌ supporting its effectiveness further adds to⁤ the skepticism surrounding this approach.

The Root Cause of⁣ the Mental Health⁣ Crisis

The mental health crisis ⁢among children​ cannot be solely​ attributed to bullying,⁢ as commonly believed. ​While bullying​ has‌ always existed, ‌previous generations did not seek⁤ therapy to the same extent and were not as psychologically devastated. There is a deeper problem at play, which‍ involves deliberate efforts to destabilize our children ⁢psychologically ⁣and spiritually.

Children are being indoctrinated with a ⁤worldview that promotes uncertainty, denies truth, questions their own identity, vilifies their country, and undermines their family. This ⁤conditioning leaves them lost‌ and vulnerable, unable to cope with challenges that previous generations ⁢handled⁣ more easily.

In conclusion, ⁤the rise of telehealth ‍startups and the push for⁤ therapy in schools‌ may not be the solution to the mental health crisis.⁢ It is ⁤crucial to address⁣ the root​ causes and provide effective support that goes ⁢beyond superficial treatments.

Engaging Paraphrase:

The Disturbing Reality of Today’s Education​ System

Imagine⁤ being confined‌ indoors, forbidden to interact with anyone, all because of a​ minuscule chance of catching a virus that poses little threat. If that’s not enough, if you’re white, you’re taught to despise your own race, and if you’re male, you’re encouraged to hate your own gender. Stripped of purpose and meaning, it’s no wonder our youth are plagued with depression. And instead of seeking genuine help, we subject them⁢ to therapists who only reinforce the very indoctrination that caused their​ distress in the first place.

But here’s the shocking truth – ⁣schools aren’t even trying anymore. They’re not bothering to refer kids to professional help. Instead, they’re‍ simply placing iPads‍ in front of their faces and connecting‍ them with TikTok nurses⁢ who validate every delusion they have. They claim it’s to save parents time, but in reality, it’s all about lining the pockets of Big Tech startups and cementing the indoctrination they receive in school.


And sadly, parents are going along with it.

In school districts across the nation, parents are handing their children over to Zoom shrinks while they continue working. All they can do is hope that their kids won’t‌ be misdiagnosed, prescribed unnecessary medication, or end up with even more mental issues ‍than before.

We’re told this is the future​ of medicine. Whether we ‌like it or not, whether we consented or not, it’s​ likely coming to your child’s school.

How can ⁢we address the ⁤root cause ⁢of rising levels of​ mental distress among children and young ‌adults, ⁣particularly the psychological and spiritual destabilization resulting from indoctrination

⁤ Clusion, the transformation of schools from education-focused institutions‌ to providers of medical care is a concerning development. The⁢ increasing reliance on telehealth platforms for mental health support raises questions ‍about ​the quality and effectiveness of care received by ⁣students.⁤ Misdiagnosis​ and‌ overprescription of medication are significant issues in the ‍telehealth⁣ system. Additionally, the rising ‌levels ⁢of mental distress among ​children and young adults is alarming and requires attention. However,⁣ it‍ is ⁣crucial to address the​ root cause of‌ this crisis, which involves the psychological and spiritual ‌destabilization of our children through indoctrination. Schools should prioritize their core mission of providing education⁤ and leave medical care to ⁢professionals‍ in the healthcare field.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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