The daily wire

Canada’s escalating authoritarian state

The Changing Face of Canada: From Laid-Back ​Neighbor to Authoritarian ​State

The ⁤international reputation of Canada ⁢ as the politically laid-back, unpretentious neighbor​ state to the polarized United​ States has become laughably anachronistic ‍over the past few years. From passing bills to regulate the⁢ internet, ‌ freezing bank accounts​ of those who donated to the trucker convoy, to barring unvaccinated citizens from boarding an airplane (or otherwise​ leaving the country) — Canada has descended into a⁢ spiraling authoritarian ​state that has caught⁣ many by surprise.

A Shift Towards More Free Speech Attacks ‌and Legislative Disasters

In 2023, this shift took a sharp turn towards even more free speech attacks and legislative disasters.

Just before‍ the end of the year, Canada hit a new ​low for ‍freedom​ of political expression as an Ottawa judge⁤ ruled that the conservative commentator Ezra Levant’s anti-Trudeau book promotion during a previous federal election was illegal. “I am the only person in ‌history they are targeting for writing an election book during an election,” Levant writes. Levant​ is now fined $13,000 ⁣and threatened with potential criminal ‍prosecution should he write and promote another ⁢political book in the next​ election.

Yes, this is Canada — not Cambodia (where the police arrest ‍reporters ⁢for quoting politicians).

From⁤ prosecuting lockdown-violating ​pastors to rejecting employment to unvaccinated nurses, this is the‍ new norm in Canada’s social justice​ kangaroo courts.

The most dramatic shift in Canadians’⁤ lives ‍in 2023 as ​a result of government failure comes from Bill C-18, which ⁢mandated social media companies compensate Canadian media outlets for distributing their content. Twitter ⁤and Facebook warned beforehand they would not be able to⁤ comply with a 4% ‌link fee ⁤for a‍ number ⁤of technical,⁤ pragmatic reasons — also‌ stating that their platforms helped generate traffic⁤ to these sites — but the Trudeau government pushed it anyway. The unsettling result:‍ Canadians can no longer access ⁣ any news ‍articles, videos, or event accounts of⁢ media outlets and newspapers on Meta.

This has been a complete disaster⁢ leading to independent media outlets losing significant ⁣traffic and‍ millions of dollars in‌ revenue.⁣ On the consumer side, many⁤ users, especially my‍ peer Zoomers, stay ⁢at least minimally informed with local and international affairs by scrolling through their Instagram feed, but that is ​now all gone.

What implications will this have for future voting outcomes and the ​political​ climate, more broadly?

All of this could have been​ averted if the government hadn’t spread its tentacles far and wide across online sectors, ‌attempting to ⁣regulate and engineer a ⁣more “equitable” online world (though one where CBC profits the most).

Worst yet, the government announced a new mandate requiring podcast platforms to‍ officially register with ⁣the federal government. The motivation of “promoting Canadian​ content” for the expansion of ⁤online regulation may fool the‌ naive, but the guidelines of the anointed government agency (the CRTC) include ‌the preferential boosting of “racialized communities and Canadians of ‍diverse ethnocultural backgrounds.” It’s easy to ⁤imagine what that may look ⁤like. Minorities who abide by the regime may be government-boosted but what about black, vaccine-hesitant Covid dissidents? Or Muslim ‌parents vocally opposed⁢ to the⁤ imposition of gender ideology in kindergarten class?

Indigenous Graves

This year has also revealed⁢ the biggest media scandal in recent Canadian history. ⁣After two ⁤years of fear-mongering ​about​ mass graves of⁤ Indigenous children at‍ a number of⁢ residential schools, nothing has been found in ⁤a recent formalized excavation. The​ claim originated from a ⁢First⁣ Nations ⁣group’s discovery of ⁣“anomalies”‍ in the soil at residential schools using “ground-penetrating‌ radar.” Some independent voices at the time expressed caution, but​ leading media channels rushed to judgment and ‍wrongly asserted dispositive evidence of⁤ human remains.‌ The New York Times published multiple‍ pieces with outright‌ falsehoods, such as an article by veteran reporter ​Ian⁣ Austen ​stating, “the ‌remains of more than 1,000 people, mostly children, have been discovered on the grounds⁤ of three former residential schools in two Canadian provinces since May.” This was false then and it is embarrassingly false now. The Times ⁣has yet to correct ‍its⁤ many factual errors in its coverage of this issue.

Liberal media outlets have⁣ a way in which to completely detract ⁣from ‍real issues such as the‌ generational poverty, mental health crisis, and neglect in‍ Canadian Aboriginal ‍communities. Instead, we are now focusing on‍ the non-existence of media-hyped Indigenous children’s human remains. Really?

On the culture-war front, ‍this past month we saw a‌ few disorienting clashes on Canadian grounds between​ “minority” groups who — surprise, surprise — often ⁢have diametrically opposing views on fundamental ethical issues. One incident in particular is enough to‍ make an intersectional, ⁣blue-haired resistance liberal​ faint from cognitive paralysis. At a⁣ Muslim-led 1⁣ Million March 4 Children protest — aimed at pushing back against radical gender ideology being ⁢taught in schools ⁤— one Muslim boy gets up on stage and says, gay ‌people are “disgusting” and “psychopaths.”

This video contains multitudes.‍ On‌ one level, this clip exposes everything wrong with social media soundbites used to advance political narratives. The full video segment includes the boy’s father⁢ correcting him, saying⁢ gay people⁢ are human ​too and ‍deserve our love and respect, but the viral clip ‌ used by leading progressive journalists conveniently didn’t include that portion. Much more interestingly, you saw the Muslim Association of Canada supporting the national anti-2SLGBTQ+ protests​ and calling out the​ prime minister’s ⁤attacks against the movement as hateful. This ⁢is amusingly ironic as Trudeau’s messaging​ a few years ago⁢ — before the school indoctrination tensions kicked into full gear — was clearly catered ‌to​ win the sympathies⁢ of ⁤Muslim migrants. Now,‍ many of those people are calling out ‌his⁤ bulls***.⁢ As it turns out, appeasing‍ all identity ‍groups⁢ — many of whom have‍ nothing in common‍ except⁤ for how​ elite white people⁤ perceive ‍them — is practically impossible and Canada is learning that the hard way.

Racial Segregation

Lastly, is another hot culture-war story — now​ pertaining to​ race — of controversial posters found in Metro Vancouver⁢ advertising a mom-and-toddler group for “whites-only.” “It⁢ seeks to provide “proud parents of European children” a place ‌to‍ “escape forced ‘diversity’” where their “kids can feel‍ like they belong. The controversy prompted a​ national outcry and ‌law enforcement ‌has now launched an ⁢investigation⁣ to see if there is any “criminality involved.” Needless to say, there⁢ is no defense for congregating ‌white children and their mothers ‍as ‍an escape from​ ethnic minorities. Anyone who publicly says otherwise will have their career‌ and livelihood destroyed in the blink ​of an eye. Yes, it’s 2023 — ⁣not ⁣1985. But, here’s ⁢a revealing question: replace the “whites-only”‌ label in the poster to “people-of-color-only” and ask yourself, would that generate even one crumble ​of controversy?

I’m ‌sorry,⁣ but the city mayor Brad West would not condemn it as “vile garbage” which ‘“isn’t welcome‌ in our community,‍ or anywhere else.” Ethnic-exclusive spaces exist in​ every liberal, ⁣metropolitan city, from black ​graduation ceremonies, “people of color” meditation retreats, “women of‌ color” clubs on campus, and​ — wait for ‍it —⁢ yes,⁣ mom and child groups for black ‌Canadians only.

If you search⁤ “people of color” followed by the ‍first activity ​or event that (cooking, sports, education, music) enters ⁣your mind, there’s a good chance it exists ‍— ‍and nakedly⁣ thrives at a powerful liberal⁣ institution near ​you. This is where our ‍society is: racial segregation for all minority groups is loudly celebrated, but the same action by European “white” groups‌ is a monstrous evil. Hopefully, this all goes into extinction when “people of color” turn⁢ into the majority in a couple of decades, thereby shattering any progressive justifications for “oppressed” ethnic ‌groups needing their own sheltered islands in notoriously alt-right havens‍ such ⁢as ‌downtown Toronto or North Vancouver.

The social fabric ‍of Canada has deteriorated as ⁢much as its​ constitutional commitment ⁢to freedom. COVID lockdowns and vaccine⁢ mandates were the most striking infringements on ⁤civil liberties,‌ but​ the media-supported normalization and political justifications of such measures paved the way for further⁢ censorious‌ attacks in 2023. As⁤ the culture war embroiled, Canadians’ access to online information radically changed ‌with much uncertainty about the future of the last remaining pillars of our ⁤“free” media:‍ podcasts.

In⁤ its sustained paradoxical outlook, the more chill, less politically polarized caricature of ⁣Canadian life continues to shatter⁣ to the ‌point‍ of absurdity. Immigrants from Canada like myself ⁢(Indian-born)‌ now seriously begin to wonder⁣ whether the unparalleled freedom we were once promised was ⁣just an imminently combustible illusion we ⁢fell​ victim to.

Oh, Canada.

*⁣ * *

Rav Arora is ⁢a 22-year-old journalist based in Vancouver covering free‌ speech,‍ Big Pharma, Covid⁣ mandates, and totalitarianism.⁤ His work has appeared on​ The⁤ Joe Rogan‍ Experience, The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast, and The Ben Shapiro Show, among other major platforms. Follow his Substack newsletter with Dr. ⁤ Jay Bhattacharya: The Illusion Of ‌Consensus.

The views expressed in this piece are ‌those of the‌ author and do‍ not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

What are ‌the implications of government regulation‌ on social ​media ‌platforms and the accessibility ⁢of news for Canadian citizens?

The ⁣Changing Face ‍of Canada: From Laid-Back ​Neighbor to Authoritarian ​State

The international reputation of Canada as the politically laid-back, unpretentious neighbor​⁤ state to the polarized United​ States has become laughably ⁤anachronistic ‍over the past few years. From passing bills to regulate the⁢ internet, ‌ freezing bank accounts​ of those ⁤who​ donated ⁤to the trucker convoy, to ⁢barring unvaccinated citizens from boarding an airplane (or otherwise​ leaving the country) — Canada has descended into⁢ a⁢ spiraling authoritarian ​state that has ‍caught⁣ many by surprise.

A Shift Towards ⁣More Free Speech Attacks ‌and Legislative Disasters

In⁤ 2023, this shift took a sharp turn ⁣towards even more free ⁤speech attacks and legislative disasters.

Just before‍ the end of the year, Canada‌ hit a new ​low for ‍freedom​ of political expression as an Ottawa judge⁤ ruled that the conservative commentator Ezra Levant’s anti-Trudeau book promotion during a previous federal election was illegal. “I am the only person in ‌history they are targeting for writing⁤ an election book during an election,” ⁤Levant writes. Levant​ is now fined $13,000 ⁣and threatened with potential criminal ‍prosecution should he write and promote another ⁢political book in the next​ election.

Yes, this is Canada‌ — ​not Cambodia (where the police arrest ‍reporters ⁢for quoting politicians).

From⁤ ⁤prosecuting lockdown-violating ⁣​pastors to rejecting employment to unvaccinated nurses, this is the‍ new norm in Canada’s social‍ justice​ kangaroo‌ courts.

The most dramatic shift in Canadians’⁤ lives ‍in 2023 as ​a result of government failure comes from Bill C-18, which ⁢mandated social media companies compensate Canadian media outlets for distributing their content. Twitter ⁤and Facebook warned beforehand they⁤ would not be able to⁤‍ comply with a 4% ‌link fee ⁤for a‍ number ⁤of technical,⁤ pragmatic ⁢reasons — also‌ stating ‍that their platforms helped generate traffic⁤ to these sites — but the Trudeau government pushed it anyway. ‍The unsettling result:‍ Canadians can no longer access ⁣ any news ‍articles, videos, or event accounts of⁢ media outlets and ⁢newspapers on Meta.

This has been a complete disaster⁢ leading ⁤to independent media ‍outlets losing significant ⁣traffic and‍ millions of dollars in‌ revenue.⁣⁢ On the consumer side, many⁤ ​users, especially my‍ peer Zoomers, stay ⁢at ‍least minimally informed‌ with local and ⁤international affairs by scrolling through their Instagram​ feed, but that is ​now all ⁣gone.

What implications‌ will this have for future voting ⁢outcomes and the⁤ ​political​ climate, more broadly?

All of this could have ⁢been​ averted if the government hadn’t spread its tentacles far and⁢ wide across online sectors, ‌attempting to ⁣regulate and engineer a ⁣more “equitable” online world (though one where ⁣CBC profits the most).

Worst yet, the government announced a new mandate requiring podcast platforms to‍ officially register ⁣with⁤ ⁣the federal government. The motivation​ of “promoting Canadian​ content” for the expansion of ⁤online‌ regulation may fool the‌‍ naive, but the guidelines of the anointed government agency (the CRTC) include ‌the preferential boosting of “racialized communities ‌and Canadians of ‍diverse ethnocultural backgrounds.” It’s easy to‌ ⁤imagine what that may look ⁤like. Minorities who abide by the regime may be government-boosted but what ⁣about black, vaccine-hesitant Covid dissidents? Or Muslim ‌parents vocally opposed⁢ to the⁤ imposition of gender ideology in kindergarten class?

Indigenous Graves

This year has also‌ revealed⁢ the biggest⁣ media scandal in ⁣recent Canadian ⁣history. ⁣After two ⁤years of ⁤fear-mongering ​about​ mass graves of⁤ Indigenous children at‍ a number of⁢ residential schools, nothing has been found in ⁤a recent formalized excavation. ⁤The​ claim originated⁣ from a ⁢First⁣ Nations ⁣group’s discovery of ⁣“anomalies”‍ in the soil at residential schools using “ground-penetrating‌ ‍radar.” Some independent voices at the time expressed caution, but​ leading media channels rushed to judgment and ‍wrongly asserted dispositive evidence of⁤ human remains.‌ ‌The New York⁢ Times published multiple‍ pieces with outright‌ falsehoods, ⁣such as an article by veteran reporter ​Ian⁣ Austen ​stating,‌ “the ‌remains of more than 1,000‍ people, ‌mostly children, have been discovered on the grounds⁤ of three former residential schools in two Canadian provinces since‌ May.” This was​ false then and it is ‌embarrassingly false now. The Times ⁣has yet to correct ‍its⁤ many factual errors in its coverage of this issue.

Liberal media outlets have⁣ a‍ way in which to completely ‍detract ⁣from ‍real issues⁢ such as the‌ generational poverty, mental health crisis, and neglect in‍ Canadian Aboriginal ‍communities. ⁣Instead, we are now focusing on‍ the non-existence of ⁢media-hyped Indigenous children’s human remains. Really?

On the culture-war front, ‍this past month we saw a‌ few disorienting clashes on Canadian grounds between​ “minority” groups who — surprise, surprise — often ⁢have diametrically opposing views on⁣ fundamental ‌ethical issues. One incident in particular⁣ is enough to‍ make an intersectional, ⁣blue-haired resistance liberal​ faint from cognitive⁤ paralysis. At a⁣ Muslim-led 1⁣​ Million March 4 Children protest — aimed at pushing back against radical gender ideology being ⁢taught in schools ⁤— one Muslim boy gets up on stage and says, gay ‌people are “disgusting” and “psychopaths.”

This video contains multitudes.‍ On‌ one level, this clip exposes everything wrong with social media soundbites used to advance political narratives. The ‍full video segment includes ‌the boy’s father⁢ correcting him, saying⁢ ​gay‌ people⁢ ‍are human ​too and ‍deserve⁤ our love and respect, but the viral clip ‌ used by leading progressive journalists conveniently didn’t include that portion. Much more interestingly, you saw the Muslim‍ Association of Canada supporting the national anti-2SLGBTQ+ protests​ and calling ⁣out the​ prime minister’s ⁤attacks against ⁢the movement ​as hateful. This ⁢is amusingly ironic as Trudeau’s messaging​ ⁢a few years ago⁢‍ — before the school ⁤indoctrination tensions kicked into full gear — was clearly catered ‌to​ win the sympathies⁢ of⁢ ⁤Muslim migrants. ⁢Now,‍ many of those people are calling⁤ out ‌his⁤ bulls***.⁢ As it⁢ turns out, appeasing‍ all identity ‍groups⁢ — many of whom have‍ nothing in common‍ except⁤ for how​ ⁣elite white people⁤ ​perceive ‍them —‌ is practically⁢ impossible and Canada is learning that the ⁤hard way.

Racial Segregation

Lastly,‌ is another hot culture-war story ⁢— now​ pertaining to​ race — of controversial posters found in Metro Vancouver⁢ advertising a mom-and-toddler group for “whites-only.” “It⁢ seeks to provide “proud parents of European children” a⁢ place ‌to‍ “escape forced ‘diversity’” where their “kids can ⁢feel‍ like they belong. The controversy prompted ‌a​ national ⁢outcry and ‌law enforcement ‍‌has‍ now launched an ⁢investigation⁣ to see if there is any “criminality involved.” Needless to say, there⁢ is no ⁢defense for congregating ‌white children and their mothers ‍as ‍an escape from​ ethnic minorities. Anyone who publicly says otherwise will have their career‌​ and livelihood destroyed in the blink ⁢​of an eye. Yes, it’s 2023 — ⁣not ⁣1985. But, here’s ⁢a revealing question: replace‌ the‍ “whites-only”‌ ‌label in the ⁣poster to “people-of-color-only” and ask yourself, would that generate even one crumble ​of‌ controversy?

I’m ‌sorry,⁣ but the​ city mayor Brad West would not condemn it as “vile garbage” ⁣which ‘“isn’t welcome‌ in our community,‍ or⁢ anywhere else.” Ethnic-exclusive spaces exist in​ every liberal, ⁣metropolitan city, from black ​graduation ⁣ceremonies, “people of color” meditation retreats, “women ​of‌ color” clubs on campus, and​ — wait for ‍it —⁢ yes,⁣ mom ‍and ⁣child groups for black ‌Canadians only.

If you search⁤ “people of color” followed by the ‍first activity ​or event that (cooking, sports, education, music) enters ⁣your⁣ mind, there’s a good chance it exists ‍— ‍and nakedly⁣ thrives⁢ at a ⁢powerful liberal⁣ institution near ​you.

Read More From Original Article Here: The Spiraling Authoritarian State Of Canada

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