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The ‘Squad’s’ Support for Anti-Jewish Terrorism: More Alarming Than You Realize

Progressives and Their Anti-Semitic Stance: ⁢The⁢ Troubling Truth About the “Squad”

It’s a common defense used⁣ by progressives who support Hamas in its war against ⁣Israel: ⁢being against the Jewish state or Zionism doesn’t‌ equate to⁢ anti-Semitism. ⁣But is this really​ the case, or ⁣just a convenient shield for leftist activists⁤ and ⁢their liberal⁤ allies?

When it comes ​to the infamous ⁢”squad” in the ⁣U.S. House of Representatives, the answer couldn’t be clearer. These individuals are not just critics of Israel, they are unabashed anti-Semites. And⁣ their track records, both before and after the attacks of Oct. 7, are even ‌worse than you might think.

Who Makes Up the⁢ “Squad”?

Before we⁣ delve into their troubling views, ⁣let’s first understand who the “squad” is. The ‌original four members, all elected in 2018, are Reps. Alexandria ⁤Ocasio-Cortez of New York, ⁣Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib ⁣of Michigan.

Since then, four more⁤ hard-left Democrats have joined their ranks: ​Reps. Jamaal ⁤Bowman of New‌ York, Cori Bush ​of Missouri, ‌Greg Casar of Texas, and Summer Lee of Pennsylvania. Shockingly, all eight of them refused to​ vote for⁢ a resolution condemning Hamas for the attacks of Oct. 7.

Anti-Semitism Allegations from⁢ the Start

From the‌ very beginning, there were credible allegations of anti-Semitism surrounding the “squad,” particularly directed at Ilhan Omar. Shortly ‍after her inauguration in 2019, she was forced to apologize for a tweet from 2012 in which‍ she accused Israel of “hypnotizing” the world.

But that was ‍just‌ the tip of the iceberg. Omar went on to make a series of remarks that echoed anti-Semitic tropes, suggesting that Jewish money ⁤was buying American ⁤influence and accusing American Jews of having dual loyalties.‌ Despite facing censure, Omar managed to evade serious​ consequences for her offensive ‍comments.

Tlaib’s Troubling Slogan and​ Censure

While Omar escaped ​censure, it was Rashida​ Tlaib who ⁤faced the consequences for her remarks. She was censured by‌ the House of⁣ Representatives after failing to immediately condemn Hamas‌ and using⁤ a slogan that⁣ calls ‍for ‍the eradication of Israel.

The slogan in question is “From the river to the sea, ‌Palestine will be free,” which essentially means that all of Israel would be under ⁣Palestinian control. Tlaib tried to ​defend herself by‍ claiming it ‍was an aspirational call for freedom, but her true ‍intentions‍ were ⁤clear.

Both Tlaib and Omar were banned ‌from visiting the Palestinian Authority-controlled territory in Israel ⁢in 2019, leading them to compare the government to ‍apartheid South Africa. ⁣Since Oct. 7, they have only intensified their⁢ attacks on the Jewish state.

It’s time to acknowledge the disturbing truth about ​the “squad” and ⁣their⁣ anti-Semitic views. Their⁣ actions and rhetoric cannot be justified or ignored. It’s crucial to hold them accountable ​for their harmful beliefs and ensure that anti-Semitism⁢ has no ⁣place in our⁤ society.

Engaging Instagram Post by Rashida Tlaib

A​ post shared by Rashida Tlaib (@rashidatlaib)

Rashida Tlaib’s Message⁣ on Instagram

“I grieve the Palestinian and ⁢Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and ‌every ⁢day. I am determined ‍as ever to fight for a just future where​ everyone can live in peace, without⁤ fear and with true ​freedom, equal​ rights,‌ and human dignity,” Tlaib wrote on Instagram. “The path to that future must include lifting the blockade, ending ⁢the ⁣occupation,⁣ and dismantling the apartheid⁤ system that creates ⁣the suffocating, dehumanizing conditions that⁢ can lead to resistance.”

Cori Bush’s Tweet‍ on the Ongoing Violence

“Violations of human rights do not⁤ justify more violations of human rights, and ⁤a military​ response will only exacerbate⁤ the suffering of Palestinians and Israelis alike,” ‍Bush said on ‍social media. “As part of achieving ⁢a just​ and ‌lasting peace,⁢ we must do our ​part ‍to stop this violence⁤ and trauma by ending U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid.”

And both Omar and Tlaib bought the Hamas-fed lie‍ that an Israeli rocket had targeted a hospital in‌ the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds. (It later turned out the ⁣missile was ⁤likely a⁤ malfunctioning rocket ​from a Hamas ⁢ally and ‍that the impact killed far fewer ‌than​ Palestinian authorities claimed ‍it did.)

Rashida Tlaib’s Tweet on the Alleged Bombing ‍of ‌a Hospital

Ilhan Omar’s⁣ Tweet on the Bombing of a⁤ Hospital

Even after the​ misinformation was unmasked, Tlaib continued to stick by the story, insisting Israel had⁢ a history of lying.

Rashida⁤ Tlaib’s Tweet on Israeli‍ Prime Minister Netanyahu

“Media⁢ outlets and‌ third-party ‍analysts have raised doubts about⁣ claims and evidence⁣ offered by ​both Israel and the Gaza Ministry⁣ of Health, and I agree with the United Nations that an independent investigation is necessary,” Tlaib ‌ said ​in ⁢a statement after the incident.

“I​ cannot uncritically accept Israel’s denials of responsibility⁣ as ⁢fact, especially in ⁣light of confirmation from the World Health Organization.

The ‘Squad’s’ ⁣Troubling⁣ Support for Anti-Jewish Terrorism: A Closer Look

Recent events have shed light on ​the ⁤troubling stance‌ of the “squad” ⁣- a group ​of progressive lawmakers – when ‌it comes to​ the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Reports have emerged of Israel bombing medical facilities in Gaza, as well‌ as ongoing ⁤threats to evacuate hospitals by the Israeli military. These actions have sparked outrage and condemnation from various quarters.

One member of the “squad,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has ​often been seen as⁤ a voice of reason within the group. However, her response to the ⁣attack was‌ not ⁢as unequivocal as many‍ had hoped. While she did condemn Hamas’ attack, she refrained from ⁤unilaterally condemning ‍anyone in the “squad.”

In addition, Ocasio-Cortez has made controversial statements about AIPAC, an influential pro-Israel lobbying ⁢group. She referred to them⁢ as an “extremist⁣ organization ​that destabilizes US democracy.” This came after AIPAC called⁣ her and other progressive lawmakers out for refusing‍ to vote for a resolution condemning Hamas’ attacks.

Ocasio-Cortez’s response ⁢to the ⁣recent attack also raises questions⁢ about her previous‌ actions. ‌In 2021, she ‍was a prominent voice in an attempt to revoke U.S. funding for Israel’s Iron‍ Dome missile defense system. She even appeared to cry ⁤on the House floor when it became ⁣clear that the effort would fail.

Unsurprisingly, the‌ “squad’s” stance has caused significant displeasure ‌among many of their Democrat colleagues. Axios reported⁣ a ‍swift ​internal backlash within ‍the party just‍ four days ‌after the ‌attacks. Lawmakers like​ Rep. Ritchie Torres and Rep. Josh Gottheimer ⁤expressed ​their frustration with the “squad’s”‌ refusal⁣ to support Israel and⁤ their calls to strip U.S. funding to the country.

Even⁤ the ⁢White House⁤ press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, condemned their stance, ​calling it wrong, repugnant,⁣ and disgraceful. She emphasized that there are not two sides ⁣to this issue.

It is worth noting that ⁢the “squad’s” troubling ​support for ‍anti-Jewish terrorism did not come as a surprise. In 2021, Hamas praised one of their ⁣members, ‍Ilhan Omar, for her support of justice and the rights ⁢of the⁤ Palestinian people. This should have served ⁤as a warning sign for Democrats, but unfortunately,⁢ it seems they failed to ‌heed it.

If ⁢only they ‍had listened earlier, perhaps the intra-party wrangling over the propriety of ⁢terrorism could have been avoided. The evidence was ‌there, and it⁤ was ‍clear ⁢that ‍this would​ be the inevitable‌ outcome.

Source: The Western Journal

The ‌Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ​Here⁤ are three ​related PAA questions:

In ⁤the⁣ movement to defund the ‌police. However, when it⁢ came to Israel, she advocated for sending U.S. military aid ‍to the country. This double standard is concerning and undermines​ her credibility​ ⁤as a champion of justice and equity.

The other ⁤members of‍ the “squad” have also expressed troubling views‌ on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ilhan Omar has been ‌an outspoken critic of Israel and has faced allegations of anti-Semitism for her comments. Ayanna ⁢Pressley has called for⁣ removing⁣ support for Israel and‌ redirecting ⁤those⁣ funds to social services. ​Rashida Tlaib has advocated for the destruction of ‍Israel and has made derogatory remarks about Jewish​ people.

It is important to​ hold these⁣ lawmakers accountable for​ their statements and actions. Criticizing⁣ Israel is not inherently anti-Semitic,⁢ but when criticism crosses into demonization and perpetuates harmful stereotypes, it becomes ⁣a problem. The “squad” must be called out for their anti-Semitic rhetoric and for perpetuating ⁤a biased ⁤and one-sided narrative of

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