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Texas teacher fired for assigning Anne Frank graphic novel.

Teacher Fired for Assigning Anne Frank Graphic Novel

Last week, a middle school ⁢teacher in Texas was fired for assigning “the graphic adaptation” of Anne Frank’s diary.⁤ Judging from most headlines, this ‍seems to be ‌an instance⁣ of intolerant ⁤and anti-intellectual parents targeting a teacher for trying to engage ​her class with a text that denounces hate.

Context⁤ Matters: Examining the Anne Frank Book Controversy

Last week,‍ a middle school teacher in Texas ⁢ was fired for assigning “the graphic adaptation” of Anne Frank’s diary. Judging from most headlines, this seems to be an ⁤instance of ​intolerant and anti-intellectual parents targeting‌ a teacher for trying to engage her class with a text that denounces hate.

Newsweek’s title ⁢was typical, “Anne Frank Book​ Gets Teacher Fired,” placing the blame on the book rather than the teacher, and purposely de-contextualizing the​ issue so that it’s about the presence​ of this book, not what was done with it. Understandably, Randi Weingarten, ⁢the infamous president of the American Federation of⁤ Teachers union, tweeted​ to her 124,000 ‌followers about the incident to complain about a wrongful termination but had all the details wrong.

All this​ is to say that there’s⁣ more to this story that deserves further examination.

I’ll admit, as an ‌English teacher myself, I⁣ sympathized with this woman at first, thinking she must’ve been ⁤caught in the crosshairs of some​ vindictive parents or administrators who disagreed ⁢with her politics or⁢ lifestyle. I’ve witnessed this and can attest the attacks ⁤can be from both⁣ sides, and⁤ it gets ugly.

However,⁢ once I made it past the headline,‌ it became apparent why this​ teacher was removed‍ from the classroom.⁢ First, the book wasn’t ‍included in the class’s approved curriculum. Second, the book included⁢ sexually explicit content that was wildly inappropriate​ for a middle school English class.

At best, the teacher was⁣ incompetent and thought using this book would help her struggling readers understand ‍Anne Frank’s story, not thinking about the​ material in it. At worst, the teacher knew what was in the book, ‍thought⁣ it would be good for her students, and wanted to rebel against prescribed standards‍ by⁣ going off-script.

For most​ people, all ⁤this might⁢ be⁤ confusing. After all,‌ how can Anne ‍Frank’s diary be inappropriate when so many millions of students read the book and ⁣missed ⁢these salacious descriptions? This is because ​the original version published in 1947, which most people have read, doesn’t include Frank’s descriptions of puberty, genitalia, and lesbian desires, which were in the original diary. For whatever reason,​ the graphic novel version published in 2017 includes ⁤these missing portions, as the Daily Mail’s writeup on this story​ shows.

That said, this doesn’t make it a⁢ bad book. Puberty and sexual desires ⁢are normal aspects of young adulthood,⁣ and many adolescent readers may take solace ​in the fact that Frank felt the same things some of them do.

But ⁤this kind of content does ⁤make it a bad book ⁣for whole-class reading in a middle school English class. ⁣In this context, the teacher⁤ is effectively⁤ acting as an authority on sensitive topics, taking it upon herself to introduce, explain, and evaluate what Frank is talking about.

Instead of students encountering these subjects when they’re ready, they are forced to adopt and apply their teacher’s interpretation. Otherwise, they may be ⁢punished or suffer a bad​ grade.

Naturally, this makes for an extremely uncomfortable⁤ classroom environment. In addition to assigning the graphic novel to her⁤ classes, this teacher was making ⁢her students read these parts aloud, which is extremely questionable. Why would she ask 13-year-old boys and girls to read lines about how Frank feels about menstruating or how she wants to grope her friend? Either she gets a perverted thrill⁤ from this, or she wants⁢ to somehow de-stigmatize or ​normalize this subject matter for her young students — two things ⁣most people⁤ would consider sexual grooming.

As a ​teacher, I also question the instructional merits⁤ of assigning a graphic novel as ‍whole-class⁣ reading. Most middle schoolers desperately need to practice ⁤reading texts, building their​ vocabulary,‌ logic, and imagination to better ⁢comprehend complex ⁢ideas in written form. And⁢ as much as I love graphic novels as a narrative art form — Scott McCloud’s classic book, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art, is still ‍a favorite of mine ⁣— their reliance on visual representation ⁢makes them unsuitable for teaching ​reading.

Seeing illustrations of⁤ Frank with accompanying word bubbles and ⁢narration is altogether different from reading her words and putting them together in one’s ⁣mind. The content might be similar, but the skills ⁣involved are not, and this ​matters if students are going to be tested on those skills at the end of the year.

Overall, far from condemning the administrators and parents as⁤ bullies and book banners, we can say that they​ did the right thing in dismissing a teacher ‍who crossed more than a few lines. Not only did she neglect to teach age-appropriate content to her classes, but she corrupted​ her students,⁢ doing untold damage to their mental and emotional health.

For the time being, a long-term⁢ sub⁤ has replaced her while the ⁤district looks for someone to fill the vacancy. It’s ⁢unlikely the students will learn much in the meantime, but at least ⁢they won’t be subjected to further ‍harm.

Hopefully, educators can learn⁤ from this⁤ story and remember what they were hired to do. Our job is to teach kids knowledge and skills⁤ (i.e., how to​ think), not opinions and values (i.e., what to think), and certainly not how to‍ become activists (i.e., not to think). This might mean reading the PG‌ version ⁤of Frank and avoiding various hot topics that come up in class discussions.‍ That’s​ fine.

The kids will grow into‌ adults and think about ⁢these things when they’re ready. We just need ⁣to⁢ make sure they actually do grow into adults and learn ‍how to think in ⁤the first place.

Was not​ appropriate for middle school students.

How can educators ensure that the material presented to middle school⁢ students ‍is age-appropriate in a PAA setting?

When it comes to a PAA (Puberty ‌and Adolescent Awareness) setting, educators can⁤ take several steps to⁣ ensure that the material⁢ presented to middle school students ⁢is‌ age-appropriate. Here ⁣are some strategies:

1. Use curriculum‍ developed for middle school students: Utilize curriculum specifically designed ​for this age group, which considers their cognitive and emotional development. Look for materials that ‌cover topics such as puberty, body changes, reproductive health,⁤ relationships, ​and consent in a manner suitable for⁣ middle schoolers.

2. Follow guidelines ⁤and standards: Familiarize yourself with national or state standards for health education regarding⁣ PAA. These‌ guidelines often provide age-appropriate content recommendations, which can help educators understand what topics and information are suitable for middle ⁣school students.

3. ⁣Consider cultural and ​diversity factors: Recognize cultural, religious, and diversity factors that may influence‌ students’ understanding and comfort levels regarding PAA topics. Adapt your teaching⁣ materials and approach to be inclusive, sensitive, and ​respectful of various cultural perspectives.

4. Seek ​parental and community involvement: ​Involve‌ parents and the community in the planning and implementation of PAA education by conducting information ⁣sessions or sharing materials in advance. This ensures that parents are aware⁢ of the content and have the opportunity to discuss it at home with their child, ensuring a more ​coordinated approach between home and school.

5. Establish a safe and non-judgmental learning environment: Create a ⁣supportive classroom atmosphere where students feel comfortable asking questions, expressing concerns, and learning from one another. ‌Foster open dialogue and emphasize that everyone develops at their own pace, normalizing the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty.

6. Provide accurate and evidence-based information: Ensure that the content shared is medically accurate, up-to-date, and supported by credible ‌sources. Stick to the ⁢facts while avoiding personal opinions or biases.

7. Use ⁤appropriate teaching methods: Incorporate interactive activities, group discussions, role-plays, and visual aids to engage middle school students while addressing their learning needs. Recognize ⁢individual ⁤differences and ‌adjust teaching methods accordingly.

8. Seek professional development and training: Educators should continuously seek professional development opportunities to enhance their knowledge ⁤and skills ⁢in teaching PAA topics to middle school students. This can include attending workshops, conferences, or taking relevant online courses.

By following these strategies,⁣ educators can effectively ensure that the material presented to middle school students in a PAA⁤ setting is age-appropriate, respectful,‌ and supportive of‌ their learning needs.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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