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The True History Of Antifa’s Stalinist Founder

On Friday’s episode Of Human Events DailyHost Jack Posobiec We looked into the true history AntifaHe explained that, contrary to what some may believe, it isn’t a decentralized, disorganized organization that has spontaneously sprung up but a nearly 100-year-old strongarm, composed of communist authorityitarians who are working to destroy all foundations. America.

“We’re going to tell you the true history of Antifa,” Posobiec said. “The seeds of what would become the present version of Antifa, worldwide, were actually planted all the way back in 1930s. Germany. Yeah, that’s right. The Weimar Republic. The group likes to present itself as the inheritor of a tradition of fighting fascism. But is this true? Well, the first eponymous Antifa group was Antifaschistische Aktion. It was founded by a Soviet agent, and a committed Stalinist who’s named Ernst Thälmann in 1932 in Weimar, Germany. And if you don’t know the name Ernst Thälmann then perhaps you haven’t been studying the true history of Antifa.”

Posobiec How the Antifa Movement Thälmann founded had been influenced by the upswing in the late 1880s of anarcho-socialist terrorism that was prevalent in both Europe The US. 

“We’ve had anarcho socialist uprisings in the United States; the Haymarket Riots in Chicago, they killed police officers, the Wall Street bombing, the assassination of President McKinley that led to Teddy Roosevelt becoming our youngest president. He was killed by an anarcho-socialist in Buffalo, New York by the name of Leon Czolgosz.”


Thälmann was also a product of post-World War I Germany, a country that discovered its “spiritual foundations” deteriorated. The Same landscape that produced Adolf Hitler, whose rise was exploited by many German’s Fears and “widespread belief the German communist would use the economic chaos of the depression as a vehicle for taking power, installing a regime like the Bolshevik dictatorship that had been established in the USSR.”

“This fear was then magnified by a Soviet agent, who’d become the leader of the Communist Party of Germany. What was his name? Ernst Thälmann, later the founder of Antifa.”

Posobiec How it works Thälmann, unlike many others who pushed communism, like as Lenin TrotskyHe was raised in a working-class household and became the leader of Germany’s Communist Party. That Group often worked with National Socialist Workers Party In opposition to Social Democrats, an alliance which contradicts many modern technologies Antifa’s Behauptungen that the group was steadfastly anti-Hitler.

Posobiec How it works Thälmann created the Red Front In the 1920s, this was a multi-faceted paramilitary organization dedicated to the oath “I vow to never forget that world Imperialism is preparing the war against the Soviet Union.”

“Thälmann himself was hand selected by the Stalinists. He flew to Moscow, served in the honor guard at the funeral of Vladimir Lenin and then is sent back to be Moscow’s man in Germany,” Posobiec notes. “He leads the Communist Party, sets up the Red Front fighting group, sets up all of this directly on the orders of Trotsky. Why? Because Thälmann is the man that they view is going to be their candidate.”

Thälmann did run for president against Hitler Paul von Hindenburg In 1932, a election was won in which Hindenburg.

“But he is the man that they [the Soviets] view will deliver Germany to them,” Posobiec said.

“However, just before 1933, When Hitler was able to solidify his rule, becoming Chancellor, that’s when Antifa is finally formed,” Posobiec said. It The Social DemocratsAs they were about to lose power the banned them Communists They were named as foreign agents for the Soviets.

In response, “Thälmann realizes he has to come up with something new, a new type of group that is yet to be banned. In July of 1932 Thälmann inaugurated Antifaschistische Aktion.”

Posobiec How it works Thälmann knew that the word “Anti-Fascist” This would be a red herring in order to divert the curious as to the group’s linkage with the Communist brigades.

Posobiec We continue to observe the relationship between the CommunistsThese are the best Anti-Fascists, and NazisBoth were united during Hitler’s To undermine the Weimar Republic.

“First Hitler, then us,” It was a phrase they used at the time. 

Then As soon as possible Hitler They were the first to be detained when they came to power. Thälmann was arrested in 1933, spent 11 years in prison, and ended up in the concentration camp at Buchenwald.

While Thälmann became a “cause celeb” For communists around the world, he was never released. And communists never really pushed him to be released. He was eventually shot and murdered by. Hitler 1944

PosobiecWho wrote it? The Antifa: Stories From Inside the Black Bloc, recounted the mistakes made by the modern iteration about their own history. Posobiec It was explained that the group exists only as a destabilizing force. Earlier In the podcast, he mentioned its rise in 2020 on top the BLM Riots and how that had been attacked President Trump’s Inauguration 2017 and The “DeploraBall” An inaugural party Posobiec attended. Posobiec Described the hallmarks of modernity Antifa violence, “we had hundreds of Antifa out in the streets, attacking people, setting fires, throwing things at our guests, throwing things that my parents like D batteries.”

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