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Gen Z’s ‘Tube Girl’ trend reflects their digital-centric lifestyle, detached from the real world.

TikTok’s‌ Tube Girl Trend: A Generation Obsessed with Self

All over TikTok, young women are taking videos of ‍themselves in .5​ zoom‌ suggestively dancing in various public places, particularly public transit.

The trend was kicked off by 22-year-old TikToker Sabrina Bahsoon, who recorded herself dancing in the London Underground, known colloquially as the tube. Participants in‍ the trend began using the hashtag “tubegirl,” which​ currently has over 1.2 billion views ⁢on TikTok.

Reports⁢ about the⁤ trend from legacy media​ outlets have​ been overwhelmingly positive, with ABC‍ praising Bahsoon for taking “confidence to the next⁤ level” and The ⁣Daily Mail reporting that she’s “empowering Gen-Zers to ‘overcome⁤ social anxiety.’”

Bahsoon has ​posted‍ multiple videos participating in⁣ her own ⁣trend. She describes the “movement” she’s created as an exercise in‌ “confidence.” But is ⁤Bahsoon “vibing” for personal gratifications, as ‍she suggests in interviews ​and in her video ⁤captions, or is she vibing for her ‍followers on TikTok?

Bahsoon is always using headphones or earphones⁤ in her videos, which likely ​means the‍ other passengers ⁣cannot hear‌ the music she’s dancing to.⁢ From the perspective of her⁣ fellow travelers, Bahsoon likely doesn’t ‌look‌ confident; she looks ⁢bizarre and self-conceited ‌while staring into her phone⁣ and dancing salaciously in ‍public to no‍ music.

Lohanny Santos, who calls herself “New York’s tube girl,” ‌posted a video of what ⁤it looks like from‍ the perspective‍ of bystanders.‍ Below, you can watch Santos’ video and what it⁣ looks like for someone watching her ‍make the video.

Either everyone participating in ⁤the tube girl trend has had their sense of propriety and self-awareness ⁤completely broken by⁢ the internet, or they do feel​ awkward dancing in crowded public​ spaces with no music.

If they do feel embarrassment, why do it? There are plenty of causes in ⁣the world ‍for young people⁢ to stand up for and bravely deviate​ from the crowd. Christians are called to⁤ do this every day. The tube girl ​trend isn’t​ about courage, though.

Participants are making themselves look foolish and the people around them feel uncomfortable⁤ for views, likes, and shares on TikTok. The only “cause” the tube girl trend promotes is self-obsession. TikTokers ‍are engaging in it “for the gram” ‌or ⁢for “clout.” In ⁤other words, they are ​sacrificing their ‍dignity in the physical world for⁢ validation in‌ the digital world.

This development is an entirely new and backward⁤ concept⁣ in the scheme ⁤of human existence. My Gen X parents‌ used to tell me how growing ⁣up, there​ would always be a “spot” young people would meet‍ in junior high and high⁤ school to socialize. There ⁣wasn’t much planning, and you never knew who⁢ exactly was going to be there. With the dawn of social networking,⁣ the idea of “the ​spot” ⁣died out, ‌and millennials grew up using‍ apps and text messaging‌ to plan events and hang-outs.

For Gen‍ Z, ⁣things are different. Apps aren’t used to‍ coordinate social interactions — they are the social interactions. Zoomers are reportedly glued to their screens for an average of over 7 hours a ‌day. For young ‍people who spend exorbitant amounts‍ of ‌their waking hours online, it’s only⁣ natural that their internet personas would matter‍ more than their real-world⁢ identities. This is⁤ why swaths of young women are willing ‍to look silly in‌ public in order‍ to look sexy and carefree on TikTok.

This disregard for real-world interactions is impacting Zoomers’ love lives. One study found that 15 percent of Gen Zers reported ⁤that they were ⁤sexually inactive, compared with only 6 ‌percent​ of Gen Xers when they ⁢were the same age.​ Another​ study found that nearly 50 percent of young men ‍between 18 and 25 reported never approaching a woman for ‌a⁣ date.

Chronically online ⁣and unable to forge meaningful relationships, ⁣romantic or otherwise,⁣ it’s no wonder Gen Z is the⁣ most mentally‍ ill generation to date.

It’s ironic ‌that​ such disturbing ‍rates of suicide, depression, and⁢ anxiety are coming from‍ the generation superfixed on “self-care” and “self-confidence.” Perhaps, however, Gen-Z’s self-love mantra is the reason they ‍are spiraling into loneliness and⁢ depression.

St. Thomas Aquinas once wrote, “Happiness is secured through virtue; it⁢ is ⁢a‌ good attained by ‍man’s⁢ own will.” Unfortunately, Gen Z is the most irreligious generation to date, and therefore, unlike previous generations, does not have the ‌same spiritual foundation guiding them ‌to live virtuous lives. ⁤Couple that with⁣ the​ rise of the​ digital world⁤ and⁢ our culture’s active rejection⁤ of morality, and ‍you end up with the least‍ happy generation ⁢in modern memory.

The comments⁣ on the ‌tube girl trend’s first video exemplify Zoomers’ warped values. While expressing discomfort in ​participating ⁣in ‍the‌ tube girl ⁢trend themselves, many commentators⁢ expressed‌ sincere admiration for Bahsoon. “I aspire ‌to be this confident and carefree one [day],”‌ said one user. “Doing​ this in ⁣public is wild but I’m tryna get on your level,” wrote another.

Nowhere in the‌ comments does anyone consider Bahsoon’s fellow travelers. Surely, not everyone in the background of Bahsoon’s videos ​enjoys millions of ⁣people viewing them on their morning commute. But‌ Bahsoon doesn’t care about ⁢the other people on the tube. “Live⁢ your life. Romanticise your journey. Trust me no one ⁣actually cares,” she wrote in one of her videos. Of course, Bahsoon doesn’t know if “no one cares.” She just doesn’t care because she is inconsiderate of the people around‌ her.

It isn’t​ shocking that the⁣ faceless masses of young‍ people on social media and hoards⁤ of wanna-be hip journalists ‌praise Bahsoon’s trend. To​ our culture, Bahsoon is a hero, and her trend ‍is even virtuous because we live‌ in a society​ that swaps ⁤wisdom for foolishness and humility for pride.

The tube girl trend is one of the most stereotypical Gen Z phenomena‌ to ⁣come out of TikTok. It is the epitome of toxic self-obsession. It symbolizes a generation‌ deprived of human connection and unable ‌to see anything greater than themselves.

How does prioritizing online personas over real-world identities affect‍ Gen Z’s ‌ability to form genuine human connections?

Ession. By focusing solely on their online personas and seeking validation in the⁢ digital‌ world, they are neglecting genuine human connections and⁣ the ⁤importance of real-world interactions.

The Tube⁢ Girl trend on TikTok is the⁢ epitome of this ​self-obsession. Young⁢ women are sacrificing their dignity and ⁣making themselves look foolish in public places for the sake ‍of views, likes, and shares on social ‍media. They are⁤ prioritizing their internet personas ⁢over their real-world identities, valuing validation in the virtual world more than⁣ genuine human connections.

This trend represents ⁢a new and concerning development in human existence. While previous generations would gather at a designated spot to socialize‌ and ⁢interact, Gen Z relies heavily ⁢on social networking apps and spends excessive amounts of time online. Their online personas matter more to them than their real-world identities, leading them to engage‌ in attention-seeking⁤ behaviors like‍ the Tube Girl trend.

This ‌disregard for real-world interactions is ‍not only impacting ​their social lives but also their love lives. Studies have shown that Gen⁢ Zers are ⁢more sexually inactive compared to previous generations, and a significant ⁣number of young men report never ‌approaching women for dates. It is evident that their ⁢excessive reliance on online interactions and their⁢ obsession with their online personas are hindering their ability⁤ to form meaningful relationships.

The irony lies in ​the fact that this generation ​is heavily focused‍ on self-care and⁤ self-confidence. They promote the idea of ⁣loving oneself, ‍yet they are spiraling into loneliness and depression. By prioritizing their online personas and seeking validation in the​ digital world, they are neglecting real self-care, which involves forming genuine connections and nurturing real relationships.

It is crucial for Gen Z to⁢ recognize the importance of balance and to prioritize‍ real-world interactions alongside their online presence. Authentically connecting with others, engaging in meaningful relationships, and taking care of their mental well-being in both the virtual and physical spaces are essential for their overall happiness and ‌fulfillment.

As a society, we should encourage⁢ young people to find a‌ healthy⁤ balance between their online and offline lives. We ​should promote the value of genuine human connections ⁢and the significance of real-world interactions. By doing so, we can‌ help this generation ⁢break free from their self-obsession and create a healthier, happier future for ⁤themselves.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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