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Tuskegee Anniversary: Government’s Health Trust Destroying Lives for Decades

The Tuskegee​ Anniversary: Proof That Trusting ⁢Gov’t with ⁣Your Health Has Been Destroying Lives ​for Decades

On July 24, 1972, ⁢the Washington, D.C.-based Washington Star newspaper exposed⁢ the details​ of a 40-year-old crime against hundreds of black men.

The ​perpetrator of this⁣ crime,​ as it ‌often has been, was the United States government.

In 1932, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) began a study ​of ⁢untreated syphilis in black men. To ⁢facilitate the study, health officials worked with the famed Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.

The Tuskegee​ Institute holds a special place in black history. Booker T. Washington, one of ⁢America’s foremost ⁢advocates for black vocational ⁤education‌ in ‌the late 19th and early 20th centuries,⁣ served as principal of⁤ the school from its founding in 1881 until his death in 1915.

During WWII, Tuskegee-trained black fighter pilots ‍known as “Tuskegee Airmen” flew thousands of sorties over Europe.

Thus, the Washington Star’s revelations of U.S. government officials’ unethical treatment of the black men involved in the ⁤Tuskegee syphilis ⁤study must have ‍struck black Americans as particularly painful and⁣ galling.

The Start of​ the Study

The 1932 Tuskegee study ⁢began with 600 participants, ‌399 of whom had contracted syphilis.

According to the CDC, the participants did ‍not give informed consent. In fact, “Researchers ⁤told the men they were⁢ being ‌treated⁣ for ‘bad ​blood,’ a local⁤ term used to describe several​ ailments, including syphilis, ⁣anemia, and fatigue.”

The study⁢ began, therefore, with a government⁣ lie.

Worse yet, in the 1940s, when doctors began using​ penicillin to ⁢treat syphilis, the Tuskegee ⁢human test ⁣subjects received ​no such treatment. Instead, the study continued ‌for ​decades.

For‌ years, some conservatives have demonstrated ⁤unfortunate tone-deafness ‍when it comes to black Americans’ distrust of the government.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, for instance, Jonah Goldberg, then-editor at National ⁢Review, ​used the Tuskegee‍ story to criticize Rev. Jeremiah Wright,​ Barack Obama’s former pastor in Chicago.

In an⁤ op-ed entitled, “Tall Tales⁢ about Tuskegee,” Goldberg ‍dismissed Wright’s claim that the U.S. ⁢government created⁢ the ​HIV ‍virus in order⁢ to kill off black ‌people.

Goldberg argued that this claim ‌had roots in Tuskegee-related exaggerations.

Bad things happened in‌ the Tuskegee experiment, ⁤Goldberg ⁢admitted, but “no one disputes‌ that Tuskegee⁤ had nothing whatsoever to do with genocide or even a⁢ desire to spread the ⁤disease among the black population.”

Ironically, both Rev. Wright’s comments and Goldberg’s criticisms fall ‍short of⁣ the mark.

The question is not ‌whether black Americans had reason to‍ distrust the federal government.⁢ Black Americans have centuries’ worth of evidence to show ⁣that‌ many ⁢government officials have never⁤ been⁣ their friends.

The question is whether Americans of any color have⁤ reason to trust ‍their government, including ⁣its‍ health ⁤officials.

After all, even in the‍ limited sphere of syphilis-related transgressions, the⁤ U.S. government’s guilt goes beyond⁣ Tuskegee.

In 2011, Professor Susan M. Reverby of Wellesley ‌College, editor of “Tuskegee Truths: Rethinking​ the ​Tuskegee Syphilis⁤ Study” (2000), published an article on⁢ the U.S. government’s involvement in a similar study in Guatemala.

From 1946 to 1948, the‍ U.S. government deliberately infected Guatemalan prostitutes with syphilis or gonorrhea. Then, U.S.-paid agents made sure the⁣ disease spread.

“With the cooperation of officials‍ at the Ministry of Justice ⁤and the warden of Guatemala City’s Central Penitentiary, which housed ‌nearly fifteen hundred ⁤inmates” Reverby wrote,⁣ “prostitutes who tested positive for either syphilis or gonorrhea were allowed to offer their services to prison inmates, paid⁢ for by U.S. taxpayers through the funds of the PHS.”

In recent years, many conservatives’ faith in their​ nation’s ⁣institutions and in public-health officials generally has diminished.

The anniversary ⁣of‍ the report that exposed the ⁤Tuskegee⁣ syphilis study reminds ⁤us that this⁤ loss ‌of faith has not occurred​ without good reason.

The post The Tuskegee Anniversary: Proof That ⁢Trusting Gov’t with⁣ Your Health​ Has Been Destroying Lives for Decades appeared ‌first on The⁤ Western Journal.

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