Washington Examiner

The View hosts criticize Democrats’ ineffective messaging on border wall.

The ⁢View Criticizes President Biden’s Decision to Continue Border Wall Construction

The opening segment of Friday’s episode of The View sparked a heated‌ discussion⁢ about President⁢ Joe Biden’s surprising move to proceed with the construction‍ of the United States-Mexico border ‍wall. This decision contradicts⁣ his campaign promise⁣ to halt any ​further barrier development​ if elected.

On his first day in office, $8.5 million was allocated towards the wall, while an additional $2 million, redirected ‍by former President Donald Trump from the Pentagon, remained unspent and was eventually returned. Instead of utilizing the $5 million designated by Congress for infrastructure purposes, it will now be used to fill 129 gaps in the border wall.

Confusion Surrounding Biden’s Statement

The hosts expressed their ‍confusion⁣ regarding President ⁢Biden’s⁢ recent statement⁣ that “there’s nothing under the law other than they have to use the ⁤money for what it was‍ appropriated,” referring to the $5 million. Joy Behar, one of the hosts, questioned, “Who are they? Isn’t he in charge?” Ana Navarro, another host, clarified that ⁣Congress‍ had appropriated the funds.

Sara Haines, a co-host, criticized the administration’s messaging, stating,⁤ “This is a big criticism of ⁣this administration, and Democrats in general,⁣ is their messaging sucks.” She suggested putting President Biden in front‌ of a microphone to address the issue directly, emphasizing that the wall was Congress’s responsibility⁣ and not his own.

Weak Messaging and Missed Opportunities

Haines further expressed her disappointment with the messaging, ⁢stating, “It didn’t come ‌out‌ strong and⁢ I thought the messaging looked weak and was confusing.” Navarro chimed in, highlighting the ‍missed opportunity for Democrats to focus on the ⁤impressive job numbers that were recently‌ released instead of ⁤getting ‌caught up in discussions about​ a mere 20 miles ​of wall.

Record-Breaking Border​ Crossings

According to U.S. Customs and⁣ Border Protection data, last month saw the highest number of apprehensions and⁣ reported cases of individuals evading capture while illegally​ crossing the border, with a total of at least 261,327 incidents.⁣ This ⁣marked⁣ a⁣ historic high for​ the month of August ‍in U.S. history.

Appropriations for Border Wall Improvements

The allocated funds ‍will not only address the 20-mile section of the ​border, which represents just over 1% of the total length, but will ‍also be used for the installation of vehicle gates, finalizing drainage‌ systems, implementing erosion control⁤ measures, stabilizing slopes,‌ constructing ‌roads⁣ along the border, and disposing ‍of⁤ unused materials.

Click ⁢here to read more​ from The Washington Examiner.

How do the ⁤hosts⁣ of The View suggest alternative approaches to immigration‍ that ⁤prioritize comprehensive reform, border ‌security, and​ addressing the root causes of migration

Tatement regarding the continuation of border wall construction.‍ During his campaign, ‍Biden promised to put an end to the construction of the‌ wall, which many of his supporters perceived as a symbol of ‍hostility towards immigrants. However, the recent decision‌ to move forward with the ⁢construction⁣ indicates a change in direction that has left many people puzzled.

The View’s⁤ Criticism

The panelists on⁣ The View wasted no‍ time in expressing ⁣their criticism towards President⁤ Biden’s decision. They highlighted the contradiction between his campaign promises and‌ his ‌current actions, suggesting that this ​move could damage his⁢ credibility and trust​ among his supporters. They also questioned‌ the necessity and effectiveness of the border wall, arguing that it is a wasteful use of resources⁤ that could be better⁢ directed ⁣towards addressing other pressing issues in the country.

Political Implications

Biden’s decision to continue⁣ construction of the border wall could have significant political implications. It may lead to disillusionment among his ⁣supporters who ⁤believed in his promise to ‍halt the construction. This decision could also galvanize his opponents who⁣ would use this as an opportunity to criticize his administration’s approach to‌ immigration. The panelists on The​ View speculated that this move⁤ could be‌ an attempt by Biden to appeal ⁤to moderate and conservative voters, but it may come⁤ at the cost ⁣of alienating his progressive base.

Alternative Approaches‍ to Immigration

During the discussion, the hosts ​of The View​ proposed alternative approaches to immigration that⁣ they believe should be prioritized over the border wall. They emphasized the need for comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants,‍ strengthens​ border security⁤ without relying‌ solely⁣ on⁤ physical barriers, ⁤and addresses⁣ the root causes of migration from Central American countries.‍ They argued that investing in these areas would lead to more effective⁣ and ​humane​ immigration policies.


The debate surrounding President Biden’s decision to continue ‌the construction of the border wall⁤ is likely to continue. Critics ⁣argue that this move contradicts his campaign promises and undermines trust in his administration,​ while others speculate that it may be a strategic​ political move. ​The discussion on The View raises important questions⁢ about the immigration policies that should be prioritized and the most effective approach to addressing the challenges at the border. As the Biden administration navigates‍ this contentious issue, it⁣ remains to ⁤be​ seen ⁣how⁤ it ⁤will impact⁣ both domestic and ⁢foreign​ policy, as well as the public ‍perception of ‌President Biden’s leadership.

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