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The Unraveling War

Putin’s War‍ on ‌Ukraine: Russia’s Campaign ​for⁢ Global Counter-Revolution

A⁣ Tragic and Engaging ‍Account of the𝅺 Russo-Ukrainian ‍War

This war‍ will​ surely ​go down𝅺 as ‌one of ‌the greatest ‌tragedies of‌ the 21st century.‌ Anyone who‍ claims to know how it‍ will end ‌will‌ be​ surprised.

Samuel‌ Ramani, an Oxford expert on Russia-Syria relations, has written ⁣a strongly ⁢researched⁣ account of the ⁣events that led to ‌the ‍tragic Russo-Ukrainian war.⁤ Ramani describes the⁣ war at⁢ its year-and-a-half ​milepost as ⁣Ukraine was about ⁢to⁢ launch⁤ its counteroffensive to𝅺 take 𝅺back‌ occupied‌ territory.⁢ It was ⁣written ‌before the dramatic ​”coup” 𝅺attempt⁣ by ​Wagner forces ‌in late June.

Ramani’s‌ account brings home ‍that our‍ world‌ is divided​ into two competing models. The ⁤Kremlin (and Chinese) 𝅺narrative favors ‌a‍ non-democratic empire ⁤run𝅺 by a wise⁣ “power vertical”‌ that supposedly ⁢defends‍ traditional values,⁢ protects vast ⁣natural 𝅺resources, ⁤and ‌posits a “Russian World” that⁣ the decadent ⁢West ​wishes ​to​ destroy. The​ Western⁢ counter-narrative⁣ is of a world order⁤ that⁤ offers democracy, ⁣freedom ‌of⁣ expression, and defends⁢ those, such 𝅺as Ukraine, ​threatened⁣ by Russian‍ imperial expansionism. The𝅺 Kremlin 𝅺narrative, ​to date, 𝅺has been limited in𝅺 its geographical appeal.𝅺 Russia’s ⁣unprovoked ‌attack‌ on a⁢ sovereign⁢ nation apparently does not𝅺 sit well, ​even⁤ at𝅺 the​ fractious United 𝅺Nations.

Ramani raises a thought-provoking question ‍at‌ this juncture:⁣ Why didn’t Russia, faced ⁣with⁢ weak Ukrainian resistance, proceed ‍full speed 𝅺into‍ Ukraine’s‍ heartland with​ its⁣ regular⁢ forces? The author’s answer: The ‍Kremlin⁣ wanted a “federalist” ⁢Ukraine‍ that possessed ‍”special”⁤ privileges‌ within⁤ the⁢ state, such 𝅺as veto rights​ over𝅺 any ⁤foreign alliance,⁤ either military or economic. ⁤Although the Minsk ​Normandie partners​ at first ⁤failed to understand 𝅺Putin’s “federalism,” ‌Ukrainians ⁣understood ⁣that ‍it ⁣would ⁣destroy their𝅺 country from⁢ within and ​with⁣ little blood shed ⁤by ‌Russia. Ukraine meanwhile⁤ garnered the support of ​its own people, built⁣ up its armed⁢ forces, and solicited the‌ support‌ of the “civilized West” and even ‍international⁣ organizations—all𝅺 upset by‌ the Russian invasion.

After an almost ⁣decade of frozen warfare, ⁤Putin ordered a ‍full-scale ⁤invasion⁤ from multiple directions‌ aimed to𝅺 destroy the⁢ Ukrainian state.‍ The invasion, disguised by𝅺 massive‌ military𝅺 maneuvers⁤ along‍ the length of Ukraine’s⁣ borders, caught Ukraine 𝅺and⁣ the⁣ West by surprise.‍ But the unprovoked invasion caused𝅺 the civilized West to impose sanctions and ⁤supply weapons ‍far⁣ beyond ⁣Russia’s‍ expectations as ‍Russia became𝅺 a pariah state with⁣ few allies and⁤ “ally” China ⁣playing𝅺 an ‍ambiguous‍ role.

The⁢ February⁢ invasion ‍provided ‍a⁢ major⁣ surprise; ⁤namely,⁣ the ⁤incompetence and unpreparedness⁢ of ⁣the⁢ vaunted Russian‌ Army, which ‌paralyzed into 𝅺a huge traffic ‍jam expanding​ from​ the Kyiv outskirts ‌all the way back⁢ to Belarus. A key element‌ in⁤ Ukraine’s defeat of𝅺 the​ invading Russian ​forces was the‍ bravery ⁣of ⁤Ukraine’s relatively new president, 𝅺Volodymyr​ Zelensky, ​as‌ he refused to abandon ⁢the capital ⁣for ⁢the relative ⁢safety of west Ukraine or 𝅺Poland.

Ramani’s ⁢account ends ⁣in January 2023 ‍with ⁤a clear frustration‍ of Kremlin𝅺 aims to ‌decapitate the Ukrainian state⁣ as⁤ the Russian army‌ disproved its designation as ⁣the world’s ‌second strongest military ​and⁢ the ‌world anxiously awaited Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

The ‍war has⁤ seen a bunch of​ firsts: fierce ‌sanctions𝅺 against Russia’s rulers⁤ and⁣ war𝅺 machine,⁣ embargoes‌ on⁢ grain, the blowing‌ up of ⁢dams and𝅺 major infrastructure (the Nord ⁤Stream⁣ pipelines), new⁣ age‌ fighting with drones,⁤ nuclear⁢ saber-rattling, clear ‌evidence of Russian war‍ crimes, ⁤and‍ Russia’s isolation𝅺 from⁢ the civilized⁤ world.

Ramani ⁢ends on a ‌pessimistic note with ‍respect⁤ to settlement of the ⁤Russo-Ukrainian war: ⁢”It is apparent‍ that Russia cannot⁤ win​ and cannot afford to lose the war. ⁣Ukraine regards the‍ full ⁤liberation 𝅺of𝅺 its ‍territory⁤ as an‌ existential need, even 𝅺if a complete ‍victory 𝅺is a‌ multiyear ⁣process.”

We will be 𝅺studying ⁢how​ this⁤ war⁤ came‍ to be for decades ‌after ⁢it ⁣is ⁣over. We’ll need⁢ to𝅺 understand how and why the 𝅺post-Soviet territorial consensus ‍broke down⁣ as 𝅺a Russian-financed and supplied𝅺 invasion​ of ‌Eastern ⁤Ukraine got𝅺 underway.

As to Putin’s motivation, the​ author runs ⁢through a number​ of explanations—NATO⁣ expansion, ‍an ⁣imminent‌ invasion⁣ threat​ from NATO, ⁣the ⁤threat of‌ contagion from⁣ a prosperous and​ democratic Ukraine, an ⁢irrational Putin—among other explanations. Ramani argues that ​the ⁤overwhelming motive⁣ was Putin’s urgent need ​to‍ extinguish ⁤the contagion from Maidan. 𝅺The author pictures Putin as “rational” and𝅺 not seriously ⁣ill, 𝅺as some​ claim. As ⁣to the threat ​of sanctions, Russia’s ‌reserve ⁢funds⁤ sitting⁢ “safely” in Western banks gave ​Putin the confidence⁤ that he𝅺 could withstand 𝅺sanctions. He did ⁤not anticipate𝅺 that Western ⁤central banks ‌would freeze his war ‌chest. ‍Putin, moreover, ⁣counted‌ on the‌ fact that‌ Angela⁣ Merkel’s Germany would stand behind ‍the Nord ⁤Stream pipeline that ⁣would⁢ continue ‍dependence on Russian gas.

Ramani ⁢raises the​ inevitable ⁣question of whether we‍ can write good history ⁤as ⁣that ‍history is 𝅺being ‍made. With the𝅺 outbreak 𝅺of the 𝅺first𝅺 European war of ⁤the postwar ⁢era, we​ have ‌a monumental event that will⁢ dictate the ‌course of Europe’s history for the ⁣next ‌few decades.‌ The ‍question​ is whether⁣ we ‍should ‌wait for history to𝅺 become𝅺 history ​or whether we⁢ should ​plunge in ‌as​ the ‌author has. ​Ramani⁢ has indeed𝅺 laid⁣ the foundations ​for future histories of the Russo-Ukrainian war.‍ He ⁢largely leaves predictions to future scholars.

Putin’s‍ War on⁤ Ukraine:𝅺 Russia’s Campaign⁤ for ‌Global Counter-Revolution

by Samuel ⁢Ramani

Hurst,‍ 592⁣ pp., ⁢$29.95

Paul ⁢Gregory‌ is a research​ fellow at⁢ Stanford‌ University’s Hoover Institution and the⁣ author, most ‌recently,⁢ of‌ The⁤ Oswalds: An⁤ Untold Account ⁤of ​Marina⁢ and Lee ​(Diversion Books).

Read More From Original Article Here: The War as It Unravels

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