The federalist

The Attack on Men is an Attack on Civilization.

The Disappearing ‌Men: A Crisis ‍Unveiled

Men are vanishing at an alarming rate, leaving behind a trail of absence and failure.​ This trend is evident in various aspects ⁢of society. For instance, while one woman drops ⁤out of college, seven men⁢ follow suit. The workforce is also witnessing a significant decline in male ‍participation, reminiscent of the Great Depression. Even‍ in churches, women⁢ outnumber men by ⁤a large margin.

The catalog of disappearance continues. Single-parent homes are predominantly‌ led by mothers,‌ accounting for 80 percent of such households. Tragically, suicide rates ⁣are disproportionately⁣ higher among men, ​constituting 80 percent⁣ of all⁤ suicides today.

Unraveling the Struggles of Men

What lies‍ beneath this ​mountain of data is a crisis of immense proportions. A generation of men is retreating from their responsibilities, relationships, and the world‍ itself. However, it is⁣ not⁢ only men who suffer; women are directly impacted by this turmoil as ⁣well.

Multiple factors contribute to this distressing trend. Global economic‍ policies have taken a toll on the American workforce. The modern feminist movement has relentlessly attacked traditional masculinity. ‍Cultural Marxism has vilified male⁢ leadership as patriarchal and oppressive. Moreover, our⁤ safety-obsessed ⁤society has instilled fear in men, discouraging⁢ them from fully ‌engaging with the world.

Yet, one major reason for the decline and disappearance of men stands out:​ the notion that masculinity is ​”toxic.” The American Psychological Association, for instance, labeled traditional masculinity as harmful, condemning ‌traits such as stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, ‌and aggression. It⁢ is evident that ‍the APA has declared ​war on manhood.

Empowering‌ Men to ‌Rise

In this toxic ‌climate, few dare to advocate for men. However, ⁣we cannot abandon them. It is ⁤crucial to ​reengage men ‌and fight for their‌ well-being. Men, ‌like ⁤women, are flawed and ⁢in need of God’s mercy. ⁣This is their greatest need, not the teachings of the “manosphere” or the rhetoric of individuals‍ like⁣ Andrew Tate.

Furthermore, men⁤ require encouragement and ⁣support. They need someone to stand by their side and call them to embrace strength, not passivity. The Bible echoes this sentiment as ‌King David exhorts his son Solomon to “Be strong, and show yourself​ a man.”

These ancient words still resonate today. They urge men to stand firm, grow in character,​ confront their weaknesses, and pursue meaningful relationships and family life.⁢ Men should work diligently, regardless of their occupation, ⁢and‌ actively participate in their communities and churches. They should embrace a life centered around ⁣purpose and ⁢avoid getting lost in despair and self-centeredness.

While men may⁤ be‌ struggling and disappearing, we must counter the narrative of toxicity with a message of hope. ‍No man is beyond redemption, and no man is hopeless in the ⁣eyes of God. It is not ⁤a matter of pitting men against women, but rather recognizing that both genders are meant to complement each other.

When men thrive, women flourish. Conversely, when men falter,⁢ women are deeply affected. Therefore, instead of ‌waging war against ‌men, we​ should reach out ⁤to them, meeting them where ⁢they are. For some, this may be⁢ a precipice, as many men have lost all ⁢hope.⁢ We must intervene before they step into the⁤ darkness, disappearing forever.

The hour is late, ⁤and‌ we ⁢must act swiftly to save men in the ⁣Western world.

How ​has the demonization of masculinity contributed to a culture‌ where ⁤boys and young men feel alienated from society?

Aggression, and dominance. This demonization of masculinity has created a culture ⁣where boys and young men are taught that their inherent traits and behaviors are inherently ​flawed and dangerous.​ As a result, many feel confused and ⁣alienated, leading them to withdraw​ and disengage from society.

This crisis extends ⁢beyond individual men. It ‍has broader implications for society⁤ as a whole. The absence of strong male⁤ role models and mentors negatively impacts children, particularly ⁢boys, who⁣ often lack guidance and support in their formative years. This ‍can perpetuate a cycle ‍of dysfunction and⁣ struggle, ultimately affecting ‍the well-being and success of ‌future generations.

Solutions to address‌ this crisis are urgently needed. Firstly,⁢ it is crucial to challenge the narrative that masculinity is inherently toxic. ‌Instead, we should ​embrace and‍ celebrate ⁢the positive ‍aspects of masculinity, such as courage, resilience, and⁤ leadership. By promoting healthy and⁤ positive masculinity, we can ​empower ⁢men to embrace their unique qualities and contribute positively to society.

Secondly, we must address the ‍underlying issues that contribute to men’s withdrawal and ‌disengagement. Economic policies should⁤ prioritize⁤ job creation and provide⁢ opportunities for men to‌ thrive in the workforce.‌ Mental health support ⁤systems should be strengthened, with a particular focus on reaching out to men ⁣and addressing their specific needs and struggles.

Furthermore, we must promote a culture that ‌encourages open ⁢dialogue ⁣and emotional expression for⁣ men. Breaking the ​stigma ⁤surrounding mental health and encouraging men to seek help when needed can ‌prevent feelings of isolation and despair.

Lastly, we must ​recognize ​and support the importance of strong male ​role⁢ models in communities, schools, and families. ⁣Mentoring​ programs and initiatives ‌that foster positive relationships between older and ⁢younger ⁤generations can make a significant difference in⁤ the lives of young men, providing guidance and ⁣support that they may otherwise lack.

The crisis ‍of disappearing men ⁣is a complex issue‌ that requires a multi-faceted approach. It is imperative ⁤that ‍we acknowledge the struggles facing men and work ⁢towards creating an inclusive ⁢society that values and supports them. Only by doing so⁢ can we overcome this​ crisis and build‌ a better ​future for all.

Read More From Original Article Here: The War On Men Is A War On Civilization

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