The Western Journal

They’re Saying It Out Loud: Dems Want Harris to Hide Her Policies Until After the Election

The text discusses⁣ concerns about the Democratic Party’s‍ approach ⁢leading up to the‍ presidential election, particularly regarding Vice ‌President Kamala ⁢Harris. It‍ suggests⁢ that prominent party members⁢ are reluctant to allow ‌Harris to present a clear policy platform, fearing that doing so ‍might hinder ⁢her chances of winning. The emphasis⁤ is placed on the belief that appealing to voters’ emotions and character perceptions, particularly negative feelings toward former President Donald⁤ Trump, may ⁤be more effective than⁢ detailing⁢ specific policies, which many Democrats believe could alienate potential supporters.

This‍ strategy reflects a broader ⁢concern ‌that keeping ⁣voters uninformed ‌about Harris’s actual stances might allow her to retain popularity ⁢based on vague “vibes” rather⁢ than concrete proposals. The article critiques this approach, warning that independent and swing voters, who⁣ see Harris as a moderate choice, may be in ​for a surprise ‌if⁤ her‍ true policies are revealed once⁢ in​ office. the text portrays a sense of urgency for voters to recognize the implications of this strategy before it is too late.

It never ceases to amaze this writer how undemocratic the “Democratic” party can be.

Just a month ago, party leaders unceremoniously replaced their nominee with Vice President Kamala Harris, who hadn’t won a single primary vote.

Working alongside Big Tech censors and powerful corporate media outlets, Democrat elites have conspired to silence speech that won’t help Harris win the forthcoming presidential election.

Bluntly put, the Democrats want to keep Americans in the dark.

There’s perhaps no better evidence of this than recent reports that multiple members of the party are urging Harris not to a policy platform.

That’s right: the Democrats don’t want potential Harris voters to know anything about their candidate’s policy prescriptions before voting her into office.

Many in the party feel that if Harris focuses on “character” over policy, her chances will improve dramatically.

Doing so will certainly lock up Never Trumpers and sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

In other words, they hope that voters’ hate for Trump will be a stronger motivator than any of the economic or social issues that Harris and President Joe Biden are actively losing on.

“I actually think the way the American people think about this choice is less about the minutiae of policy and more about the direction of the country, number one, and secondly, about the person. Character it does matter,” Michigan Rep. Dan Kildee told CNN.

He added: “If it turns on character, this election is over. That’s what people are looking for.”

Other Democrats all but admitted to CNN that a defining of Harris’s policies would actually hurt her.

“She doesn’t need to negotiate against herself. You know, we’ve got the biggest possible tent right now,” New Hampshire Rep. Annie Kuster said.

“I don’t think there’s a real, strong reason for her to try and weed out any points of view right now,” she continued.

Per The Hill, Harris doesn’t have an official policy page on her website and likely won’t be adding one anytime soon.

In total and complete fairness, Harris did finally come out of hiding for a smidge on Thursday. (On an exceptionally friendly network. With her running mate in tow.)

Though, in truth, her interview with CNN — Harris’s first since becoming the de facto party leader — left more questions than answers.

The far-from-unbiased Dana Bash refused to press Harris on key questions.

What’s more, she brought along her fellow far-left running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, to help cover for her lack of rhetorical skill.

Because her policies have remained largely hidden, Harris has maintained strong support based on “vibes” and feelings — not exactly the stuff of sound, itemized policy.

Many independent and swing voters who dreaded having to choose between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump see Harris as a way out.

They think she’ll bring a bit of normalcy and calm back into the White House.

In reality, Harris might actually be the most radical candidate that could’ve possibly been chosen.

Unless those independent voters wake up fast, they’ll be in for one heck of a surprise next year if and when Harris begins decimating the economy with her radical policies.

And they won’t even realize it until it’s too late — especially if Team Harris can successfully keep people in the dark.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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