The federalist

Activist wife charms Trump’s White House as her prosecutor husband incarcerates J6ers.

Attorney General ‍Merrick B. Garland is ⁣leading the ‌government’s ‌unprecedented effort to identify,⁣ arrest, and prosecute those⁤ connected to ​the⁤ Jan. 6,⁣ 2021 protest at the Capitol. ‍But behind the scenes, Matthew Graves,⁣ the‍ U.S. ‌attorney for the District of Columbia, ‌is the one‌ managing the day-to-day operations of ‍this politically charged endeavor.

As a Democrat appointed ‌by President Biden, Graves’ office has been busy prosecuting over 1,100 Jan. 6 defendants, including around 200 people⁤ this year alone. Republicans argue that these prosecutions are part of Biden’s narrative that⁣ Donald Trump⁣ and his supporters‍ pose a threat to the nation’s foundations.

The political nature of these‌ prosecutions is evident in Graves’ and ⁣his​ wife’s partisan history. Graves, a registered Democrat, served as a domestic policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020. His wife,​ Fatima Goss Graves, is an influential progressive activist who⁣ frequently visits the White House. Together, they have ⁢close ties ‌to the Democratic Party and its priorities.

Partisan Plays

According to⁤ documents​ on file with the U.S. Senate, Matthew Graves assisted with Vice-Presidential vetting for the ‍Kerry Campaign in 2004 and​ was recommended for his current ‍position‍ by Eleanor Holmes‌ Norton, Washington’s ⁤Democratic delegate to the House of Representatives. Recently, Graves declined to pursue charges against Hunter ⁤Biden⁤ for⁢ tax ‍offenses, raising ​questions⁤ about his impartiality.

Graves’ high-profile prosecutions include indicting⁤ Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro on contempt of Congress ⁤charges, both of whom were quickly convicted. Graves’ work now focuses ‍on prosecuting the numerous individuals arrested by​ the FBI in connection with Jan. 6. However, his handling of ⁣these⁢ cases has‌ drawn criticism, as he‌ has declined‍ to‍ prosecute 67 percent of violent ⁢crimes in Washington, D.C.,⁤ amid a surge in crime.

Despite the majority of Jan. 6 ​defendants facing low-level nonviolent charges, the Justice Department continues to ‍portray the‌ crimes as ⁤serious. Only a ⁢small percentage of​ defendants have been charged ⁢with weapons violations,⁤ and no⁣ one has been charged with insurrection.

Graves’ impartiality‌ is further called into ⁤question due to‍ his wife’s involvement in partisan issues ⁣and her close relationship with the Biden White‌ House. Fatima Goss ⁢Graves, as president and CEO of​ the ‌National ⁣Women’s Law Center, plays a significant‌ role in advancing Democratic priorities. She has visited the​ White House ‍numerous times and has connections‍ to top Democratic lawmakers.

Friends in ‍High Places

Goss Graves’ close ties to the Biden administration‍ and Democratic Party raise concerns about ⁣her husband’s objectivity. She has participated ‍in White House ‍roundtables and events alongside ​top officials, including Vice ⁣President Kamala Harris. The ‍National Women’s ‌Law Center, which Goss Graves ‍leads, receives substantial funding from influential foundations and organizations tied ​to the Democratic Party.

Goss Graves is a vocal‍ advocate for abortion rights and has been involved in efforts to oppose Supreme Court‍ nominations and push for the removal​ of⁣ Justice Clarence‍ Thomas. She has also targeted conservative groups and individuals, accusing them of terrorizing parents and promoting extremist⁢ ideologies.

While Goss Graves’ political activism has received ‍attention, the potential conflicts of interest involving the Graveses have largely been ignored.⁤ Matthew Graves’ actions as U.S. attorney, including his prosecutions of pro-life​ activists ⁤and his handling ‌of other cases, have raised questions about his impartiality.

Graves’ ⁣office has declined to comment on these concerns, ⁢and the National Women’s Law Center has not responded to ‍requests for comment.

This article ‍was originally published by RealClear ⁤Investigations.


Who is the CEO ⁢of the National women’s Law Center?

President⁢ and CEO Ms. Goss Graves, who ⁣has served in numerous roles at NWLC for⁢ more‌ than a decade, has spent her ⁢career fighting to advance opportunities for ‌women and girls. Y has also been ‍questioned due to ⁣his wife’s involvement in progressive activism. Fatima‌ Goss Graves, the CEO of the National Women’s Law Center, has been a vocal advocate for progressive causes and has even visited the ⁢White House multiple times. This raises concerns about whether Graves can‍ truly approach⁢ these prosecutions without bias or a predetermined agenda.

The politicization of the Jan.‌ 6 prosecutions is further highlighted ​by the fact that⁣ many Republicans view them as a means for President Biden to push his narrative⁣ that‍ Trump and his⁤ supporters are a⁣ threat to the nation’s‌ foundations. With over 1,100‌ defendants⁣ already prosecuted,⁣ including 200‍ this year alone, ⁤it is clear⁤ that the government is making a concerted effort to⁢ make ⁣an example out ⁣of those ⁣connected to the Capitol protest.

However,​ critics argue that the ‌focus on the Jan. 6 cases is disproportionate. Graves has faced criticism for declining to prosecute 67 percent of violent crimes in Washington, D.C.,​ at a time when the ​city is experiencing a surge ​in crime. This selective approach to prosecution raises questions about the priorities of‍ the Justice Department and whether political considerations are driving the decision-making process.

Furthermore, the ‌portrayal of the Jan. 6 ⁣crimes‌ as ‍serious offenses is called into question when considering that ⁤the majority of defendants⁣ are facing low-level nonviolent charges. Only a small percentage have been ⁤charged with weapons violations, and there have been no charges ​of insurrection. This raises doubts about the accuracy of the government’s narrative and ​whether it is being used as a tool to ⁤further certain⁤ political agendas.

In conclusion, the Jan. 6 prosecutions ⁣led by U.S. Attorney‌ Matthew Graves are facing scrutiny for their perceived political nature. ⁢Graves’ partisan background, coupled with his⁣ wife’s involvement‌ in progressive activism, raises concerns‍ about bias and impartiality. The focus on these prosecutions, while declining to pursue other violent crimes, raises questions about the priorities of the Justice Department. As the prosecutions continue, ‍it is important to closely examine the motivations and potential political implications of these cases.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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