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Anger flares as Biden DOJ targets additional pro-life protesters, potentially sentencing them to ten years in prison

Anger Erupts Online‌ as Biden ​DOJ Prosecutes‌ Pro-Life Protesters

Outrage spread like wildfire on Tuesday as the Biden Department of Justice successfully prosecuted ⁣six ​pro-life protesters, who now face over a decade in prison and hefty fines. The⁤ decision ⁢has sparked a heated ‍debate about the apparently biased application​ of federal laws.

Following a peaceful⁢ protest in 2021, these⁢ activists were⁢ found guilty in ⁤a Tennessee courtroom⁢ of conspiracy against rights⁤ secured by the FACE Act and ​committing FACE Act violations. The FACE Act, a​ Clinton-era law, ​criminalizes‌ the use of force or threats​ of force ​that prevent someone⁤ from accessing an ⁣abortion‌ clinic.

Conservative strategist Greg Price took ‍to Twitter to express his disbelief, highlighting the stark contrast ‌between⁤ the treatment of pro-life activists⁤ and those who protest outside the⁣ homes of Supreme Court justices, which is a ⁤federal crime. He⁣ emphasized the politically biased ​application of federal ‌laws.

Daily Wire‌ podcast ⁢host and author Matt⁢ Walsh condemned the DOJ’s actions, calling it “full-on‌ Soviet-style corruption and persecution.” ‌He criticized the⁣ US attorney for arguing in ⁣court that there is no such thing as⁤ a non-violent crime, ‍while the Biden⁣ Administration releases criminals on the basis of their crimes being‍ non-violent. Walsh ⁤accused⁤ the administration⁤ of arbitrary legal arguments based on political motivations.

Public outrage continued to grow, with many‍ expressing their‌ frustration with the​ Biden ‍administration’s actions. One popular TikTok account, Libs of TikTok, called the regime⁣ “evil and corrupt to the core” for ⁢imprisoning pro-lifers who were peacefully praying and singing outside abortion clinics. They also ​highlighted‌ the leniency⁢ shown towards‍ BLM and Antifa protesters ‌and the ‌rise in crime in Democrat-run cities.

Senator Mike Lee⁢ raised ‌concerns‍ about⁣ the biased enforcement of the FACE Act, suggesting that⁣ it‌ is being ‌used to punish pro-life protesters while​ ignoring their pro-abortion counterparts. He‌ questioned the fairness and appropriateness of the law and​ criticized the Biden administration for prioritizing harmless actions over‌ violent⁢ acts.

The Biden DOJ has faced increasing criticism for⁤ its aggressive prosecution of pro-life protesters. One notable ⁣case involved the ⁢arrest and home raid​ of Catholic pro-life father​ Mark​ Houck, who was later acquitted. ‌The ⁢family ‌is now ⁣suing the DOJ⁤ for ⁢millions of dollars. Another instance saw the conviction ‌of ⁤five pro-life activists, who are‌ currently‍ awaiting sentencing and face years‍ in ⁤prison and hefty⁤ fines.

Representative Chip Roy questioned Attorney General ‌Merrick Garland about the biased enforcement of the ⁣FACE Act, pointing out that it has been used against​ pro-lifers⁤ 126 times compared to⁤ only four ⁢times against anti-life protestors. The law is meant to⁤ protect pro-life pregnancy centers as well.

President Joe Biden and Vice ‍President Kamala Harris have also been vocal⁣ about ‌their​ pro-abortion stance. Biden has tweeted multiple times about abortion and the overturning of Roe v. Wade, while​ Harris is currently ‌on an abortion tour called the “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour.

Related: ‘A Church Meeting Is Now A‍ Conspiracy’: Pro-Lifers Pray ⁣Outside Court After ⁢Conviction Over Peaceful‍ Protest


⁤Why‍ are peaceful pro-life activists, ‍who exercise ⁢their ‍First Amendment‍ rights, being treated as criminals while those ‍who engage in violent protests or obstruct justice often go unpunished?

Committed by leftist activists, who are often given a free pass. This is a ‍clear example of politically motivated prosecution, and it is a ⁢grave violation of our constitutional rights.

The prosecution of pro-life protesters under⁣ the FACE Act shows a troubling pattern of selective enforcement of federal laws. While the Biden ⁤administration claims ‌to⁣ prioritize justice and equality, their actions ​speak otherwise. Peaceful pro-life activists, who‌ are exercising ‌their First Amendment rights and​ standing up for the sanctity of life, are⁣ being‌ treated as criminals and face severe consequences. Meanwhile, those ‌who​ engage in violent protests or obstruct justice are often let off the hook.

This biased application ⁣of⁢ federal laws not ⁤only undermines the integrity of our justice system but also raises ⁤serious concerns about the Biden ​administration’s commitment to‌ upholding the constitutional rights of all Americans. The right to ​freedom of speech ⁣and peaceful‍ assembly are fundamental to our democracy, and they should be protected and respected regardless of one’s political beliefs.

The outrage sparked by‍ this prosecution is ‍justified. It is a ‌clear‍ violation of our right to dissent and‍ peacefully protest. The fact that pro-life activists face harsh penalties while those who protest outside the homes of Supreme Court justices go unpunished is a glaring double standard. It raises questions about⁤ the motives​ of the ‍Biden administration and their priorities when it comes to law enforcement.

As citizens, we must⁤ stand up against this injustice and demand accountability. We cannot allow the government to selectively enforce laws based on ‌political ⁣ideology. This erosion of our ​rights sets a dangerous precedent and⁤ threatens the very foundation of our democracy.

It is time for the Biden administration to reevaluate its priorities and ⁢ensure that justice⁢ is applied fairly ​and impartially. The prosecution‌ of pro-life protesters should be reconsidered, and the focus should shift towards addressing real ‌threats ‌to public⁢ safety and upholding the rule of law.

We must ⁤continue to voice our concerns and hold our government accountable. Our‍ constitutional rights ⁣are not negotiable, and we cannot allow them to be ‌trampled upon. ⁤The fight for ⁤justice⁤ and equality ​requires vigilance and‍ perseverance, and we must remain ‍steadfast in our resolve to protect our fundamental rights.

As anger erupts online over​ the Biden ⁢DOJ’s prosecution ‍of pro-life protesters, it serves as a ⁤stark reminder of‌ the importance of upholding our⁢ constitutional​ rights and demanding equal treatment under the law. ‌It is‍ only through collective action‌ and unwavering commitment​ that we can ensure a just and fair society for all.

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