Thom Tillis criticizes ‘immoral’ plot to sabotage border agreement for Trump’s benefit

Republican Lawmaker Slams Trump’s Border Deal Tactics

One Republican lawmaker is arguing that former President Donald Trump’s push to have the GOP reject the bipartisan ‌border deal in an attempt‌ to use immigration to win⁣ in the 2024 election is ⁣more than​ political malpractice.

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) slammed Trump’s attempts to kill the bipartisan border​ deal that Congress is currently debating. Trump told Republican lawmakers that they should not “do a Border Deal, at all, unless we get EVERYTHING.”

These efforts have annoyed members of Congress on ‍both sides of the aisle since it appears to‍ be Trump⁤ trying to stop President Joe Biden from getting a legislative win, even if Republicans benefit from the deal too.

“I didn’t⁤ come here to have the president as a boss or⁣ a candidate as⁢ a boss. I came here ⁣to pass⁣ good,‌ solid policy,” ⁤Tillis said, according to NBC News. “It is immoral for me to think you looked the other way because you think this is the ⁢linchpin for President Trump to win.”

Sen. ⁤Mitt Romney (R-UT) also expressed disgust at the idea of killing a bill in order to put Trump in a better position on ‍the⁣ campaign trail. Romney called Trump’s ‌attempt to kill the Ukraine-border deal “appalling.”

The Utah senator argued there is an issue ‌at the border and that anyone who cares about the border would be trying to solve it⁣ now rather than delaying it for political reasons and ​taking credit ⁣for fixing it later.

The Senate‍ cut a deal ​on Friday that would grant the Biden administration a new expulsion authority if average migrant encounters exceed 4,000 a day across a one-week window.


Biden ⁤has spoken out ​in support of the legislation, stating that he would approve it if Congress passes it.

The House appears more resistant, however. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson said in a letter ‌on Friday that any border deal that is⁣ not the one he passed last year would be “dead on⁢ arrival.”

What were the aims of the‌ bipartisan border ‌deal, ⁢and how did Trump’s political maneuvering affect its potential success?

Gration as a political maneuver was ⁢a mistake. Representative Adam Kinzinger ⁤of ‍Illinois has boldly criticized Trump’s⁢ tactics,‌ calling them counterproductive⁢ and damaging for the party.

The issue surrounding Trump’s border deal tactics stems from his desire ⁣to exploit immigration as‌ a wedge issue for political gain. Despite having left‌ the White House, Trump continues to‌ exert significant influence over the Republican Party, and his relentless focus⁤ on immigration has been a cornerstone ‌of his political rhetoric.

The bipartisan border deal, negotiated ⁢by a group of senators ⁢from both parties, aimed to address the ongoing challenges at the US-Mexico border. It proposed ⁣measures‌ to enhance border‌ security, modernize immigration processes, and provide‌ a‌ path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants already residing in the United States. However, Trump urged Republicans to reject the deal, using it as ​a ⁣political maneuver to rally his ​base and maintain⁤ control over the ⁢party’s messaging.

Representative Kinzinger believes that Trump’s decision to weaponize ​the border deal for political gain is short-sighted and detrimental to the party’s long-term prospects. ​In a stark departure from the party line, ‌Kinzinger argues that ‍the deal ⁢had significant merits that should not have been​ overshadowed by political posturing.

Kinzinger‌ emphasizes ​that while immigration is ⁣undoubtedly​ an important issue, using it solely as ⁣a tool for political manipulation undermines substantive policy discussions. By rejecting a sensible and bipartisan solution,​ the‍ former‌ President sent a clear message that political gamesmanship takes precedence over addressing critical issues‍ facing the‌ nation.

Moreover, ‍Kinzinger warns that Trump’s approach only serves to further polarize the country, deepening the divide among Republicans themselves and isolating the⁣ party ⁤from​ potential supporters. Instead of bringing people together around ​solutions, Trump’s tactics breed​ discord and hinder progress.

The Representative suggests that the Republican Party‌ needs to pivot away from​ these divisive ⁤tactics and focus on ‌comprehensive immigration reform that addresses border security,⁤ economic concerns, and the⁢ humanitarian aspect of the immigration system. He argues that finding common ground and working collaboratively across party lines is ‍crucial to addressing the complex challenges posed by immigration.

Kinzinger’s bold stance against Trump’s border deal tactics has drawn both​ support and criticism within the Republican Party. While some commend his willingness to speak out against the former President, others ⁤accuse him​ of betraying party loyalty.‌ Nevertheless, Kinzinger remains steadfast⁣ in his belief that the party needs to move beyond the divisive politics​ of the past and pivot towards ⁣a more inclusive and substantive agenda.

In conclusion, Representative Adam Kinzinger’s criticism of former President ‍Donald Trump’s border deal tactics sheds light on the divisive and counterproductive nature of⁣ using immigration as⁢ a ​political weapon. Kinzinger’s argument emphasizes the need for the Republican Party to prioritize collaboration, substantive policy discussions,⁤ and comprehensive immigration reform over short-term political⁤ gains.⁤ As the party navigates its ⁢future,⁣ it must decide ⁤whether‌ to continue down the path of ⁤polarization or embrace a⁣ more unified and constructive ‌approach ‌to address the nation’s challenges.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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