Washington Examiner

Tim Scott urges an end to legacy admissions following affirmative action ruling.

Sen. Tim Scott Urges Harvard to Eliminate Legacy Programs

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) weighed in on the Supreme Court ruling to remove affirmative action from the college admissions process on Thursday, urging Harvard to “eliminate any legacy programs.”

“One of the things that Harvard could do to make that even better is to eliminate any legacy programs where they have preferential treatment for legacy kids, not allow for the professors — their kids to come to Harvard as well,” Scott said on Fox News on Thursday afternoon.

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The Supreme Court ruling barred affirmative action at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina, ruling that colleges can no longer base decisions on race during the admissions process. The 2024 Republican presidential candidate said universities should take the effort a step further to cover legacy students.

“They’re looking for a way to improve the footprint of Harvard. Let’s make sure that all admissions are based on academic scores and not just eliminating affirmative action, but let’s look at the legacy programs,” Scott said. “Let’s look at the fact that the professors’ kids can go there as well.”

Following the Supreme Court’s decision to ban affirmative action in college admissions, conversations on how colleges handle legacy preferences have been circulating, prompting some lawmakers to call for an end to the practice.

“Practices like legacy admissions and other systems expand privilege instead of opportunity,” President Joe Biden said while announcing plans to direct the Department of Education to examine admissions practices to help colleges and universities uphold diverse student bodies.

Members of the House of Representatives weighed in as well.

“If SCOTUS was serious about their ludicrous “colorblindness” claims, they would have abolished legacy admissions, aka affirmative action for the privileged,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted.

Colleges and universities can use legacy admissions as a factor to give preferential treatment to the children of alumni. The practice of using legacy admissions to boost an applicant’s chances of entry are controversial, and the Supreme Court ruling raised questions as to how it affects diversity on campus.

“This is a day where we understand that being judged by the content of our character, not by the color of our skin, is what our Constitution wants,” Scott said. “We are continuing to form a more perfect union. The progress in our nation is palpable.”


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