Washington Examiner

Time is now to fight for American dream: Author Timothy Goeglein – Washington Examiner

In his latest book, *Stumbling Toward⁢ Utopia*,‌ conservative activist ⁤and former Bush adviser ⁣Timothy ⁣Goeglein addresses the significant divisions in America, which he fears could lead to a ⁤modern civil conflict. He ⁤highlights the ongoing concerns expressed​ by audiences about ⁢the state of the nation, particularly questioning the viability⁤ of the American dream. Goeglein‌ argues that ‌the societal and moral upheaval originating from the 1960s has profound implications⁢ for contemporary ‍issues, framing this era as crucial to understanding ‌the current political landscape. The book comes at a time when ⁢Vice President Kamala Harris has controversially asserted that the American dream is ‍no longer attainable, a sentiment that contrasts sharply with the perspectives of former President Donald⁣ Trump and other political figures. Goeglein’s work offers a critical examination of the roots of progressive policies, linking them directly to the transformative​ events and ideas of the 1960s, and posits that these historical ‍influences continue to shape American institutions today.

Time is now to fight for American dream: Author Timothy Goeglein

For several years, conservative activist and author Timothy Goeglein has been warning that divisions in America threaten to turn the nation’s blue-versus-red political standoff into a modern-day blue-versus-gray civil war.

In two prior books, he offered a prescription for hope based on education and faith.

But he continued to hear the same question from friends and audiences: “What happened to America?”

Now, in his latest book, Stumbling Toward Utopia, the former Bush adviser and vice president of Focus on the Family answered that question. “The answer is simply: The latest attempt to create utopia has failed, the 1960s.”

Goeglein’s book comes at a critical time. Vice President Kamala Harris, a proponent of utopian policies, is being challenged by former President Donald Trump, who promises to close the floodgates on progressive policies.

But it was Harris who this week said that the American dream is no longer achievable, in part due to her and President Joe Biden’s costly policies. Countering the view of every other presidential candidate practically ever, she said, “You know, gone is the day of everyone thinking they could actually live the American dream.”

Goeglein told Secrets, “The narrative is that the moral and social revolution of the ’60s and ’70s is directly impacting the institutions we care about most in 2024.”

“There is a direct bridge from the caldron of the 1960s to 2024. It is what makes the book so timely, topical, relevant to our own era. If you want to understand the progressive ‘vision’ and its roots, it is the ideas of the ’60s. Remember, Kamala Harris grew up in Berkeley in that era!” he added.

Goeglein noted that America has opened its eyes to “woke” policies in schools and at work. But as top conservative talker Mark Levin has said in his equally thought-provoking books on American politics, citizens have to step up and participate — aka fight back.


“The cost of not doing anything is too high. If we do nothing, America will continue to drift away from its freedoms, and as Ronald Reagan warned us, we will never see that freedom again,” Goeglein said in his book from Fidelis Publishing.

“Our country can once again become the United States, instead of the divided states, of America,” he continued, adding, “While Utopia is an illusion, the American society formed under the First Principles established by our Declaration of Independence and original Constitution was proven true and can be again.”

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