Washington Examiner

Day two of the Turning Point Action Conference: Key highlights.

The ​Turning‌ Point Action ⁣Conference: A⁢ Recap of ⁢the Weekend

The ‍Turning Point⁣ Action Conference⁣ came⁢ to a thrilling conclusion ⁣this ​weekend, leaving the⁤ nearly 6,000 ⁣attendees inspired and motivated. Lawmakers, political⁤ commentators, and⁣ even presidential candidates took the stage to ‍deliver⁢ powerful speeches that captivated ‍the audience.

Key ⁢Takeaways from⁤ Day ​One

  • Donald ⁣Trump emerges as the favored GOP nominee
  • Speakers rally behind Trump for the 2024 presidential race
  • Vivek Ramaswamy impresses with strong numbers
  • Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson faces a chilly ⁤reception
  • Opposition to American involvement in ⁤Ukraine’s war with Russia

Day Two Highlights

Let’s dive into the most​ significant moments from ​the⁤ second day⁤ of ⁢this conservative ⁣conference:

Donald Trump wins​ GOP nominee straw poll

In ​a straw‌ poll conducted by⁣ the ‌Trafalgar Group, ​former⁣ President ⁣Donald Trump emerged as the clear favorite, receiving ⁤a⁢ staggering⁣ 85%⁤ of‍ the vote for the preferred Republican nominee for ⁢president.⁣ This result defies national polls,‍ which show him ‌at just under 60%. Businessman Perry Johnson secured‌ second⁣ place with ⁣7.8%, while Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)⁣ followed closely with ⁢4.3%. Notably,‍ DeSantis⁢ was absent from the ⁤event, ‌providing ammunition for​ the Trump campaign to ​criticize⁣ him for abandoning his home ⁤state of ⁤Florida.

Speakers tout Trump for president in⁢ 2024

A lineup of⁤ influential speakers, including Sen.‌ JD Vance⁢ (R-OH), Donald ⁤Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, ​and​ Steve ⁤Bannon, passionately advocated for Donald Trump’s return⁤ to the ⁣Oval Office‌ in⁤ 2024. Bannon confidently declared,⁤ “Donald J. Trump will⁣ be the Republican nominee.​ Donald ‌J. Trump will receive north of 80 million votes, and Donald J. Trump is going to be the 47th ‌President‌ of the United States!” Trump Jr.⁤ highlighted his ⁣father’s appointment of three conservative justices to the‍ Supreme⁢ Court, ​solidifying ‍his case for Trump’s candidacy.

Vivek⁢ Ramaswamy‌ shows strong⁣ numbers

‍ ⁢

Presidential candidate ‍Vivek Ramaswamy ⁤garnered⁤ significant ⁣support ‍in the event’s straw poll,​ with 51% ⁤listing ⁢him ‌as ​their second ‌choice for ​the ⁢GOP ⁢nomination, ‌and​ two percent selecting him​ as their first choice. Ramaswamy left​ a⁤ lasting impression on the crowd during​ his ⁤speech on the first‌ day of the ‍conference, earning⁢ him ⁤favorable ​reviews from attendees. Additionally, 22%‌ of⁢ participants believed Ramaswamy should be the⁢ vice president, placing him ​behind⁢ only Kari Lake and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL).

2024‌ Republican ⁣presidential candidate ​flop

Former⁣ Arkansas‍ Gov. Asa ⁣Hutchinson⁣ faced‍ a less-than-warm welcome ‍from the crowd. Boos and jeers ⁣filled the air ⁢as he⁢ took the stage, and at one point, ‍a resounding “Trump” ‍chant erupted. It ⁤was clear that Hutchinson failed to resonate‍ with the⁢ audience, leaving his‍ presidential aspirations‍ in doubt.

Speakers ​and attendees reject ⁤involvement⁣ in Ukraine⁢ war

One of ⁣the prevailing themes ⁣of the ​day was ⁤the opposition to American involvement in Ukraine’s war⁤ with Russia. Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Marjorie ⁤Taylor Greene (R-GA),​ and Sen. JD Vance⁤ voiced their concerns about the⁢ United States’ ⁢role⁢ in⁤ the conflict.​ Greene ​went​ as far as accusing‍ the U.S.⁢ of prioritizing Ukrainian President ⁢Volodymyr‌ Zelenskyy⁤ over the American people. The sentiment⁢ was⁣ echoed by the⁣ attendees, with over 95% ‍of the straw poll participants expressing​ their disapproval of ⁢U.S. intervention⁤ in​ the conflict.

For more in-depth ​coverage of ‍the Turning Point Action Conference, click here to visit⁣ The Washington ‌Examiner.

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