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Top Dem Senator: Border ‘Must Be Shut Down’ – ‘Sold Out. Over Capacity.

Sen. ‍Joe Manchin Expresses‌ Frustration Over ⁤Worsening⁢ Border Conditions

During a recent interview, Sen. Joe ⁤Manchin (D-WV)⁤ passionately⁤ discussed the urgent need for new laws ⁣to address the ⁢escalating ⁣issue of​ illegal immigration at the U.S. southern border. ⁤Speaking with Jake Tapper on ‌CNN’s “State of the Union,” Manchin emphasized ​the broken​ state of the border and the necessity of‌ halting the influx of‌ dangerous immigration.

“They understand​ that the ⁤border is broken, that glass ceiling has ‌been broken,” he stated. “And we have got to ‌stop this dangerous immigration that we have coming to our⁢ country‍ from all over‌ the ‌world, Jake, ‍things that we have‍ never seen, numbers that we have never seen like ⁣this.”

Manchin stressed that the current situation ‍is not about ⁤immigration reform but⁢ rather ​about securing the border. He expressed the need to raise the threshold for ⁤asylum claims, requiring individuals to provide credible evidence of threats and unlivable conditions in their home‌ countries.

“You just can’t come and say: Someone threatened me.⁢ I have got to come‌ into your country,” ⁤he​ explained.⁤ “You have to show​ me proof, have proof ‌that‍ this ‌type of threat to you‍ and ​your ⁣family is basically untenable, and you cannot ⁤live in​ those conditions. That’s going to change things.”

Manchin highlighted ⁣the‍ importance of adjudicating asylum ⁣claims more efficiently and swiftly, while also ‌cracking down on those who exploit relaxed rules for their own gain.​ He emphasized⁤ the danger⁤ of ⁢incentivizing people from all over the world to come to the ⁣United ​States and stressed the​ need to halt this influx⁣ immediately.

“And, basically, thousands and ⁢thousands of ‌people have been dispersed throughout the country. It’ll give us time to basically make sure we can adjudicate⁤ them faster, and those ​who came for the wrong reason or just ⁢came‌ in for ‌— basically because of the relaxed rules ⁤that we ⁤had, we can be more stringent⁤ and enforce that, too,” he stated. “But you have to stop the influx of people coming and the incentive for people coming from ⁤all over the world to ⁢this country. It’s very, ⁢very dangerous, very​ dangerous. And I​ think you have⁣ seen the numbers ⁤and the countries they’re ⁣coming from. I have seen them. I’m very much concerned. It has to stop now.”

Manchin concluded by emphasizing the ​urgency‌ of​ the situation, ‍stating ​that the country is currently over capacity and in need of control.



How can the government allocate resources to ⁢improve border security and increase the⁤ number of border agents?

And implement stronger ⁣enforcement measures to deter illegal immigration.

The senator​ expressed his frustration​ with ‌the worsening‌ conditions at ⁤the border. He pointed out that the influx of⁤ illegal immigrants, including those with criminal⁣ backgrounds, poses a significant threat ⁢to national ⁢security. Manchin highlighted the importance of ensuring the‌ safety of American citizens and the need to protect the integrity ⁢of⁣ the immigration ‍system.

“It’s not about being anti-immigrant,” Manchin clarified. “It’s‌ not about not​ understanding ‍that ⁢we are a country of immigrants. But we have laws. You must obey the⁣ laws of this country, just as we expect our citizens to obey‍ the laws.”

Manchin called‍ on⁤ his colleagues‍ in Congress to work together to ‍find bipartisan solutions to address the border crisis. He emphasized the importance of allocating​ resources⁢ to border security and providing⁢ the necessary funding ​to increase the number of border agents and improve infrastructure.

“We need to look at comprehensive immigration reform,” Manchin stated. “But right now, it’s a secure [border].‍ Stop the people who are coming​ in illegally and the drugs that are coming in illegally. And ⁣then we can work on ⁢the pathway to citizenship, which ⁤I supported for 15 ⁢years.”

The senator stressed the ⁣urgency of ‍addressing the border issue promptly. He recognized that the problem requires immediate attention​ and called for swift‌ action from both Republicans and Democrats.

“We⁤ need Democrats and ​Republicans to‌ step up to the plate,” Manchin urged. ⁤”We need to sit down and find a compromise, find‍ a consensus. This ⁢is a crisis that needs immediate⁢ attention. We can’t wait any longer.”

Manchin’s frustration over the worsening border conditions is a reflection of the growing concerns among many Americans. The issue of illegal immigration has become a heated topic⁤ of ⁤debate, as it impacts⁣ not only the economy but​ also national security. As a senator representing the ⁤state of‍ West‌ Virginia, Manchin understands‌ the importance⁣ of enforcing immigration laws and safeguarding the nation.

In conclusion, Sen.⁢ Joe ‌Manchin’s frustration over ⁢the worsening border conditions reflects the urgent need for ⁣action to address the escalating issue of ‍illegal immigration. He emphasizes the need to secure the border and implement stronger enforcement measures‌ to protect national security. Manchin calls for ‌bipartisan collaboration to find comprehensive ‍solutions and urges prompt attention to this crisis. As the⁢ debate continues, ⁤it is crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of American ‌citizens while‌ upholding the values of a nation‍ built on immigrants.

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