New Poll Reveals Sharp Differences Between Trump and Biden Supporters on Marriage and Family Issues

A‌ Pew Research ‍Center poll reveals significant differences in the perspectives of supporters of former President Donald Trump and President Joe then Biden regarding marriage and family values. ‌The survey, which ⁤was conducted and released on ‌June 6, focused on questions related to societal ​benefits of prioritizing marriage and⁤ children, as well as attitudes towards women keeping their maiden names after marriage. Approximately ⁣60% of Trump’s supporters, including 54% of his female supporters, believe that society is better off when people prioritize marriage and ​family. In contrast, only 19% of Biden’s supporters agree with this stance. Furthermore,‍ 37% ⁣of Trump’s supporters expressed discomfort with women‍ not taking their husbands’​ last names after marriage,⁣ compared to only 13% of Biden’s supporters showing similar sentiments. The poll also touched upon views on the legality of abortion, noting that nearly half of ​Trump’s supporters⁢ oppose legal abortion in all cases.

A recent Pew Research Center poll highlighted the stark difference of opinion former President Donald Trump’s supporters and and those of President Joe Biden have on issues related to marriage and family.

The poll, released June 6, asked questions on topics such as whether “society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority” and the comfort level respondents had “with women not taking their husbands’ last names when they get married.”

Nearly 60 percent of Trump supporters — and 54 percent of his female supporters — said that society is better off when it prioritizes marriage and family, compared to only 19 percent of Biden backers who shared the same view.

On the question of women assuming a husband’s surname, the results were similar.

Thirty-seven percent of Trump supporters of all demographics said they were uncomfortable with women not taking their husband’s last name, while the number plummeted to 13 percent for Biden supporters.

When asked about whether or not abortion should be legal in all cases, nearly half of Biden supporters, 42 percent, said it should be legal in “most or all cases.” Only 9 percent of Trump supporters shared the same view.

“About nine-in-ten Biden supporters (88%) say abortion should be legal in most (46%) or all (42%) cases” and “about six-in-ten Trump supporters (61%) say abortion should be illegal in all (11%) or most (50%) cases,” Pew reported. Both candidates’ bases have formed their own somewhat cohesive consensus around abortion and how they feel the government should proceed with the legality surrounding unrestricted abortion access.

The declining birth rate was another topic addressed in the poll, and the contrast between Trump and Biden voters was also glaring. Forty-seven percent of Trump supporters are concerned with declining birth rates, while about half as many Biden supporters, 23 percent, shared the same concern.

A large portion of Biden supporters, nearly 50 percent, view the declining birth rates as neither good nor bad, and over a quarter said the declining birth rate was a good thing.

Stephen Moore, co-founder of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity, wrote on X, “1 in 12 Biden voters with a college degree think society should prioritize families. Amazing that basically half the country doesn’t believe in propagating the human race.”

Kamden Mulder is a summer intern at The Federalist. She is a senior at Hillsdale College pursuing a degree in American Studies and Journalism.


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