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Trump asked for ‘quid pro quo’ from Kim Kardashian to score famous White House visitors: Book

Former⁣ President Donald ‌Trump reportedly made a deal with Kim Kardashian to⁤ grant additional commutations for prison sentences in exchange for visits‌ from football stars at the White House. However, ⁤the ⁤football players declined the offer. This ⁢intriguing exchange is detailed ⁤in Jonathan Karl’s⁢ upcoming book, Tired of Winning. ⁣

In 2018, ⁣Trump granted clemency to Alice Johnson ⁢after meeting with Kardashian, who advocated for ⁢her release. During his final days in office, Kardashian asked​ Trump to grant more⁣ clemency ⁢requests. Trump agreed, but with⁤ a condition ​- Kardashian had to use her celebrity connections ​to bring‍ football stars to​ the White​ House. Unfortunately, ‍every player she approached declined the invitation.

According⁣ to Karl’s book, after the 2020 ⁤election, Trump refused to help Kardashian when she reached out to‌ his Mar-a-Lago team for ​a criminal justice favor. Trump hung ⁢up on her, saying, “Hell no. ​You voted for Biden and now you come asking me for ‍a favor?” Although Kardashian never publicly ‌stated her vote, she tweeted a photo of Biden and Vice President Kamala​ Harris shortly after⁤ Election Day.

It’s​ important to note that a Trump spokesperson ⁢dismissed‍ Karl’s book as fiction and claimed ‍that previously released excerpts have been debunked. However, ⁢this revelation adds another layer to the ongoing narrative surrounding Kardashian’s‍ efforts in criminal justice reform.

On a different note, ⁤Kardashian recently passed ‍the baby bar exam on her⁣ fourth attempt in⁤ 2022. However, she still needs to take ‌the California bar exam to pursue ⁤her dream of becoming a lawyer.

‌How do conflicting narratives surrounding​ Jonathan Karl’s⁢ book and a Trump spokesperson’s dismissal contribute to ⁣ongoing​ controversy about the⁣ Trump-Kardashian deal

Title: Former President Trump’s Controversial Deal with Kim Kardashian: The Football Stars’ White House ‍Visit Debacle


Former President Donald Trump’s alleged deal⁢ with Kim Kardashian regarding additional commutations for prison‍ sentences in exchange for visits from⁤ football stars at the White​ House⁢ has⁣ sparked intrigue.⁢ Described in Jonathan Karl’s upcoming book,‌ “Tired of Winning,” this controversial exchange sheds light on an unexpected chapter in Kardashian’s efforts towards criminal justice reform. However, it is essential to consider ⁤conflicting accounts surrounding this revelation. Moreover, amidst⁢ these​ controversies, Kardashian’s journey towards becoming a lawyer has seen recent ‌progress.

The Trump-Kardashian ‌Deal

In 2018, Donald Trump granted​ clemency to Alice Johnson after an influential meeting with​ Kim Kardashian,⁢ who passionately advocated ‍for her release. Encouraged by this success, Kardashian approached Trump towards⁤ the conclusion of his presidency, ​requesting further‌ clemency for deserving⁢ cases. ‍Trump ⁢agreed,⁣ but with a condition: Kardashian ⁤needed to leverage her celebrity connections to bring ⁣football stars to ​the White House. Regrettably, despite her best efforts, every player she approached declined the offer,⁣ resulting in an unsuccessful endeavor.

Trump’s Reaction and Kardashian’s Vote

According to Jonathan Karl’s book, after the 2020 election, Kardashian ‍turned to Trump for a criminal justice favor. However, when ​she reached out to ⁤his Mar-a-Lago team, Trump’s response was far⁤ from favorable. He allegedly hung up on ‌her, reminding her‍ of her support for Joe‌ Biden during the ⁢election, saying, “Hell ‍no. You voted for Biden and now you come ‍asking me for ⁣a favor?” Although Kardashian never‌ publicly disclosed her vote,‍ she shared a photo​ of Biden and Vice President ‍Kamala Harris on Twitter shortly after ⁣Election Day.

Contradictory⁤ Narratives and Ongoing Controversy

While⁤ this revelation from Karl’s ⁣book ​adds another layer ‌of‍ complexity to the ongoing saga⁤ surrounding Kardashian’s endeavors in ‍criminal‍ justice​ reform, it is important to note the dismissal⁤ of ⁣these claims by a Trump spokesperson. ​The spokesperson labeled the book⁣ as fiction‌ and claimed that previously released‍ excerpts have⁤ been debunked. Consequently, conflicting accounts of the ⁤events leave room for speculation‍ and highlight the need for further⁢ investigation before drawing definitive ⁢conclusions.

Kardashian’s Legal Pursuit

Shifting focus‌ away from the⁣ controversy, Kim Kardashian’s recent achievement cannot be ignored. In 2022, she successfully passed the baby bar exam on her fourth‍ attempt.‌ Despite this ⁣milestone,⁢ Kardashian still faces⁢ the challenging task of taking the​ California bar exam ⁢to fulfill⁣ her‍ dream of ‌becoming ⁢a lawyer.⁣ Her journey and commitment towards this goal continue to captivate both supporters⁤ and critics, highlighting ⁢the impact ⁣and⁣ influence of her high-profile efforts in criminal justice reform.


Former President Donald Trump’s ⁤alleged agreement ‌with Kim Kardashian to⁣ secure more commutations for prison sentences in exchange for visits from football stars at the White House presents a fascinating‍ but contentious ‌tale. While⁤ the book by Jonathan Karl provides insight, conflicting⁣ narratives‌ and a Trump spokesperson’s ‌dismissal caution ⁣against immediate conclusions.‍ Amidst the controversy, Kardashian’s pursuit of a legal career progresses, keeping the⁤ spotlight on her dedication to criminal justice reform. Only time will tell⁤ how⁢ this remarkable narrative unfolds, and whether it will contribute to lasting change.

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