Washington Examiner

Trump seeks union support in Midwest battle against Biden.

Former President Donald Trump Appeals to Union Voters in Bid for⁣ Endorsement

Former President Donald Trump is actively seeking ⁣the ⁢support of one of the Democratic⁣ Party’s most crucial voting ​blocs. His ‌focus is on union‍ voters, ⁣particularly in⁢ the Midwestern states where he faced defeat in the 2020 election. Trump has⁣ reached out to the​ United Auto Workers (UAW) in hopes of securing their endorsement.

“I think you’d better endorse Trump ​because I’m going to grow your business,‌ and they are destroying your ‌business,” he said in⁣ a video released last week.

In⁢ the video, Trump accuses President ‌Joe Biden of waging war on ​the ​U.S. auto industry ​through electric vehicle mandates and green energy promises that only benefit the ‌wealthy, ‍while​ causing devastation to factories. The voting patterns of union workers will be ‌closely watched in the upcoming 2024 presidential⁣ contest.

Trump’s success⁢ in winning the “blue ‍wall” states of Wisconsin, ⁢Pennsylvania,‍ and Michigan, where⁣ the UAW is based, played ⁤a significant role in his previous election victory. However, Biden managed to flip these states back in 2020 by⁤ emphasizing⁢ his roots in⁣ Scranton and ​adopting some of Trump’s policies. If Trump becomes the ⁢GOP nominee, he⁣ will once again attempt to ⁣win over‌ the ‍blue-collar ​union voters who have shown a recent⁤ trend towards supporting Republicans.

Former Michigan⁤ Democratic Rep. and UAW ‌employee Andy Levin dismisses Trump’s chances, ‌stating, “My reaction is two⁤ words: Dream ⁢on.” Levin, now ⁤a senior fellow at the Center for American ⁣Progress, acknowledges that Trump implemented ‌policies that attracted potential Democratic voters. Notably, Trump promised to bring​ back manufacturing jobs to the United States and implemented trade tariffs to boost domestic factory employment.

However,​ Biden has largely maintained Trump’s tariffs and⁣ proudly signed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill into law. Levin predicts that these actions will be‍ enough ‌to retain the support⁣ of union ‍workers ​and keep the ‍blue wall intact in the upcoming election.

Despite facing skepticism from union leadership, Trump ⁣has already ⁤garnered endorsements from over a dozen unions. He proudly refers to himself as the most pro-union‌ president in history, having received significant financial support from labor groups during his 2020 campaign.

However, the voting preferences of union members do not always‌ align with those of their leadership. According to Edison research, ‍Biden won 57% of ​union households nationwide in 2020, ⁣compared to Trump’s 40%. This was twice the margin of Hillary Clinton’s advantage ⁤among union voters in 2016.

Biden, who frequently visits⁢ the Rust Belt, warns ‍that manufacturing jobs are ⁢at risk if he does ​not secure ​the White ‌House in the next election. At a⁢ rally ‍with union members⁤ in Pennsylvania, he stated, ‍”If⁣ Republicans come after what I’ve done, when they come back to try to ⁢get rid of all⁢ these clean energy investments and they try to stop⁤ the plan ⁣on infrastructure,​ when they try to do these ⁢things, guess what? They’re coming for your jobs.”

The UAW ⁤union has yet​ to endorse a ‌candidate due to concerns that the rise‍ of electric vehicles will lead to job losses in auto plants. Trump claims that he would fight harder for auto workers than Biden. However, ⁣UAW⁣ spokesman Jim McNeill declined to comment on the Trump​ video, stating, “We don’t have anything new on that front.”

Despite ⁤Trump’s efforts, the likelihood​ of receiving the ⁤UAW’s ⁢endorsement is‌ slim. UAW President Shawn Fain has expressed⁢ that another Trump presidency would be a “disaster.”

Kyle‌ Kondik,​ a political analyst at the University⁤ of ‌Virginia, notes ⁢the ongoing disconnect between union leadership and the voting preferences of rank-and-file members.⁢ He explains,‍ “You think of union⁣ members as people without ‍a four-year college degree, which is now a pretty​ Republican group. It’s pretty ⁢natural for Trump to appeal ⁣to that segment of the electorate.”

Trump’s focus on the UAW stems from the ⁤fact that most other unions have‍ already​ endorsed a Democrat well‍ in advance of the next ‍election.‍ Kondik⁢ remarks, “It’s ​almost like Trump has to‌ try to find a union that’s upset with the president. In terms of labor leadership, Biden seems to be doing pretty​ well. It’s just that there’s always⁢ been a disconnect⁣ between labor leadership‍ and their own rank and file.”


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