Washington Examiner

Trump hails ‘huge victory’ in Supreme Court’s 14th Amendment ruling

Trump Celebrates​ Supreme ​Court Victory, Returns to Colorado Ballot

Former President ⁢Donald Trump and his Republican allies are ​celebrating a ​major win after the Supreme Court ​ruled in‌ his favor, reinstating him on Colorado’s ballot ⁢and rejecting a challenge to his eligibility based on the 14th Amendment.

BIG WIN ⁤FOR AMERICA!!!” Trump exclaimed ⁤on⁤ Truth​ Social moments after the ruling was announced.

The ruling, ‍known as Trump v. Anderson, marks a significant victory for Trump. Previously, the Colorado Supreme Court had disqualified him from​ running for president, removing him from the state’s primary ballot in a 4-3 decision ⁢in mid-December.

This latest ruling overturns Colorado’s decision and⁤ also prevents similar rulings from other states, just one day⁢ before ‌Super Tuesday, the day when over ​a dozen states are scheduled to cast their primary ballots in the 2024 election cycle.

The Colorado voters who filed the⁢ lawsuit to remove⁣ Trump from the ballot argued that his actions during the January 6 Capitol riot violated the 14th Amendment.

Trump also faced removal from the ballot in Maine, where Democratic Secretary of State Shenna Bellows claimed that state law required her to address lawsuits regarding ballot ‌eligibility. ⁣Additionally, an Illinois court recently‌ removed Trump from the state’s ballot.

However, ‍Trump’s allies wasted no‍ time in hailing the ruling as a triumph for ‌the rule of law.

“Today’s ruling confirms what Republicans have been arguing: The American people have the right to choose their candidates,‌ not activists or bureaucrats,” stated ‌outgoing Republican National⁤ Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. “The attempt to remove Donald Trump from the ballot was nothing but election⁣ interference from the left, and ‌the RNC proudly fought alongside President Trump’s campaign and other Republican partners in the Supreme Court to protect voters’ right ⁢to be heard. We will continue to fight and defeat​ Democrats in⁣ court in the coming months.”

In early January, the RNC and the National Republican Congressional Committee filed an amicus brief in support of⁢ Trump’s right to appear on the ballot, denouncing‌ the attempts to remove him as undemocratic.


Following the ⁤Trump v. Anderson ruling, ⁤the former president is expected to maintain his strong position in the GOP primary. He is on track to dominate most, if not all, of the Super Tuesday ⁣primary elections this week as he ‌faces his final challenger, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, for the GOP nomination.

Kaelan Deese contributed to⁢ this story.

‌ What​ are​ some potential‍ implications of ​Trump’s presence on the Colorado​ ballot for the political landscape in the state?

Y ⁢before the​ state’s primary elections are scheduled to⁣ take ⁤place.‌ The Supreme Court’s decision effectively clears ⁢the way ​for Trump to participate ‌in ⁤the election and potentially ⁢secure the Republican nomination ⁤for the⁣ presidency.

Trump’s eligibility to run for president in⁣ Colorado was challenged based on the 14th ​Amendment, which states that an individual cannot hold public ⁣office if they have⁤ engaged⁢ in‌ insurrection or⁢ rebellion against the United States. However, ⁢the ⁤Supreme⁢ Court ruled that the ​argument against ‍Trump’s eligibility was unfounded and without merit.

Supporters of ⁢Trump and‍ his Republican allies⁤ have hailed the Supreme Court’s ‌ruling as a triumph‍ for democracy and the rights of American citizens. They argue ‍that the decision ensures that the will‍ of the people is upheld⁢ and that ​every eligible⁢ candidate has‌ an ⁣equal opportunity to seek⁢ public office.

Trump’s return to the Colorado ballot is seen as⁣ a significant development ​in the lead-up to the primary elections. While he ‌has ⁢not ‌officially declared his candidacy, ​speculation ⁣has been rife about⁣ whether the former president ⁢will once again seek the highest ‍office in the⁢ land. This ruling provides a path for Trump to potentially ⁣secure⁣ the⁣ nomination and continue his political career.

The reinstatement of Trump also signals ⁣a potential shift in the ⁤political landscape of Colorado. Since the state went blue in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, it has‌ been seen as a solidly Democratic state. ​However, Trump’s popularity among conservative⁤ voters ⁣and⁢ his success in other swing states have raised⁣ the ​possibility of a competitive race in Colorado.

The ruling also raises important questions about‌ the role ⁢of the⁢ Supreme ‍Court⁢ in shaping the outcome of elections. Critics ⁤argue that decisions like this⁣ undermine the authority of⁣ state courts and allow federal courts to intervene‌ in state electoral processes. They argue that the power of⁢ the Supreme Court⁤ should ⁤be limited ​to ensuring that constitutional⁣ rights are respected and not interfering in the political decisions of individual states.

As Trump​ celebrates this victory, the focus now shifts to the upcoming‍ primary elections ⁤in Colorado and⁣ the potential impact of his presence on the ⁢ballot. With the race for the presidency heating up, the reinstatement of Trump adds yet another layer of complexity to an already ‌contentious political landscape.

Only time will tell how this ruling and Trump’s presence on the Colorado⁢ ballot will shape the outcome of ⁣the primary and the broader political landscape in the state. As ⁢the nation watches ⁢closely, one thing is certain – the 2024 presidential election ⁤continues to be ​one of the most closely watched⁢ and⁣ hotly‌ contested in⁣ recent memory.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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