Trump claims he would win California ‘if Jesus came down and was the vote counter’ – Washington Examiner

In a recent interview with Dr. Phil,⁢ former President Donald Trump claimed he could win California if Jesus were counting the votes. Trump expressed his belief that ⁣he has strong support in⁤ California, despite it being a Democratic stronghold. He​ asserted that the state ​is unfairly marked as a loss for Republicans, stating, “I guarantee: if Jesus came down and⁣ was the ⁤vote counter, I would win California.” He attributed his losses to factors like mail-in voting‌ and suggested that an “honest vote counter” would reflect his ⁤true popularity, especially‍ among Hispanic voters. However, there is no evidence of widespread voter⁢ fraud in California, ​where Republicans have not won a presidential election since 1988.

Trump claims he would win California ‘if Jesus came down and was the vote counter’

Former President Donald Trump claimed he would win California if Jesus Christ were the vote counter.

In an interview with Dr. Phil, Trump claimed that he had the potential to win the Democratic bastion of California, but only under certain conditions.

President Donald Trump holds a Bible as he visits outside St. John’s Church across Lafayette Park from the White House Monday, June 1, 2020, in Washington. Part of the church was set on fire during protests on Sunday night. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

“I look at California, I gave a speech… I had a crowd so big, I said, ‘There’s no way I could lose California,’ but automatically they mark it down, if you’re a Republican, as a loss, that you lose by five million votes,” he claimed. “I said, ‘Five million votes?’ I guarantee: if Jesus came down and was the vote counter, I would win California. OK?”

“In other words, if we had an honest vote counter, a really honest vote counter — I do great with the Hispanics, great,” he added. “I mean, at a level that no Republican’s ever done. But if we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.”

When questioned by Dr. Phil, Trump doubled down.

“I think so. I do. I see it. I go around California. They have Trump signs all over the place. It’s very dishonest,” he added.

There is no evidence to suggest widespread voter fraud against Republicans in California.

Republicans haven’t won California since George H. W. Bush did in 1988, largely due to changing demographics in favor of the Democratic Party. It has since become the largest Democratic bastion in the country.

Trump touched on religion elsewhere in the interview when discussing his assassination attempt on July 13, saying he was saved by divine intervention.

“There had to be some great power,” Trump said when Dr. Phil asked why he was spared.

“I mean, the only thing I can think is that God loves our country and he thinks we’re going to bring our country back,” he continued. “It has to be God, I mean, how can you say it’s luck when it’s 20 million to one?”

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