Conservative News Daily

Trump accuses media of using sneaky tactics to make his rallies appear empty

Trump Accuses Media of ‌Using Slimy Trick to Make His Rallies ‍Look Empty

Former President‌ Donald Trump launched a scathing attack on the‍ “Lamestream​ Media” on Wednesday, accusing them of spreading lies⁢ about the massive crowds at his electrifying campaign rallies.

However, images shared online from some of his events‌ this year showed empty seats, contradicting his claims.

However, in a post ⁤on his Truth Social platform, Trump accused the “fake news”⁤ media of trying to deceive people into thinking ​the arenas weren’t full.

“Many times when I’m making a Speech, which are always ⁣sold out with lots of people not ​being able to get into the Arena or Venue, the Fake News will watch people ⁤come​ down ⁣from the rafters (bad seats) onto the⁢ floor —⁣ nearer the stage,” the leading 2024 presidential candidate said.

“As soon as this happens, the Lamestream Media starts taking pictures of these once fully occupied areas and seats, and then come out with a‌ story⁤ — ‘Trump Arena ‍wasn’t full’ or, ‘Trump didn’t ⁣have a‌ Sellout’ —‍ When ⁢they know that ⁤is not true. They​ say it‌ without fail!”

The⁣ 45th president boasted that his events always draw enormous crowds due to ⁣his pro-America ⁢platform.

“The fact is, thousands of people get sent‍ away, we never have empty seats, because⁣ we’re selling a product people ⁢want — AMERICAN ⁣GREATNESS!” he declared.‌ “This ⁢is⁣ a Movement like none other, and⁤ the Failing Media should get on board now.

“Our Country needs it, and they need ⁢it because their lack of credibility is causing many News Organizations to ⁢fail.‌ They’re going out of business because they⁤ don’t tell the ‍truth.”

Given ‌the sordid history of the establishment media and their bogus “fact checks,” ‌ the actions Trump described are exactly what many would expect from ‍them.

The reality is that the former ‌president still⁢ has millions of avid supporters. In fact, ⁢ multiple polls show him beating President ⁢Joe Biden in the⁢ general ⁣election if​ he wins the GOP primary race.

It’s ironic that the establishment​ media would nitpick over crowd size at Trump rallies given the‌ embarrassingly anemic attendance at most Biden campaign events.

As we ⁤approach the start of the New Year and the first⁣ votes of the 2024 election cycle, we ⁢cannot⁣ lose focus on what⁢ we’re fighting for. It’s not about crowd size or polling popularity, but the ⁣existential struggle of a flailing nation.

Crippling inflation, daily border invasions, rising geopolitical conflicts and terrifying crime waves have become the hallmarks of Biden’s destructive presidency.

The⁢ doddering Democrat has to go.

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A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

I walked into the office one morning and noticed something strange. Half of The Western Journal’s readership was missing.

It had finally happened. Facebook had flipped THE switch.

Maybe it was because we ‍wrote about​ ivermectin. Or election​ integrity. Or the Jan. 6 detainees. Or ballot mules.

Whatever the reason, I immediately‌ knew what to do. We‍ had to ⁣ turn to ⁤you because, frankly, we know you are the only ones we can trust.

Can you‍ help?‌ Every donation to The Western ⁢Journal ⁢goes directly ‌to funding our team of story researchers, writers and editors who doggedly pursue the truth and expose the corrupt ⁢elites.

Can I count ⁤on you for a small donation? We operate on​ a shoestring compared to other news media companies, so I ‍can personally promise that not a penny of your donation ⁣ will be wasted.

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We will use every single cent to fight against the lies and corruption in high places. And as long as we ⁢have your help, we will never give up.


Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

The post Trump Claims Media⁣ Using Slimy⁢ Trick‍ to Make His Rallies Look Empty appeared first ⁣on The Western Journal.

How does Trump accuse the media of making his ⁢rallies look empty?

Trump Accuses Media of ‌Using Slimy Trick to Make⁣ His Rallies ‍Look Empty

Former ⁣President‌ Donald Trump launched a scathing attack on the‍ ​”Lamestream​ Media” on Wednesday, accusing⁣ them of ⁣spreading ⁣lies⁢ about the massive crowds at his ‌electrifying​ campaign rallies.

However, images ⁢shared online from some of his events‌ this year showed empty seats, contradicting‍ his claims.

However, in a post ⁤on ⁣his Truth Social platform, Trump accused‌ the “fake news”⁤ ​media of trying⁢ to deceive people into⁢ thinking ​the arenas weren’t full.

“Many times when I’m making a Speech, ⁢which are always‍ ⁣sold out ​with lots‍ of people not ​being able to get into the Arena or Venue, the Fake News ‌will watch‌ people ⁤come​ down ⁣from the rafters (bad ⁢seats) onto the⁢ floor —⁣ nearer the‌ stage,” the leading 2024 presidential‍ candidate said.

“As soon as this ⁣happens, the⁣ Lamestream Media starts taking‌ pictures‌ of these once fully occupied areas and seats, and then come out​ with a‌ story⁤ — ‘Trump Arena ‍wasn’t full’ ⁤or, ‘Trump didn’t ⁣have a‌ ⁤Sellout’ ⁢—‍ When ⁢they know that ⁤is not⁣ true. They​ say it‌⁣ without fail!”

The⁣ 45th president boasted that⁣ his events always draw enormous crowds due to‌ ⁣his pro-America ⁢platform.

“The fact is, thousands ⁢of people get sent‍ ⁤away, ⁢we never have ​empty seats, because⁣ we’re‌ selling a product people ⁢want ​— AMERICAN ⁣GREATNESS!” ⁤he​ declared.‌ “This​ ⁢is⁣‍ a Movement like none other, and⁤ the Failing Media should get on board⁣ now.

“Our Country needs it, and they need ⁢it because their lack ⁣of credibility is causing many News‌ Organizations to ⁢fail.‌ They’re going out of business because⁤ they⁤ don’t tell the ‍truth.”

Given ‍‌the sordid history of the​ establishment media and their bogus “fact checks,” ‌ the ‌actions Trump described are exactly what ‍many would expect from ‍them.

The reality is​ that the former ‌president still⁢ has⁣ millions​ of⁣ avid supporters. In fact, ⁢ multiple polls show him ‍beating President ⁢Joe Biden in the⁢ general ⁣election⁢ if​ he wins the GOP ‌primary race.

It’s ironic that the establishment​ media would nitpick over crowd ​size at Trump rallies given the‌ embarrassingly ⁢anemic attendance at most Biden⁤ campaign events.

As we ⁤approach the start of the New Year and the first⁣ votes of the 2024 election cycle, we ⁢cannot⁣ lose focus on what⁢ we’re fighting for. It’s ‍not about crowd ⁤size or polling popularity, but ⁤the ⁣existential struggle of a flailing nation.

Crippling ‌inflation, daily border invasions, rising geopolitical conflicts and terrifying crime waves have become the hallmarks ⁣of⁣ Biden’s destructive presidency.

The⁢ ‌doddering Democrat has to go.

Note from Our Deputy Managing ​Editor:

I walked into ⁣the office one morning and noticed something strange. Half of The Western⁤ Journal’s readership ⁤was missing.

It had finally ⁣happened. Facebook⁢ had flipped ⁤THE switch.

Maybe it was because we ‍wrote about​ ​ivermectin. Or election​ integrity. Or‌ the Jan. 6 detainees. Or ballot mules.

Whatever the reason, I immediately‌ knew what to ​do. We‍ had to⁢ ⁣ turn to ⁤⁤you because, ⁤frankly, we know ‌you are the ⁣only ones we can trust.

Can you‍ help?‌ Every donation ⁢to The Western ⁢Journal ⁢goes directly ‌to funding our team of story researchers, writers and editors⁢ who doggedly pursue the truth and expose the corrupt ⁢elites.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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