The epoch times

Trump’s New Hampshire event attracts huge crowd.

Gag Orders and Indictments Can’t Slow Down Trump’s Popularity

Gag orders, more than 90 criminal charges, and multiple civil lawsuits⁣ against⁣ former President Donald Trump are not doing anything to slow down his popularity among supporters, with a‌ huge crowd turning out to hear him speak in New Hampshire‌ on ⁤Monday.

The frontrunner in the crowded race for⁣ the White House drew an estimated 2,500‍ to the New England Sports Center in Derry where chants of “Trump,” “USA,” and deafening roars of support showed‌ President Trump was quickly forgiven for ​being nearly 90 minutes late to ‍the packed, standing room only event.

Upon his arrival, President Trump announced he had just come from the⁤ New Hampshire secretary of state’s office to officially file​ as a candidate for the state’s primary, something a group of state Republicans had recently⁤ tried to⁤ block him⁣ from doing.

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In leading the August⁣ efforts, former Trump supporter and failed U.S. Senate candidate Bryant Messner argued that anyone who causes an insurrection⁣ is barred from running for ‌the presidency under the U.S. Constitution. President Trump is currently under indictment on allegations he led a movement to overthrow the government as part​ of the Jan. 6, 2021 protests in the U.S. Capitol. Mr. Messner filed a petition seeking to declare President Trump⁢ ineligible from participating ⁣in ⁤the New Hampshire primary.

The New Hampshire secretary of state ultimately rejected the petition, noting that President Trump ‌is “innocent until⁤ proven guilty” ​and that voters in the battleground state will have the ultimate say in who wins the party’s nomination.

In poking fun at his four indictments,⁢ President Trump incited a swell of applause and cheers when commented that the four indictments pending against him ‌have only boosted his ⁤popularity.

“I go ⁤up in the polls every time I get indicted,” he said, speculating his opposition must now be realizing⁢ their mistake by understanding that “we are going to indict him right into the White House.”

Among his staunchest supporters who turned out for his⁤ New Hampshire appearance‌ were Kathleen Keenan and Jewlianna Ruggiero, two strangers‌ who engaged in ⁣a embrace when Ms. Ruggiero, an Israeli-American ⁢Jew spotted Ms. Keenan, an Irish Catholic,​ draped in the Israel flag.

“I wore the flag to show solidarity with Israel,” ⁤Ms. Keenan, a staunch Trump supporter ⁤who attended the Jan. 6 protest “and was proud to have been there,” she told The Epoch⁤ Times. “America is not anti-Semitic.”

Ms. Ruggiero was nearly reduced to tears by Ms. Keenan’s gesture.

New Hampshire residents Kathleen Keenan (L) and Jewlianna Ruggiero, a native Israeli, were among those who turned ⁣out to see former President Donald Trump talk in New Hampshire on Oct. 23, 2023. (Alice Giordano/The Epoch Times)

Several years ago, Ms. Ruggerio⁤ experienced anti-Semitism in New Hampshire when someone taped​ over​ the⁣ letter “L” on her vanity plate that spelled out her nickname “JEWL,” altering it to read “JEW.”

She recently adopted the X, formerly known as Twitter, username “ultra maga not yet deprogrammed,” the latter part to mock ‌former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton’s recent call ​to ⁤”deprogram” Trump supporters.

Now with several⁢ relatives fighting on the front lines against Hamas in Israel following the⁤ attack by the terrorist group, she believes ‌the only hope for ​world restoration is President Trump.

“You have people in this country who hate Donald because they hate law and order, that is what he represents,” she said.

Both she and⁣ Ms. Keenan said they believe President Trump is the “only chance America has” to prevent what they predict is inevitably another 9/11-style attack, a ‌stark contrast to the opinion of such adversaries as former congresswoman and fellow Republican Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) who over the ‍weekend called President Trump “the single most dangerous threat” to America.

Ms. Cheney made⁣ the comment on CNN’s⁢ “State of the Union” while also teasing the idea she might ⁤jump into the race for the president. She also commented that President Joe Biden is providing “better leadership” on foreign policy over President Trump.

President Trump did not touch upon Ms. Cheney’s comments, but ⁣he did show his usual political stance against President Biden, calling him “a dream for Islamic terrorists” and for turning America into “a hot bed of Jihads.”

In laying out a litany of reasons for the barb, ​President ⁢Trump noted terrorists have ‍allegedly entered the United States under the current administration’s unbridled open border policy, and that the Taliban has now become the ⁣world’s‌ second largest trader of military weapons after President Biden left behind billions⁢ of dollars of⁤ U.S. military equipment in Afghanistan.

The Biden administration ⁣was also recently accused of of sending⁣ $33 million earmarked as COVID-19 disaster relief funds to a Palestinian group with ties to Hamas.

The allocation was‍ revealed in a report by and first ⁣reported on by Fox News a week following the attacks in Israel.

In responding to other recent news reports, President Trump⁢ joined in the‌ now widely publicized ‍criticism of‍ President⁢ Biden for spending a leisurely day at the beach⁤ with⁢ First Lady Jill Biden as both domestic and global⁤ chaos grew,‌ including concern about Americans being held hostage following the ⁣Hamas attack.

“He sleeps on the beach all day and we potentially have World War III going‌ on,” said President ⁤Trump.

In published video footage, President Biden ⁢and the first lady can be seen lying on beach chairs‌ in their bathing suits on Sunday at the Rehoboth Beach in‌ Delaware, the location of a $2.74 million vacation home they own.

President Trump also reiterated key pledges including withholding federal funding of any schools that mandate vaccines and to launch an aggressive deportation of immigrants living illegally in the United States. He also said he would clean up America’s cities including Washington, D.C., which President Trump said has become “a dirty ⁢crime riddled death trap” in a short time under the Biden administration.

How has President Trump criticized the ⁢current⁤ administration’s handling of domestic and international issues?

Iddle East issues during his speech in New⁢ Hampshire, instead focusing on highlighting ⁢his accomplishments during his ‌time in office and criticizing the current administration’s handling of various domestic and international issues.

Despite the controversies and legal challenges surrounding him, President Trump’s popularity remains strong among his supporters. The large‌ turnout ​at his recent event in New Hampshire is a clear indication ⁣of the continued support he enjoys.

One of the reasons for President Trump’s enduring popularity is his ​ability‌ to connect with his ​base. His ‍unapologetic and outspoken nature resonates with voters who feel that he represents their values and priorities. ⁤His ⁣defiance in the face of indictment and gag orders only seems​ to‌ strengthen his ⁤support base, as evidenced by the applause and cheers he received when ⁣he mentioned his legal troubles‍ during his speech.

Another factor contributing to⁣ President Trump’s popularity is ‌his stance on various issues. His commitment to law⁢ and order, as well as his strong support for⁤ Israel, ⁢has earned him loyal supporters like Kathleen Keenan and Jewlianna ‍Ruggiero. These individuals believe that ⁢President Trump’s ⁤leadership is crucial in preventing future terrorist attacks and restoring stability in the world.

However, not everyone shares this view. Republican politicians like Liz Cheney have been ‍vocal critics of President Trump, characterizing him as a dangerous threat ‍to America. Cheney’s comments and ⁤her teasing of a potential presidential run indicate the deep divisions within the Republican Party‍ regarding ‍President ‍Trump’s leadership.

Ultimately, it will be‍ the voters in⁤ the upcoming primaries and elections who will decide the direction of the party ⁣and its nominee.⁣ The‌ New Hampshire secretary of state’s rejection of the petition to block President Trump ⁣from participating in the state’s primary‍ reflects the belief in the principle of innocence until proven guilty and the importance ⁣of voters’ voices.

As the race for the White House heats⁤ up, President Trump’s popularity among his supporters remains steadfast, undeterred by legal challenges or indictments. His ability to rally ⁢his base and his strong stance on key issues⁢ continue to resonate with a​ significant portion of the American electorate. Whether this popularity translates into success in the upcoming elections remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: President Trump’s influence ‌on American politics is far from waning.

Read More From Original Article Here: Trump Draws Standing Room Only Crowd in New Hampshire

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