Washington Examiner

Trump urges GOP to master ‘deal-making’ on abortion.

Former ⁢President Donald Trump Urges Republicans to Master the ‌Art of the Deal on Abortion

In a captivating campaign speech, former‌ President Donald ‌Trump emphasizes the importance of Republicans ‍harnessing their newfound power ⁤to negotiate on ⁣the issue of abortion. Trump takes credit‌ for building a conservative Supreme‌ Court majority that overturned Roe ⁢v. Wade,‍ but he urges Republicans ⁢to use their influence wisely.

“And I have to tell you, the pro-lifers now ‍have tremendous power to negotiate,​ which they⁣ didn’t have ⁢before the ruling,” Trump ‍said of Dobbs v. Jackson ⁢Women’s Health Organization at the South Carolina GOP⁢ fundraising ‍dinner earlier this month. “They have ⁢to understand ⁣how to talk about it. Because‍ Republicans, you’re going to‍ have to learn how to talk about it.”

Trump⁣ continues to make similar remarks at various Republican ‌events, including ⁢the Alabama state⁣ GOP dinner. He highlights the need for Republicans to effectively communicate their stance on pro-life ⁢issues.

“I⁤ have to ⁤tell you from a ​conservative and Republican standpoint, you have to learn how to talk about‍ pro-life, you have ​to learn ‌how ‌to‍ talk about that decision,”‍ Trump said. “Because you don’t⁣ know how to⁤ talk about it.”

Trump believes that the termination of Roe v. Wade has given pro-lifers significant negotiating power ⁢that they previously lacked.

“Pro-lifers have ⁢a ‍tremendous power now ‌with that termination⁢ [of Roe] to negotiate. They had none,” he⁣ continued. ⁣“They didn’t ‌have any before that ruling. They had no ‍power whatsoever, [people] ‌could kill babies at any time they‍ wanted, ⁤including after ‍what we would call birth. They could kill⁢ babies. Now [pro-lifers] have​ tremendous ​power.”

Trump is⁣ confident that his role in overturning Roe v. Wade puts Republicans in a⁣ position to strike a deal ⁢that the entire country can support.

“But on pro-life,‌ I will tell you what‍ I ​did on Roe ‌v. Wade, nobody else, for 50 years they’ve been trying to do it. I got it done,” Trump said in ⁣an interview in May. “And now we’re in a position ⁣to make a really great deal, and a deal ‍that people want.”

While abortion opponents ⁣typically view ⁣the issue⁣ as a matter of principle, Trump believes that‌ finding ‌common ground on abortion is essential. He acknowledges the challenges Republicans face ‌in swing districts and even in traditionally conservative areas like Ohio and Kansas. Democrats ‌have successfully used abortion policy to their advantage⁢ in past elections, and President Joe Biden plans to do the same in the future.

Trump‌ suggests a two-pronged approach for Republicans: ⁢moving ⁤away‌ from a hard-line stance on abortion and allowing for exceptions ⁤in certain ⁤cases, ⁢while forcing⁣ Democrats to‍ defend the more unpopular aspects of their position.

“Like President⁤ Ronald Reagan before ​me, I support the three exceptions, for​ rape, incest, and the life of the mother,” Trump said ‍in ‍Alabama.​ “In⁢ terms⁤ of running, you⁢ have to go ​with your heart; ⁢you have to go with what you ⁣want. But to me, the three exceptions are⁤ very important. I‌ think to a large portion of people on⁢ this⁤ issue ‌are⁣ very important.”

Trump highlights the extreme positions‍ of some Democrats,‍ particularly their ‍support for late-term abortions.

“The ⁤Democrats ⁤are the extremists on this issue,” Trump said in South Carolina. “And ⁣if you think about it, what we have been able‍ to do, bring it back to the states,” has increased elected officials’ capacity ​to regulate abortion⁣ — if ‍politicians who wish to do so can prevail​ at the ballot box.

While Trump’s past support for⁣ legal abortion may raise doubts⁣ among some anti-abortion ⁣groups, ​he aims⁢ to ​leverage his role in Roe’s reversal and his policies as president to win over social conservatives. However, it remains to ‌be seen ‍if he can strike the right balance ​in the upcoming 2024 election.

Ultimately, ⁤Republicans may need to navigate the complexities of the abortion issue and appeal to voters who hold ⁢a range of views.

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