Trump angrily reacts to poll indicating Biden’s rising momentum

Former President Donald Trump criticized Fox News following the release‍ of ⁣a Fox News poll indicating ⁤that he is behind President Joe Biden by two points in ⁢the national⁤ polls for the upcoming November elections. The poll results, showing‌ Biden⁢ leading 50%-48%, mark the first time Biden has taken a ‍lead over ⁢Trump in this⁤ polling cycle. Former President Donald⁢ Trump’s reaction to the Fox News poll underscores ‌the tension that can sometimes exist between⁤ political‍ figures and media outlets, as well as the importance of polling data in framing public perception during election cycles. Trump’s criticism also highlights how closely poll results are scrutinized by campaigns, particularly when they suggest a ‌shift in voter sentiment.

This specific poll‌ showing President Biden ahead by two points is significant as it represents a change in the narrative of the campaign, possibly indicating shifts in voter opinions or reactions to recent political events.‌ This change could influence both campaign strategies and media coverage moving forward.

Trump’s response to the poll could be a strategic move ⁣to galvanized his base by questioning the legitimacy of the poll or by ⁢painting the media outlet as biased.‍ It also reflects the broader dynamics of his relationship with ⁤the press, particularly‍ with outlets that have historically been seen as ​more⁣ favorable to him, like Fox News.

The outcome of such polls and the reactions they provoke are important in understanding ‍the​ evolving landscape of voter sentiment, and they can be pivotal in shaping both campaign strategies and the general political⁣ discourse as⁣ the​ elections approach.

Former President Donald Trump slammed Fox News on Thursday after the network’s most recent poll showed him trailing President Joe Biden by two points ahead of November’s election.

The poll showed Biden leading the former president 50%-48% nationally, the first time Biden has been ahead in a Fox News poll since October 2023.

“The latest Fox News poll is TRASH!” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post. “They used a biased, Democrat-leaning sample of voters, polling more Biden 2020 voters than Trump 2020 voters to skew the results in favor of Crooked Joe.”

“I am leading BIG in virtually every other poll, including in all of the key battleground states, like Wisconsin, where I just held a massive rally, and Pennsylvania, where I will be on Saturday,” he continued.

“Fox News polls have never treated me, or MAGA, fairly! Don’t worry, we will WIN!!! Fox News should get rid of Paul Ryan, and get a new Pollster, but they won’t…” Trump said.

In March, Fox’s poll showed Trump leading Biden by five percentage points, a lead that narrowed to just one percentage point last month.

Biden is leading Trump by 15 percentage points among voters ages 65 and older and by 17 percentage points among women, according to the poll. Biden also gained support from Independent voters, who favor him by nine points — up from last month when they favored Trump by two points.


“The underlying demographic tendencies that have defined the race remain in place,” Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts Fox’s surveys, said. “Biden has improved slightly with women and seniors, which keeps him afloat despite significant reductions from 2020 in support from younger voters and African Americans.”

Biden and Trump will face off in their first debate Thursday, June 27.

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