Conservative News Daily

Trump insiders building unique ‘army’ of pre-screened candidates for federal roles.

Trump Insiders Assembling Unprecedented​ ‘Army’ of ​Pre-Vetted Candidates​ for Federal Government Positions

Former ⁣President Donald Trump is actively vetting tens of thousands⁤ of individuals for government jobs and ​has a comprehensive agenda ready to implement on day ⁤one‌ if he is re-elected for a ‌second term in⁤ the White House, according to a report.

During Trump’s​ initial term, he faced criticism from conservatives who believed that​ some of ⁢the people in his inner circle did⁤ not align with his⁤ agenda.

The frequent turnover of⁣ key personnel in Trump’s cabinet often made headlines.

As a political newcomer in 2016, Trump has now gained valuable experience and is running for⁣ the presidency for the ⁣third time.

According to Axios, Trump’s closest advisers have already begun vetting individuals for government positions at all levels to ensure that⁢ those currently in power do not undermine⁣ him.

“Hundreds of people ⁤are spending tens⁢ of‍ millions of⁣ dollars⁤ to install a pre-vetted, pro-Trump army​ of up⁢ to ​54,000 loyalists across government ‌to rip off the⁢ restraints⁢ imposed on the⁢ previous 46 presidents.”

Some of the vetting process is ⁣being done using artificial intelligence, and the software corporation Oracle has‌ been contracted to assist.

Potential candidates for tens of thousands ⁣of jobs are being evaluated, including their social media posts.

During Trump’s first term, “conventional Republicans” often limited his‌ power, but his⁢ team is now prepared to ⁣fill up to 54,000 ⁤positions with the right people.

“If Trump were to win,‌ thousands of Trump-first loyalists would be ready for ​legal, judicial, defense, regulatory, and domestic policy jobs.‍ His inner circle plans to purge anyone viewed as hostile to the hard-edged, authoritarian-sounding plans he calls ‘Agenda ⁣47.'”

According to Trump’s‌ campaign website, Agenda 47 focuses​ on prioritizing Americans by expanding school choice, rebuilding the military, addressing crime and drug use, and ending homelessness⁤ for military‍ veterans, among other issues.

Trump also aims to⁤ restore the country’s energy independence ⁣and‍ protect children from​ far-left gender ideologies.

The Heritage ‌Foundation is assisting Trump in executing his agenda, with a 920-page‍ playbook written by over 400 individuals, focusing on restoring the⁤ country’s ⁣greatness.

Kevin Roberts, the president of Heritage, described the plan as “orders of magnitude” more audacious than⁤ any ‌previous day-one agenda.

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The post Trump Insiders Assembling Unprecedented ‘Army’ of Pre-Vetted ⁤Candidates for⁣ Federal ​Government Positions appeared ‍first on The ‌Western Journal.

What are the potential‌ advantages and drawbacks of assembling an “army” of ‌pre-vetted ⁣candidates who are loyal to⁢ Trump’s agenda?

Sness. The agenda also⁤ includes measures to improve ​healthcare, protect‌ veterans, secure the‍ border, ‌and promote job creation and economic growth. Trump’s team plans to implement⁣ these policies by placing loyalists in key ‌positions across the federal government.

By assembling⁤ this “army” of pre-vetted candidates, Trump aims to avoid the challenges and pushback he faced during his ‍first term.⁤ He wants‍ to surround himself with individuals who are aligned with his agenda​ and who will work tirelessly ⁤to‌ implement his ⁢policies.

The use of artificial intelligence in the vetting⁤ process⁢ highlights the importance‍ of technology in modern politics. With a vast ⁣number⁢ of potential ⁢candidates to evaluate, it is efficient to ‍utilize AI to ​identify the most suitable individuals. This approach allows⁢ for ‍a ⁤comprehensive analysis, including evaluating⁣ candidates’⁢ social media ⁤presence, which can provide‌ valuable insights into their beliefs and values.

Trump’s inner circle is determined ⁢to ensure that anyone hostile to Trump’s⁣ agenda‍ is removed ‌from positions of power. The plan⁣ is to ⁣replace them ‌with loyalists who will work‌ towards advancing Trump’s goals.‌ This approach highlights the importance of loyalty and unity within the Trump administration.

Agenda 47,‌ as outlined‍ on Trump’s campaign website, encompasses a range of issues that Trump aims to address if‍ re-elected. By placing⁣ loyalists in ⁤key positions, Trump hopes to effectively tackle these issues and make significant progress in areas such as education, defense, crime, and the economy.

While the idea of assembling an “army” of pre-vetted candidates may raise concerns ⁣about potential bias and lack of ​diversity, ⁣it is crucial​ to ​remember ‌that every administration seeks to surround itself with individuals who share its values and goals. The ‍focus⁤ on loyalty and alignment with Trump’s agenda may ensure smoother implementation of⁢ policies but may also‌ limit the diversity of perspectives and expertise ‍brought to the table.

In conclusion,⁤ former ⁣President Donald Trump is actively vetting tens of thousands of individuals for federal government positions in preparation for a potential second term. ‍This​ unprecedented approach aims to surround⁤ Trump with loyalists who will support his agenda and ⁤work to implement his ⁣policies.‍ Through the use of artificial intelligence and a comprehensive vetting‌ process, Trump’s team is determined to⁣ ensure that those in power align with his goals. While ​this approach highlights ‌the importance of loyalty and efficiency, it also raises concerns about potential bias and lack of diversity. The success of Trump’s ⁤”army” will ultimately depend⁤ on the ability of these pre-vetted ‌candidates to effectively⁤ implement ⁣Agenda 47 and address the key issues facing the nation.

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