Trump is history’s ‘biggest comeback’ and the media is ignoring it – Washington Examiner

This summary is ⁢about an article from the Washington ​Examiner discussing former President Donald Trump’s potential comeback in American politics. The ​article highlights that while President Joe Biden is under pressure in his reelection⁢ campaign, the media is‍ overlooking the historical significance‍ of ⁣Trump’s potential comeback. Historian ‍Craig Shirley argues that Trump’s⁣ comeback could be one of the biggest in American‌ history, but the media is hesitant to acknowledge it. Shirley‌ is working on a ​book about Trump’s comeback and emphasizes the historic ‍nature of his potential return to the presidency. The article also mentions Trump’s upcoming‌ nomination in Milwaukee by the⁢ Republican Party.

Trump is history’s ‘biggest comeback’ and the media is ignoring it

President Joe Biden’s efforts to escape party pressure on him to quit his reelection campaign are certainly worthy of the attention the media is giving it, though it’s not unprecedented in modern history.

Former President Jimmy Carter faced a potentially fatal political challenge from the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. Lyndon B. Johnson did bow out amid the Vietnam War fiasco.

However, with having a single focus on Biden, the media is missing a bigger historical story for the modern era: former President Donald Trump’s comeback.

“Donald Trump is poised to score one of the biggest comebacks in American history — new history in the making — but they are in denial about that,” historian and Reagan biographer Craig Shirley told Secrets. “They can’t bear to write that story.”

Shirley, who is working on an authorized book about the Trump comeback, said there is no story like it in American history. It is one that should be heralded as Republicans are ready to renominate the twice-impeached politician with a 1-1 election record and who is facing multiple legal cases thrown up by his challenger’s Justice Department.

“For Donald Trump to mount a successful comeback, and be on the verge of winning the presidency once again, is monumentally historic in the annals of American history,” he said.

Trump will be nominated in Milwaukee as the Republican presidential choice next week. He plans to announce his running mate shortly before, possibly on Monday.

During the primaries, no challenger came close, and he was so confident of victory that he didn’t enter any of the debates.


The historic nature of Trump’s march to victory is also a win over the “elites” similar to the campaigns of Andrew Jackson in 1828 and Ronald Reagan in 1980, said historian Shirley.

“Every once in a while, there’s a perfect storm with an election between the corrupt elites and the people. The election of 1828 Andrew Jackson against John Quincy Adams, and the election of 1980, with Reagan versus Jimmy Carter. Both candidates were populist conservatives, reformers, just as Donald Trump is a populist conservative reformer. And so this is shaping up as important as the election of 1828 and the election of 1980,” he said.

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