The federalist

Trump is correct: Americans must grasp Democrats’ extreme stance on abortion


Trump Calls ​Out⁣ Democrats’ Radical Abortion Agenda

Pollsters and⁣ abortion ‍activists constantly twist narratives to paint pro-lifers as‍ the villains in the fight for ⁣life, but ‍leading 2024 presidential contender former President Donald Trump correctly ⁢identified Democrats‍ as the real “radicals”⁤ for advancing an abortion until birth agenda.

“In ​the debate with Hillary Clinton,⁣ I said, you‍ know, she’s willing to rip the‍ baby out of the womb in the ninth month. And you know, ‌I never heard this. It happened‍ to me. It‍ just ⁤came to me during that debate. ⁤I didn’t go out there thinking I was gonna say‍ that,⁢ and she winced,” Trump ​said ‍during his Fox News⁢ town hall on⁤ Wednesday night. “Nobody ​wants to see that happening after‍ a certain period of time. ⁣Nobody.”

Trump on ‌abortion: “Remember this: They’re the ⁣radicals. We’re not the radicals, because they’ll⁢ kill a baby. …⁢ [Hillary Clinton’s] ⁢willing to rip the baby out of‌ the womb in‌ the ⁢ninth⁢ month.” #GOPDebate

Democrats’ Unpopular Abortion ‌Agenda

A majority of U.S. adults oppose⁤ killing unborn babies through all nine months of pregnancy. Yet, Democrats spent the ​last few years making legalizing unlimited abortion through birth a pillar of their⁣ party.

“They’re the radicals⁤ because they’re willing to kill the baby in eight months,⁣ nine months, or even after birth,” Trump continued. “If you remember the former ⁢governor of⁣ Virginia where he said, you kill the baby after the ninth month, or⁢ even after it’s [born], you ⁢set ⁣the baby aside.”

There is a clear disconnect between American ​voters’ ‍strong feelings about ending life in the womb late in pregnancy and their support for Democrats’ euphemistic calls⁢ for “reproductive rights,” which is ⁣why abortion extremism was ⁢able ⁣to sneak ‌its way into red states like Ohio.

Trump’s history of ‍criticizing heartbeat⁤ bills, misrepresenting the Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs v. Jackson decision, and wrongfully blaming ​Republicans’ 2022 midterm losses on their ​unapologetically pro-life positions only exacerbates ‍this disconnect.

His insistence that pro-lifers take⁢ the ‌blame for Democrats’ deceptive abortion agenda advances is exactly why one voter sought reassurance that Trump ⁤will “protect all life, every person’s right to life without compromise” if he is elected in 2024.

Pro-life voter questions Trump about his commitment to the unborn: ‍”I’d like⁤ for you to reassure me that you can protect all life, every person’s right to life, without compromise.”⁤

Trump’s Pro-Life Record

His answer started weak when he highlighted the pro-life successes that happened during his​ first term and invoked Ronald ‌Reagan.

The Republican has every right to brag. In just four years, he established himself as the most successful pro-life president. Much to President Joe Biden’s dismay, Trump’s⁢ decision to nominate Supreme Court justices who understood⁤ that Roe v. ⁣Wade was an‍ unconstitutional and unjust decision led to the pro-life movement’s biggest⁢ victory ⁤to date.

His hangup on the lie that protecting the unborn loses elections, however, ⁤hurts his once-promising pro-life ⁤position.

“You have to win elections. Otherwise, you’re going to be ‍back ​where you were, and you can’t let that ​ever happen again,” Trump emphasized.

Trump’s right ⁤that ⁣pro-lifers​ have to win​ elections to keep the Dobbs momentum‌ going. But that ⁤won’t happen if deceived voters continue to⁤ vote for Democrats and⁢ their radical abortion agenda because it’s ⁣disguised as ⁢a push for ​“woman’s ⁤health and rights.”

Trump may‍ see his hesitancy about heartbeat bills ⁤and ⁣other pro-life laws as a strategy to court the general⁤ electorate instead⁢ of​ hyper-fixating on winning over voters⁢ in a ​primary race⁤ he leads.

Appealing to all U.S. voters, however, means continuing to identify Democrats as the culprits⁤ advancing‍ unpopular ‌anti-life​ policies Americans oppose. Democrats’ abortion radicalism is a losing⁢ issue with voters, plain and simple.

Trump is off to a good start by calling out Democrats’ abortion extremism, something corporate media outlets will never⁤ do. He would do‌ even better ⁢to remember that the fight ​for the unborn is an uphill ⁣battle that‌ is ‍best ⁤fought by aiming‌ fire​ at the ‌enemies ‌on the other side of the aisle, not the⁢ pro-life allies that could help ⁤him​ win re-election.

Jordan ⁢Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist​ and co-producer of ‌The Federalist​ Radio Hour. ‍Her ‍work ⁤has also been featured in The Daily ⁣Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political⁣ science and‌ minored ​in journalism. Follow her on ⁣Twitter @jordanboydtx.

How did‌ Trump’s actions​ during his presidency​ impact ‍the goals ‍of abortion⁢ activists?

The dismay ‌of abortion activists,‍ Trump accomplished significant pro-life goals such as⁢ appointing ⁢three conservative justices to the ⁣Supreme Court, implementing policies to defund Planned Parenthood, and expanding protections for religious freedom in healthcare.

However,​ Trump’s response fell short of reassuring‍ the voter‍ on his commitment to ‌protect ​all‌ life without compromise. He emphasized his opposition to late-term abortions​ and his​ support for the pro-life cause, but he did not provide concrete plans on how he would ensure the protection of every person’s right to ⁤life.

While it is⁣ crucial for pro-lifers to acknowledge the progress⁢ made during ​Trump’s presidency and his commitment to ⁢the⁣ cause, it is equally important to hold political leaders ​accountable for their promises and demand⁣ clear strategies to protect unborn lives.

The Battle⁣ Against ⁢Abortion Extremism

Trump’s criticism of Democrats’ ⁤radical abortion agenda‌ sheds light on the urgent need to fight against‍ abortion‍ extremism. The majority of Americans, regardless ⁣of their ​stance on abortion, believe in reasonable limitations on late-term abortions. It is crucial to bridge the gap ​between‌ the pro-life and pro-choice communities and find common ground on measures that⁤ protect both​ the rights ‍of women and the unborn.

Political leaders‌ need to address⁤ the⁣ concerns of pro-lifers and pro-choice advocates,‍ ensuring that their policies‌ reflect the‌ values and beliefs of a diverse ‌society. It is essential ⁤to promote comprehensive sex education, increase access to affordable contraception, ⁤and provide support for pregnant women to reduce the⁤ demand for abortions.

Moreover, fostering a culture ​of life goes beyond legislation ⁣and ‍policies. It requires creating a society that ​values the dignity⁣ of⁤ every human being,⁢ from conception to ⁢natural⁢ death. This can be achieved ⁤through education and awareness campaigns that highlight the‍ alternatives to abortion, such as adoption and⁣ support for single mothers.

The Role of Pro-Life Advocates

While it ⁤is crucial to hold political leaders accountable, ⁣the ⁣fight for the protection of unborn lives ultimately rests on the shoulders of⁤ pro-life advocates. Grassroots ‌efforts, such as‍ peaceful‍ protests, public education​ campaigns,​ and support for crisis pregnancy centers, play a vital role in changing hearts and minds.

Pro-life ⁤advocates need to engage in respectful dialogue with individuals who hold different views ⁤on ‍abortion, presenting compelling arguments ​rooted in scientific evidence, ethical reasoning, and compassion. The goal should be⁢ to‌ foster understanding, promote empathy,‌ and challenge misconceptions surrounding ‌the pro-life‍ movement.


Trump’s criticism of the Democrats’ radical abortion agenda ⁤serves as a ​call to action for pro-life​ advocates. While it is⁤ important to acknowledge the ⁣progress made during⁤ Trump’s presidency, ⁤it is equally important to demand ‍concrete plans ‌and strategies from ⁣political leaders to protect all life without compromise.

The battle against abortion extremism⁤ requires bridging the ⁤gap between⁢ the pro-life and pro-choice communities, promoting comprehensive sex education, increasing ‍access to contraception, and ‌providing support for ​pregnant⁢ women. Moreover, fostering a culture of life‌ requires⁤ creating a society that ‍values the dignity of every human being.

Ultimately, the ‍fight⁣ for ​the⁢ protection of unborn lives⁤ rests on the shoulders of pro-life⁣ advocates, who‍ can make a significant impact through grassroots efforts and respectful dialogue. Together, we can work towards ​a society‌ that‍ respects and cherishes every ‍life, from conception to natural death.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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