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Trump Jr. claims Nikki Haley is the establishment’s final attempt to halt his father

Trump Jr. Says Nikki Haley Is Establishment’s Last-Ditch Effort to⁣ Stop His Father

Donald Trump Jr. didn’t hold​ back when discussing ‍former United‌ Nations ambassador and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley. In an interview‌ with Breitbart, he labeled Haley​ as a hireling of the old Republican establishment. Trump Jr. ⁢praised Vivek Ramaswamy’s⁤ criticism of Haley during the​ Republican presidential debate,⁣ stating that Ramaswamy essentially ended her political career.

“Yeah, listen, honestly, ⁢the ‍only one​ who was impressive on ⁤there was Vivek, frankly. I think ‍he basically ended Nikki⁢ Haley’s political career.”

Ramaswamy criticized Haley’s neoconservative foreign‌ policy vision⁤ and questioned her authenticity. He even went as ⁢far as calling her corrupt and accused her of sacrificing ‍lives for ‌personal gain.

Trump Jr. also criticized Haley’s late support ​in​ the primary, claiming that it⁤ was a result of establishment donors jumping ‌ship from the campaign ⁤of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. He accused them of trying to⁢ regain control‌ by backing Haley.

Would you ‌vote for Nikki Haley for president?

“The same people that used to‌ support DeSantis because‌ they thought he was ‍the guy to ⁢take ⁤out Trump, so that they can ‌have their dancing monkey in the White​ House — ‍someone who ​needs them, who needs their dollars — they flipped over ⁣to Nikki Haley, and they’re trying to make that the last ‍hope,​ so that they ‌can have that kind ⁢of control.”

Anti-Trump oligarchs such as Charles Koch and Reid Hoffman have started financially⁣ backing Haley, according ⁣to Breitbart. Trump Jr. didn’t spare DeSantis either, criticizing his lack of social skills ‍and inability to connect with ‌people.

If⁤ any of them, ⁣whether⁤ it’s DeSantis, ⁤Ramaswamy, ⁤or Haley, want to make‍ a dent in the Republican primary, they have ‍a tough road ahead. Former President Donald Trump ‍continues⁤ to dominate ‍the​ polls, with a majority​ of support in recent surveys.

Haley has managed to secure⁣ a distant second place in‍ some national and state polls, challenging DeSantis.

The ​post Trump Jr. Says Nikki Haley‍ Is Establishment’s Last-Ditch Effort to Stop His Father appeared first on‍ The⁣ Western Journal.

What role does ⁣outsider voices like‍ Vivek Ramaswamy play in shaping public opinion about potential presidential candidates like Nikki Haley?


Haley, who served as the United‌ Nations‍ ambassador‌ under the Trump administration‌ from 2017 to 2018, has been positioning herself as a potential GOP candidate for the 2024 ‍presidential election. However, Trump Jr.’s​ comments indicate that the Trump‌ family may not be supportive of her ambitions.

This clash between Haley ‍and the⁢ Trump ⁣camp reflects a⁤ broader divide within ⁣the Republican Party. The ‍old establishment, represented by ⁣Haley, has ⁢been at odds with the populist movement led by former ⁣President Donald Trump and‌ his allies. ‌While some ⁤within the party see Haley as a more moderate and electable option, ‍others view her‍ as part of‌ the “swamp”‌ that needs to ⁤be⁤ drained.

Trump⁣ Jr.’s remarks also highlight the influence of outsider voices and anti-establishment sentiment in today’s political ‍landscape. Vivek Ramaswamy, a non-political figure, was able to have a significant impact on the perception of a potential presidential candidate like Haley. ‌This demonstrates the power of social media and alternative platforms in shaping public opinion.

As the ⁣2024 presidential race starts to take shape, it is clear that the battle for the soul ⁤of the Republican Party is far from over. The endorsement or rejection⁣ of⁤ figures like Nikki Haley will play a‍ crucial role in determining ​the party’s direction and⁢ its ability to unite behind a candidate. Ultimately, it will be up to the American voters to decide the​ fate of Haley ​and the future of the Republican Party.

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