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Trump grabs a marker, heads towards farmer’s combine, crowd goes wild.

Trump Pulls Out a Marker and Approaches Farmer’s⁣ Combine,⁢ His ‌Next Move Has Crowd Cheering

When former President Donald⁢ Trump put his John Hancock on ⁣a John Deere combine on Sunday, it was more than a⁢ simple autograph.

It was ⁢a sign of how seriously Trump is taking the Iowa caucuses in the 2024 ⁤GOP primary race, aiming for ⁤an‌ early victory in the first-in-the-nation test of candidate strength come mid-January.

And if the⁣ polls are⁣ right, Trump’s efforts are paying off —‌ big time.

Dan Scavino ⁢Jr., senior adviser to the Trump campaign, posted a video to ⁢social media capturing the moment when Trump approached the combine, marker in‌ hand. And the crowd cheered when he finished.

Trump also took the⁢ opportunity⁣ to land a crack about President Joe Biden: “You‌ think Biden could do that? I don’t think so.” Trump said as the crowd laughed.

And Scavino was‌ far from the only one posting the scene:

Note that Trump’s joke at the end was about Biden — not⁣ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Trump’s nearest challenger in ⁣the ⁢GOP race, or any of the ‌other Republican rivals.

Trump might be treating the presidential race ​like it’s already⁣ a ‌two-man contest between‍ himself and the doddering, Democratic incumbent, but the fact that he was⁤ doing it⁤ Sunday on an Iowa farm said it all.

Will Trump become the Republican nominee?

Will Trump become the Republican nominee?

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Trump clearly means to win the Hawkeye State — preferably by ‍big⁣ numbers to try to avoid a lengthy primary battle that⁤ could get more dangerous the⁤ longer it ⁢goes on.

In ⁢the⁢ last competitive GOP primary in ‍2016 (meaning no⁤ offense to all those 2020⁣ supporters of William Weld and Joe Walsh ‍ supporters out there), Trump actually lost the Iowa caucuses ​ to Texas ‌Sen. Ted Cruz.

Cruz was also the ⁢last ‌serious challenger ⁣to Trump‍ for the nomination. (As The New York Times reported at the time, former Ohio Gov. John Kasich stayed in the campaign a day later⁤ than ​Cruz —⁢ on May 4, 2016 — ‌but by then Kasich was largely a non-factor except for some ⁣admiring liberals and‍ conservatives who⁢ thought of him ‍just long enough to despise him.)

Clearly looking ⁣to avoid giving any of this year’s rivals a chance ​to get early momentum ​that could turn ​into a lingering in a race‍ where he’s‌ going to⁣ be fighting⁢ criminal⁤ charges while running for president⁤ at‍ the same time, Trump⁢ is​ looking to lock ⁢up Iowa.

So far, he appears to​ be getting it done.

According‍ to the polling site ‌ FiveThirtyEight, Trump led polls in September ​with spreads ranging from a low of ‍24 points (Sept. 19-21/Public Opinion Strategies) to ⁣a high of 35 points (Sept. 7-9/Emerson College).

The six polls listed give Trump an average lead of 29.6 percent, three-and-a-half months before ​Iowa’s caucuses ⁤convene Jan.⁣ 15. That’s the⁤ kind of extreme lead any candidate would ​be grateful‍ for —⁣ and⁤ there’s no doubt Trump​ is. But it’s not keeping⁢ him from campaigning‌ in the cornfields.

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So as the ⁢ Des Moines Register reported Sunday,​ Trump is stumping‍ in Iowa, attacking ⁣Biden’s ‌policies,⁣ downtalking Republicans challenging him for the nomination, and ‍basically working ⁢hard to try to make the first-in-the-nation caucuses ⁢the last-in-the-Republican-primary-race contest.

At the very least, he’d probably​ want ⁢to⁤ dominate ​the‌ field enough to convince ‍the longest​ of the long-shot hopefuls to ⁤drop out.

The more ‍Trump can treat the‌ nomination like a foregone conclusion, the more he’ll be forcing his⁣ rivals to play catchup or look like nonentities (or both), the more he can focus on the White House, and the more time he has to fight the criminal cases against him.

But it all starts in Iowa.

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The post Trump Pulls Out a Marker and Approaches Farmer’s Combine, His Next Move Has Crowd Cheering ‍ appeared first on ⁢ The Western Journal.

How did Trump’s marker signing ⁣of the combine show his seriousness about the Iowa caucuses and the upcoming GOP⁤ primary race in 2024?

Trump Pulls Out a ⁣Marker and‌ Approaches Farmer’s Combine, His Next⁣ Move Has ​Crowd Cheering

When ⁣former President Donald⁤ Trump visited Iowa on Sunday, he did more than just⁢ shake hands and give speeches.​ He pulled out a marker and signed a John Deere combine, showing⁣ just how serious he is about the Iowa caucuses‌ and the upcoming GOP primary race ⁣in​ 2024.

The crowd went wild as Dan Scavino Jr., senior adviser to the Trump campaign, captured the moment on ⁤video and posted it on ⁢social media. ⁤It was clear that Trump’s​ efforts were ⁣paying off, as the polls ‍showed⁤ his ​popularity skyrocketing.

But Trump ⁤didn’t stop at signing the combine. ⁢He also took the opportunity to make a ‍joke about President Joe Biden, asking the ​crowd ⁣if they thought Biden could do the same. The crowd erupted in laughter, clearly enjoying​ Trump’s humor.

The​ scene was captured by many onlookers and shared on social media, further spreading the excitement and⁤ support​ for Trump’s potential candidacy in 2024.

It’s worth‌ noting that Trump’s joke was specifically aimed⁣ at Biden, not at his closest competitor in​ the ​GOP race, ⁤Florida Governor ⁤Ron DeSantis, or any of the other Republican ⁤rivals. This indicated that Trump sees ‍the presidential race‍ as a two-man contest ⁣between himself and Biden, ⁢with DeSantis and others as secondary contenders.

The question remains:

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